(Sequel To MITNN) Life Of The...

By Dalton159

13.2K 710 59

Sequel to Mutant Is The New Normal More

1) New Member
3)The Great Escape
4) Viral
5)The Party
6) Superheros
7) Normal Life
8) New
9) Aidan
10) Meniff
11) What's Going On?
12) Dreams
13) Fortune
14) Revealed
15) End

2) The building

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By Dalton159

Shawn p.o.v.

The drive to the building was pretty boring, though it was better than the 2 month of being stuck inside that school. We had to take all the backroads we could and tried to stay away from the main roads. The main roads are the only places with cops or any FBI agents. Today though, is the annual yacht race and most of the police force will be there. The only people we have to worry about now is the FBI.

Our plan to evacuate has three teams, the Alpha, Beta, and Gamma teams. The Beta team, my team, involves Hailee, Jack, Sam, and me. Our part of the plan is to take this girl out of the building she's being held in.

"So what's so special about this girl," Jack asks. He is the one driving us right now.

"Have you guys noticed how warm it still is, in the middle of winter," Hailee asks us. We all nod our heads. It's really strange actually, because everywhere around us has been snowing except for our city. It's so warm that we're having the yacht race 3 month early. "Well this girl is the reason why. Her mutant power allows this place to feel like summer/spring time."

"So when we take her, the whole city will turn cold. What's the point of that," Sam asks.

"Well young Sam Porcelain, when we get her, the city will go through a dramatic shift. All the build up of winter will be released and a huge snow storm will attack the city. That will do three things for us, one, it will be a signal for all mutants to evacuate, two,  it will give us a distraction to evacuate, and three it will keep most of the Feds here and won't be able to chase us," she explains.

She then goes on to answer Jacks and Sam's question, while I get distracted by my phone vibrating. I stick my hand into my pocet and pull my phone out. I look down and see a text sent by Taylor.


Sup sexy cheeks

I roll my eyes at him and start typing a message for him.


Wht do u want Tay

Even though I would never admit it, the text made me smile a little.

I felt another vibration and I check my phone.


Sh. No using our real names on these disposable phones remember? My codename is Big D

Of course that's his codename.


Well D head wht do u want

I can already picture Taylor's face right now. Playfully glaring at his phone and mumbling profanities.

My phone began vibrating again and I saw his message.

Uu Shawn already talkin about giving head. Wow Shawn I didnt know you were so eager.

I felt my cheeks flush as I read his text. I had to calm myself for a couple second before continuing the message.

...anyway Kian wanted to remind you, you only have 30 minutes, so hurry

K. We got it. Btw I don't want to give you head

Keep telling yourself that. Bye sexy cheeks

I put my phone back into my pocket after reading his last text. I look outside the window and see that we've almost there. We were a couple yards away from the buildings gates.

"Shawn can you teleport from here," Hailee asks me.

"Yeah," I answer her.

I felt my body surge, like usual, before I teleported out of the car. My whole surroundings switch from the back of a car, to mid air, behind the gates.

All the cameras shift towards me and I teleport back into the back of the car. Hailee opens her window and some clear gooey stuff, shoots out of her hands. The goop lands on all the cameras and they stay still.

"What was that," Jack asks.

"A sticky substance that I create. It's really difficult to get off, unless your me, who can take it off easily. Now Sam fly us off."

Sam touches the outside of the car, and closes his eyes. Soon the car starts floating up and we pass the gates, above the cameras view point.

When we are out of sight of the camera, Sam floats us back down and we land on the driveway of the building. The building isn't wide, but it is really tall. It's made entirely out of brick, except for the metal doors. The roof of the building has a small garden and some metal poles on the corners to support the hollow glass pyramid that is over the garden.

We all get out of the car and walk up the steps to the building. Hailee checks her watch and looks over to us. "Hurry, we only have twenty eight minutes."

"Psh, that's enough time," Sam says as we walk in. As soon as we take,a first step, the ground in front of us all collapses. I look around and see that the stairs and elevator to go up are on the other side of us. "Okay, maybe not."

Hailee grabs my hand and she throws some goop onto the ceiling. The goop she makes is a string of goop and it looks like a vine. She lunges forward and we both swing like Spider-Man to the other side. We both land on the stairs and she lets go of her goop vine.

I turn back and see Jack and Sam flying over here. When they land, we run up the stairs. I ask Hailee why didn't we take the elevator and she says that the elevator is a trap that will keep you stuck in there. We ran a couple flights of stairs and I was starting to get tired. This building was really high.

By the time we got to the last floor before the roof, I was panting like a dog. Sweat was dripping down my face and everything looked blurry.

"Hurry. One more," Sam says, who only flew himself up. He floats ahead of us, to the stairs, when the ground rumbles. I was scared that ground was falling again, but that was proven wrong when the two statues near the stairs started moving. They are 9ft copper statues that were made to look like Ancient Greek warriors.

Sam moves out of the way as one of the statues tries to hit him with his metal axe. He flies back to us and hides behind us. "How are we suppose to beat them?"

"We don't," Hailee says. "These things are difficult to destroy and we don't have time to find out how. Jack and I will fight them off. You two go and get her okay?"

"Okay," we all say in unison.

Jack punches his fist together and he turns all metallic. He runs towards the machine and his hand shifts into a big metal needle. He jumps and starts fighting the metal statue.

Hailee throws some of her goop at the statue's face. The statue crosses his arm above his face and blocks the goop. Then the state tries to pull his arms apart, but they were stuck together. Hailee smirks at her accomplishment, but it doesn't last long. The statues eyes glow red and a beam hits the goop. The sticky substance disintegrates from the laser beam.

"Shawn go now," Hailee screams. The statue throws a laser beam at us and I teleport out of the way as Hailee does a backflip to dodge it. I quickly grab Sam and the two of us teleport out of there and go to the stairs. We run the rest of the way up and push the metal doors to the roof.

The roof was of the building was actually a garden. The whole thing was filled with fruits, vegetables, flowers, pushes, everything garden like. On each corner there were 10 foot poles and they all supported a pyramid glass dome that was over the garden.

It would have looked like a normal garden if it wasn't for the woman in the middle of it that was only wearing a white strapless bra and white underwear. The woman seemed to be in her early 20s or her late teens. She had long blonde hair that reached her chest. She was asleep on a table, with two machines connected to her.

"C'mom Shawn," Sam says, running towards the woman.

I follow him and run to the machine. There is a monitor on the machines and it was showing her vitals. I touched the house icon on the screen and I get sent to the home page. The home page had some other icons, but one red 'wake up' icon caught my eye. I pressed the button and the machines starts making some noises. I look over at the other machine and do the same thing.

Sam and I wait for the woman to wake up. I grab the clothes on the metal table and put it right next to her. After about 10 minutes, the woman starts to move a little. Sam goes up and shakes her. She groans at the movement and immediately opens her eyes. Her sky blue eyes look at us and she frowns. "Who are you," she asks.

"We're friends of Hailee," I tell her.

She seems to understand and she nods her head. She sits up and looks over at the clothes. She stands up and starts to put on the clothes. "We have to hurry. In a couple of minutes the actual security system will turn on," she says.

"This isn't the actual security system," Sam screams.

"I don't hear any explosions, so I don't think so." She finishes changing and she faces us. "Let's go."

"Hailee said you know how to deactivate the lasers on the outside," I says.

She walks over to a computer on the far side and starts pressing a couple of buttons. We hear something say offline before she looks at us. "They're disabled now, but there's a whole lot of fire power still here if we don't get out on time."

"Why did Ms. Reyes make this if she wanted us to wake you up," Sam asks her.

"Because she wanted me to be protected incase somebody tried to take me. Now hurry."

Sam grabs her and he leads her to edge. He jumps with her and they float down to the car. I on the other hand went back down the stairs to the others.

When I get back down, I see the whole last floor demolished and goop everywhere. Jack was still fighting the statue, but he was slowing down and panting more, while the statue still seemed to be working at 100 percent. He seemed to be doing better than Hailee, who could barely dodge the statue. I teleport myself to Hailee and then to Jack. I then teleport us to the attic.

When we appear on the roof, I felt drained. I almost fell onto the floor, if Jack and Hailee didn't catch me. I haven't teleported this much in a while and my body was starting to feel the strain.

"Are you okay Shawn," Jack asks me. I nod my head at him. "Okay, now how are we going to get out?"

"The lasers were turned off," I mention to them. Hailee gets a huge smile from that.

Hailee leads us the edge of the building. She tells Jack to just fall in his metal form and he does. He lands perfectly fine, except for the giant dent he left on the ground. Hailee creates a string of goop and tells me to hold on.

We jump off the building and with the sting goop she swings us to the car. We get inside the car and Jack starts driving with us inside.

I hope everybody else did their part to the plan.

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