The Remnants Of A Sand Castle...

By BallisticSasukeHero

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Minako Aburame Is the adoptive little sister of Shino. But don't let that fool you. She's a bundle of energy... More

The Remnants Of A Sand Castle (A Gaara Love Story)
Ghost From The Past
The Start
The Forest Of Death.... Then Me. Which Is Scarier?
Who I Am
The Past
The Internal Struggle
My Guilt
It Was Never Hate
What I Truly Feel
Uragiri's True Plan
Boiling Point
Waking up
Gaara's Unknown Secret
The Shukaku's Opponent
Orochimaru's Attack and Minako's Regret
The End Of Tears
The Last Arc: Gaara's Rescue, Part I
The Last Arc: History, Part I
The Last Arc: History, Part II

The Last Arc: Gaara's Rescue, Part II

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By BallisticSasukeHero

"It's so hot!" Naruto complained, wiping the sweat off his brow.

"Get over it, dork!" Sakura yelled, but even she seemed unhappy at the heat.

"Um, a little more of a serious attitude would be nice, children." I talked down to them sarcastically.

"I'm not a child," a silver spiked haired ninja said.

"You are one at heart, Kakashi," I retorted. He gave me a look, and everyone chuckled. I furrowed my brow.

"Hey, Minako..." Sakura started, "How do you know where Gaara and the Kazekage are?" She asked.

"Hah! Well, there's only one place where I'd know they'd go. So, of course they're there." I explained.

"And that's where, oh Great One?" Naruto sarcastically asked me.

"That's easy. The cave where Gaara was born. And the deathbed of his mother." I said.

"You seem to know quite a bit of Suna's history. Want to tell me why that is?" Kakashi coaxed.

"Nope, I really don't want to tell you. But if you're so curious, ask Naruto or Sasuke." I said, pointing to them.

"So... Why does she know that stuff, Naruto?'' Lee asked.

"Blah, blah, long story short, she's immortal." He waved his hand side to side as if to blow away the question.

"HAAH?!" Sakura exclaimed, "You're crazy Naruto! What's the truth, Sasuke?" 

"Ummm... That's it." He shrugged. Sakura's jaw dropped.

"Haha! So that's why you call us children! You're an old hag!" Kakashi laughed.

"Shut up! I'm a hag that can kick your ass, and you know it!" I yelled. 

Kakashi shut up.

"We're nearing the cave now. Be careful, everyone! This Uragiri, don't ask questions, but not only is he a Kazekage, but he's a user of a doujutsu!" I said.

"Which one?" Kakashi asked.

"One that's been lost through time. Only he and I have it. It's called the Isangan. The only doujutsu that can outrank the rest, and the only one that can change reality." I talked quickly.

"Change reality? What's that mean?" Lee asked.

"It means I can make it rain pink fluffy bunnies if I wanted too. It means actually changing the fabric of the universe, and defy universal laws. That's what it means." I said, and Lee looked shocked.

"Can you actually make it rain pink bunnies?!" He looked so happy.

"Oh my God! You hear that sentence and only retain the bunny part?!" I shouted, and he nodded with a stupid grin.

"God, Lee, you're like a bushy-browed Naruto. Work harder on changing that." I said. I ruffled my hair.

"Gah! Let's focus on rescuing Gaara!" I yelled. Everyone nodded. 

"When I call out the signal, we'll rush into the cave. Lee, Sakura, you two are best at taijutsu, so you will grab Gaara, and retreat. Sasuke and Naruto are best at ninjutsu, so you two will distract Uragiri. Kakashi is closest to my level, so he will help subdue Uragiri with me, understood?" Everyone nodded.

"Signal: GO!" I yelled, and everyone rushed off, including me.

Into the cave we go.

"AHH!" Lee.

"ARG!" Naruto

"KYAAA!" Sakura.

"Uh oh." Sasuke.

"Oh my." Kakashi.

"Well, I thought you'd come with an army, not a whole bunch of brats, Miyazaki." Uragiri smirked, and the smoke from the cave cleared. I chuckled.

All of my allies had been tied up in an instant.


"Well, in honesty I hadn't much hope for them. I mean, up against a reincarnated Kazekage? To win would be absurdity. Y'know, unless the winner was me. So, this type of one-on-one battle was expected." I explained, totally bluffing my failure.

"You mean, we were bait!?" Sakura screamed.

"Hush, fangirl, hush. C'mon, how did you not see it coming? If an immortal hag like me creates a simple plan like that, you should be scared." Again, total bluff.

I was just stupid. Stupidity cannot be cured. I live forever. Therefore, I am forever stupid.

I really don't know how I've survived this long... Maybe it's the whole 'immortal' thing?

Yup, that's gotta be it.

"Well, maybe you should just forget fighting and save me, the hostage?" Gaara said, looking nonchalant, while he was also tied up.

"Wow! Gaara! What are you doing here?" I asked, making a joke.

"You didn't come here for me?!" He yelled, looking disappointed and angry.

"Haha! Just kidding! Besides, this fight is long overdue. Frankly, I was supposed to be dead the last time we fought for real, right Uragiri?" I winked at him, and he chuckled.

"Yup. Imagine how surprised I was when I found out you were alive and in a new body in Konoha?" Uragiri smirked.

"Can I say something?" Sakura called out.

"Wha?" I asked.

"From your first description of him, Uragiri seemed like our arch-nemesis or something. But, I don't see a lot of hate between you two." Sakura said.

"Ha. Well, Sakura you're right. We did hate each other at first. But, over the years, hate dissipates. The only reason Uragiri really kidnapped Gaara, was to end this." I gave Uragiri a look that said, 'right?'.

"Yes, that's right. I had to know. Because I've thought of a new deal." He said, and I nodded, confirming my thoughts.

"Ahh. To think this day has finally come to pass. The day where I might become mortal once again!" I exclaimed, earning gasps from everyone.

"What do you mean, Miya?" Gaara asked, looking worried.

"I mean, if I beat Uragiri now, then I can become mortal, and only live out the rest of this life." I said, and everyone's jaw drops.

"but, Minako, how is that possible?" Naruto asked.

"There is a way to turn back an Isangan order. The only way is for an Isangan user to defeat the original perpetrator, and then the order will disappear. But, if the Isangan user that wanted the order to be reversed were to lose, then the perpetrator can turn back any Isangan order upon them, whether done by another user, or themselves. Basically, if I kick his ass, I become mortal, if I get my butt handed to me, then he can cancel any kind of Isangan 'curse' that was placed on him." I explained, and they nodded.

"So, I'd like to ask all of you, please try not to interfere, especially you, Gaara." I said, giving him a look.

"Was I that obvious?" He asked.

"Yup. That shuriken you're hiding in-between your ankles was discreet, but I'm sure Uragiri already knew about it." I said, and he nodded.

"Well, you know, worth a try." He said.

"Well, shall we begin?" Uragiri said. I nodded.

"First, the blood seal," I answered.

We spoke in unison, to start the contract.

"In the name of the Isangan, under the rule of the Wakai family, we give our blood to start the ritual of the Isangan Release batlle. We both agree to the terms of this contract." We both slit our wrists with a kunai lightly, and put our hands together, and spoke once more.

"We shall fight only under one truth. The truth that only a Wakai may know. We both agree that either of us is eligible to have our curse lifted, and we both know of the truth of how Isangan was made. We realize that no lies or treachery will occur. We fear only one leader, and worship only one name. Our Deity protects and guides this fight. Let the seal be made!" We finished by high-fiving and rubbing together our wrists.

"Since that formality is over, why don't we get started?" Uragiri smiled.

I smirked. "Sure, but remember, since this'll be the last time we fight, we better get everything off our chests!"

"Ahah! Sure!" He chuckled.

"Summoning jutsu: Ice Arrow!" I took some blood from my wrist, and summoned a blue, chilly bow and arrows. 

"Ice Arrow: Snow Blood!" The blue arrows turned ice white, and Uragiri set up his weapon.

"Sand Chain: Kazekage Style!" He shouted.

His sand weapon materialized, The chain was wrapped around his hand, and swung it towards me. I dodged right, and shot two arrows, which he moved instantly out of their way, and they stuck into a tree trunk, freezing it. As I tried to grab another arrow, his chain swung right back to me, latching onto my bow, catapulting me forward. I finally grabbed an arrow, and used it to try to slit his throat, he ducked, and punched my gut. The air was cast out of me, and I crumpled on the ground. 

"Sand Chain: Transform! Sand Saber!" He shouted, and his chain shortened into a sword. He slashed it down, and it nicked my arm slightly, after I tried to jump out of the way. I popped back up, and grabbed my bow, creating some distance between us. I tried to ignore the blood dripping down my arm, and set up for the next attack.

"You know, when a wretch like you took over Uragiri's body, I was very heartbroken. Gaara's father was like a best friend to me." I said.

"Yes, well, fate is a weird Goddess that's for sure." He countered. 

He charged up to me, and lashed out with his saber. I dodged, immediately pulling out a kunai, and slashing it across his nose. He flinched, giving me an opening to flip behind him, and kick him down.

"Come now, Uragiri. Us Wakai's don't believe in fate. It's our destiny to change fate. We believe in another entity." I said, grabbing an arrow, and shooting it down at his head. He slightly moved, and the arrow instead struck his ear. He cried out, and made use of my satisfaction to sweep his legs under my feet, and I fell down hard. He kicked my stomach, and swished his saber, making a deep cut in my waist. I winced in pain, but jumped up anyway, putting up my guard. 

"Yes, well, I wouldn't say we disbelieve in fate, more rather, like we shun her." Uragiri smirked.

"Haha. You know happened in history. We do more than shun fate. But no matter, our resident Goddess wrapped up that story." I answered back. I hooked my bow on my waist, and rushed forward, putting my fists up. Uragiri also hooked his saber, and we engaged in hand to hand combat.

A right hook, a roundhouse kick, and a left hook, and a choker's hold. these moves were crisscrossed between us, neither one of us was gaining the upper hand.

Here's where it got serious. 

"Isangan: Total Dominant Reality!" I shouted, and my shape morphed. My eyes flashed an iridescent fuschia, and Uragiri put up his guard. I got on all fours leaving a hand up for equipping myself with a weapon.

"Wakai Style: Reflex Abomination!" Uragiri shouted. His hair grew past his shoulders and they turned into a deep black color.

He rushed forward, taking his fast reflexes and jumped in the air and spun, forcing me to put up my arm as a guard from his kick. He landed, and I swept my free arm to knock of his balance, I then run up a tree, and catapulted toward his falling figure, a kunai at the ready to stab him.  He rolled over, and my kunai hit the ground. Uragiri rolled back over, using his foot to kick me to the ground. I jumped back up, but Uragiri was already on his feet. He punched my windpipe, getting close to crushing it. I stumbled back, but he kept advancing. He grabbed my neck, and picked me up. I struggled for air, and lifted my leg. I swung my leg at his chest, and it made a large enough impact for me to struggle free from his grasp.

"Nice... Try..." I sneered, my voice raspy.

"Got good, didn't I?" He smirked.

I charged, grabbing my forgotten bow, and diving in front of him, shooting an arrow. He was caught off guard. He tried to dodge, but to no avail. The arrow stabbed his arm, and he cried out.

Damn. Not a fatal blow.

Uragiri pulled the arrow out of his arm, throwing it out of the way. Blood dripped furiously down his pale arm. He whipped out many shuriken in a burst of anger. Uragiri was flustered.

That's why his aim was off.

"NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed. Diving. I sailed through the air, sealing the promise to Karura.

"MINAKO!" I heard a masculine voice scream. A red haired blur rushed over as I shot one last arrow at the shocked Uragiri. It sailed straight through his throat.

But I did not win.

For I got struck with a fatal blow first.

When I smashed into the ground, the untied Gaara rushed over, pressing his hand firmly over my heart, right where Uragiri's shuriken had gone through my chest.

"Minako! Why?!" Gaara exclaimed, a distraught look painted on his face.

"Like I... Was gonna let that stray shuriken kill you." I coughed, and blood came sailing out of my mouth.

"No!... You're going to die because you protected me! I... Loved you! I though one day, you would love me back. Be the first person to love me!" Gaara jumbled his words, and tears were dripping slowly down his white face.

Everyone else solemnly gathered around me.

"Gaara... You have been loved all along. I... Was there... When you were born. Your mother... Karura. She loved you more than anything. In her last moment... She begged me to protect you. I failed... Her once by letting Uragiri... Get his hands on you. I wasn't going to fail... Again." I swallowed.

"I... Was loved?" He asked.

"Yes, Karura adored you. I'm sorry that you're... Only finding out now." I coughed violently. I was close to the end.

"Is your soul going to roam Earth forever now?" Gaara asked, whispering in despair.

"Yes. But it's fine. I'll be somewhat at peace. So, Gaara.."

"Yes?" He asked.

"Find someone worthy of... Your love. You deserve better. Find someone who can... Truly love you with all of... Their heart. That will make me happy. You... Promise?" I demanded.

"I.. Promise." He said. He looked anguished, like he said that only to bring me peace in my last moments.

"Then.. I..." My eyes blurred. "Want to... s..ay..." Black ran up my eyesight. and my heart was so soft.

A chiding thought went through my mind.

I want to say... That maybe, just maybe... Karura wasn't the only one who loved you.


HI HI! Awwww... sadness, right? Well, the sequel is coming soon, so look out for that.

I feel bad for Gaara throughout this. I hope he'll have a better time in the next book.

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The book is called : The Wings Of The Castle.

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