soccer / Jack Johnson

By Gnarlygilinsky

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I should've never joined a boys team. ~a y/n fanfic~ More

team bonding
uh no thanks
thats my cue
captain jack
don't touch me bitch
gonna kill you
dicks out for coach theo
You're like on top of me

game day

431 13 6
By Gnarlygilinsky

I hadn't talked to any of the boys since Johnson's house yesterday. It was so awkward.
But unfortunately our first game was tomorrow and today was a 3 hour practice. In the burning heat.

I hesitantly walked up to bench aside of the field and put on my cleats. I felt all of the boys staring at me but I wasn't gonna say anything.

"Hey y/n listen were really so-" Nash began but I cut him off.

"We aren't talking about this right now. Leave me alone." I spat back at them. Shock washed over everyone's face, including Johnson.

"Uh ok guys so Coach told me to work on passing drills with someone in your position. So uh pick someone." Johnson said wearily, very uneasy from all the tension between us.

"I'll go with Grayson."


"Brooklyn come here."

"Y/n come do these drills with me." Gilinsky ordered. We were both center midfielders, except he started because he was better than me and also a senior.

I walked over to him without saying a word.

"So um can we talk about you and Jack?"

"There's nothing to talk about?" I said in a question way.

"well then why'd you kiss him yesterday?" He asked and my eyes went wide.

"Uh, cause he's cute and I was really drunk ok..." I mumbled feeling embarrassment.

"You like him? You know, Jack hasn't had a girlfriend since 5th grade." Gilinsky chuckled.

"Why not?" I asked curiously.

"Because he just doesn't really fool around with them often. He's so focused on college and getting a scholarship to play soccer for UCLA. He also is very like serious about keeping his grades up."

"So what he's like prude?"

"No not really he just doesn't like any of the girls from our school." Gilinsky stated passing me the ball.


"Are you pumped for the game?" Nate asked me ruffling my hair.

"Yeah I doubt I'll play a lot tho, doesn't bother me since Gilinsk deserves it." I simply responded.

"You excited to see your man Johnson up in the front, hopefully scoring some goals for us?" Nate teased and I rolled my eyes.

"My man? Funny one." I said gritting my teeth.

"Who's her man?" Johnson said coming up from behind us. He was wearing a Nike headband that pushed back his fluffy blonde hair, ugh what a cutie.

Nate chuckled, "you are." He said then quickly running away from us.

My face heated up and I gave a nervous laugh.

Jack had the same expression.

"Well uh good luck in the game, Jack." I said patting his arm awkwardly and walking away.

"Starting line up :
- Shawn on left, and Johnson at center and Nate at the right up at the front.
-Matt on left wing ,Gilinsky in the center and Sam on the right wing.
- Brooklyn right defense, Bradley center right defense, Tristan center left defense, Cameron left defense.
-Nash in goal."

Thank god I didn't start. It was very nerve wracking.

"Yo does that team have a girl?" I heard some kid with black hair from the other team ask.

I smiled and I screamed back,"yeah!"

Beau snickered at my obnoxiousness.

"Alright the game is about to start, captains go talk to the refs." Coach ordered as Johnson and Nash jogged up to the refs.


"Fuck Gilinsky is hurt." Ethan mumbled next to me on the bench.

"Oh fuck do I have to go in? I hope he's okay." I said feeling anxious.

We were in second half and had about 8 minutes left.

"Y/n you're in." Coach yelled as he pulled a limping jack off the field.

I nervously jogged to his spot.

Johnson's POV:

It was a corner kick, Shawn was taking it.

This tall Hispanic kid was covering me.

"That girl on your team is fucking fine as hell." He said to me to get on my nerves.

I was annoyed. I don't want him talking about y/n.

"I'd fuck her so senseless. Look at that bod-" i cut him off.


"Look at that butt I wanna stick my-" this time when I cut him off, it resulted in a punch to the face.

The kid fell to the ground. The ref blew his whistle and threw out his red card.


"Jack!" Nate screamed at me giving me a 'wtf' look.

I rolled my eyes and walked off the field, not acknowledging anyone on the way off.
I sat on the bench for the first time since freshmen year. I took a seat next to Gilinsky and Luke.

"That was fucking golden." Luke chuckled nudging me. I let out a small chuckle.

"Johnson get your ass over here."
Coach grumbled at me.

I reluctantly moved over to him.

"You just cost yourself not playing in two games." He said angrily.

I nodded, accepting my punishment. The buzzer soon went off and we won the game. 6-2.

As soon as the game was over all the boys ran up to me, asking me what happened.

I shook them off. I didn't want to talk about it.

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