Forgive and Forget: Dramione

By alexhaggertyy

5.3K 256 11

Lol please don't give up on this after the first few chapters, I know they suck, I do, and I'm getting to it... More

There's A Letter Here From Hogwarts
You Have To Live With Him
Let's Make A Pact
Try To Avoid Any Conflict
This Was Fun
Not an update but please read
His Highness of Slytherin
hi so here's what happened...
Is That All
He Hasn't Changed One Bit
You Happened
Twice Now You've Kissed A Ferret
Unforeseen Circumstances
We Can Be Anything We Want
For What It Is Worth

So Let Him

196 11 1
By alexhaggertyy

Check out the song if you've got time, mostly because it screams dramione and also because it makes me cry lol okay READ ON oh but if you haven't heard the song The Feeling by JB and Halsey, that will be in here at some point because WOW k go on

Clearing up the "unforeseen circumstances" issue wasn't a problem, but I had run up to the Head Table in the Great Hall, dragging a laughing Draco with me and practically screaming for McGonagall. When she came over to us I'd explained the whole thing, Draco, of course, being of no help, as he laughed uncontrollably the whole time. She had laughed it off with us and dismissed us to eat.

I let go of his arm as we gave each other a parting smile and ran to our respective tables to eat lunch. I talked to Ginny and Harry for a while, all of us blatantly ignoring Ron despite his attempts to talk to us, and Draco talked to Blaise and Theo.

Once I'd finished listening to Ron's prat-ness, I walked to the Slytherin table, fearlessly taking a seat next to Draco as his friends stared at me open-mouthed, not in a disgusted, she's not a pureblood way, more like in a wow, I can't believe she had the guts to sit over here way, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Draco later admitted that he was proud I'd had so much Gryffindor courage that night.

Blaise and Theo warmed up to me rather quickly though, and we all laughed when I told them how Draco had trashed the common room last night in his drunken state, as Draco looked on and grumbled that I was exaggerating. Every once in a while I'd look over to the Gryffindor table and see Ginny and Harry smiling encouragingly and Ron glaring. I brushed it off and stood up to leave when I was done, Draco following me soon after. I waited up for him outside the doors to the Great Hall and we began to walk to our Common room together when we were interrupted.

"Hermione! Hermione, wait up!"

I quickened my pace though the corridors as soon as I heard Ron calling my name, dragging a bewildered and and angry Draco by the sleeves of his school robes with me. When Ron caught up and grabbed my arm, I flinched, and Draco and I both pulled our wands on him.

Ron took a step back, putting his hands in the air.

"Hermione, I just wanna talk."

I waited for him to continue, and he braced himself, perhaps realizing how stupid and pathetic his next words were.

"I was hoping we would still be friends, even after everything that happened at the dance." At that he sent a glare Draco's way, and I gasped. "Don't you dare look at him like that! You're the reason that the dance went poorly, so don't even try to blame it on him!"

"'Mione, he was making a move on you!"
"So let him." I growled. Draco opened his mouth to protest, but I gave him a quick look and he reluctantly stayed quiet. There were a few more things I had to say, so I grabbed Draco's hand for support. Both he and Ron looked at our hands confusedly. I took a deep breath, terrified for my confession. The truth had to come out one way or another.

"I like him, okay Ron? He treats me the way I deserve to be treated, and all you ever did was talk down to me. I'm sick of you and your arrogance. You can't accept change, Ronald, and that's going to hurt you someday."

"Hermione, I... I don't understand. How can you fancy him? I've been at your side for ten years. How can you just cut me out of your life like this?"
How was he not getting this? My hands shook by my sides, and Draco squeezed the one he was holding comfortingly.

"Ron, I-I'm scared of you," I said quietly. I was completely fed up now. Why would he think that we could be friends again after he'd put me in the hospital wing and done nothing but hurt my feelings while we had dated?

"Wha- 'Mione, why would you be scared of me? I'm your best mate!" Ron argued.
"Not anymore Ron." I turned to Draco for support and he nodded ever so slightly, a small smile on his face. "I'm done dealing with your egotistical attitude. Maybe I can reconsider, but I need time." I sighed. "Lots and lots of time." And I walked away, still holding Draco's hand while he grinned like an idiot.

We made quick work to our common room. I sat down in the couch and immediately started crying. I felt so weak, I shouldn't be crying over him. But as hard as I tried, I couldn't stop. Draco sat next to me after a while, looking unsure.

"Hermione?" He murmured, after I'd calmed down a bit. "Yeah?" I sniffed.

He sighed, putting an arm around me. I leaned into him, unable to stop myself, and he tightened his grip on my shoulder.
"Don't cry over him. He doesn't deserve it, or you." He was quiet for a second. "No one does."

I swallowed, blinking back my tears. "Thank you."
I quickly swiped my tears away, taking a deep breath and giving him a smile. "Let's talk about something more cheerful, shall we?

"So," Draco said, removing his arm from around my shoulder and turning on the couch to face me. "When did you first realize that you liked me?"

I stared at him. "Surely you aren't serious?"

He laughed. "Of course I'm serious. I'll tell you when I started fancying you, if you want."

"Wait, you... you like me?" I asked, completely amazed.

"Of course," he said, a grin gracing his perfect face, making his grey eyes glow.

I gave him a look. "Fine. Consider me intrigued," I said, giving him a small nod, as if to say go on.

"First year," he stated confidently, shocking me. That long ago?

"When we had that detention in the Forbidden Forest and I ran back to you and Weasley and Hagrid screaming. You didn't judge me or laugh at me, you just shook your head and handed me your lantern." We both grinned, remembering that.

"Right, because you'd seen that thing drinking the unicorn's blood and gone berserk. Didn't you drop your lantern in the woods when you ran away screaming?" I teased. He rolled his eyes and reached out to me, twirling one of my curls in his fingers.

"Okay, for me it was–" I started, but he interrupted.

"Do you remember why you got that detention?" He asked curiously, but the look in his eyes told me he already knew.

I thought for a minute, (after all, it was eight years ago) before gasping and giving him an annoyed smile. "I remember now! It was your fault! You'd told on me and the boys for being with Hagrid when his dragon hatched! Oh, I was so angry with you. None of us could understand why you wouldn't just leave well enough alone."

He shrugged, grinning. "It was in my blood, I guess."
I rolled my eyes.

We sat quietly for a moment, before I broke it with a question that had been plaguing me since his confession.
"If you'd liked me even then, why... why did you call me a mudblood that day in second year?" I asked him quietly.

Guilt washed over his face, and I quickly reached out to touch his arm. "I'm sorry, you don't have to answer."
But he shook it off, trying to form the words.

"I don't really know, Hermione. I guess I felt like it was my only option, and believe me, it haunts me every day. All those thing I said and did to you, they killed me in sixth and seventh year." He paused, and I felt tears welling up in my eyes.

"Maybe I was trying to impress the older, very pureblooded boys on the team, or maybe I thought it would make me stop liking you. I... I don't know Hermione, but the only way for you to ever understand how sorry I am would be if you could read my mind, if you could've read it then." He sighed, taking my hand. "I think in sixth year, when you helped me that night, showed me the right path to take, even though I couldn't take it, I regretted it the most–"

"Sixth year? What are you talking about?" I interrupted. I'd never spoken to him once in sixth year.

He visibly stiffened, and I wrenched my hand out of his grasp. "I never spoke to you in sixth year, I was too busy trying to shut down Harry's Death Eater accusations about you. You were too busy trying to kill our headmaster!"

He flinched, and I regretted it, but I couldn't back down now. The look on his face told me that what he had said was a huge mistake on his part.

He was still quiet, looking at the ground. I stood up so quickly I got dizzy, glaring down at him.

He never made eye contact with me as he told me the story of how I'd bumped into him in the halls in sixth year. How I'd been such a wreck that I'd just let him lead me to the Room of Requirement and we'd sat down in front of a roaring fireplace, much like the one we sat in front of now, in a dark version of the room, filled with lost objects. How I'd confessed my feelings for Ron, and how, despite his feelings for me, he had comforted me. How I'd screamed and thrown books as far as I could when I explained how I'd felt when Ron and Lavender started snogging after the quidditch game in the Gryffindor common room. How he had taken my hand and held me as I sobbed, and how he had told me to ask Harry about all of this, which I later did. How we had then talked about what was going on in his life. How he had told me everything going on with Voldemort and Snape and their plans to have him murder Dumbledore. How I had then held him as he screamed and cried to me. How he had shown me the Vanishing Cabinet and its progress. How I had joked that he should tell the Death Eaters that it was ready and let them climb in, only to be lost in another dimension. How I had told him he should go to Dumbledore, or just stop working on this altogether. How he had then cracked his first smile all year and thanked me and given me a hug. How he had then erased my memory of it all with a simple obliviate, and how that had been his plan all along. To find someone in the corridors and tell them everything before making it so they would never remember. How he had sent me off to Harry with a dazed look on my face as the feeling of despair over the Ron situation overwhelmed me and my tears came back in time to get to Harry, who had been wandering around searching for me on the Marauders' Map, where I couldn't be found of course, since we'd been using the map to try and find Draco all year.

When he had finished I stared at him for what felt like hours, before turning and walking slowly out of the common room and into my room, locking the door and putting a silencing charm on it, although I knew I would still hear him break down out side my door, yelling for me to come out and talk to him, pleading for me to take him back, to help me understand.

And I did, loud and clear.

But I did understand. I just didn't want to listen right now, and that was what he needed to understand.

The thing was, I couldn't care less that Draco had erased my memory after I'd told him so many of my secrets. It was that I had known what was going to happen, that Dumbledore would die, that Death Eaters would soon be swarming the castle due to an inside job, that all of Harry's suspicions had been correct. That I had known, that I could have saved everyone, losing him in the process, but keeping everyone else. Then, I would've chosen that in a heartbeat. Now, I wasn't so sure, but I knew that I had to go be to feeling that way. No, I would need time to trust him again. Lots and lots of time.

So until then, I just sat quietly on the headboard of the day bed under my window, staring out over the black lake as the moon reflected off it and onto the tears rolling down my cheeks as I tried not to sob aloud.

Okay, so wow. That was a thunderstorm right after a sunny day, am I right? I cried buckets writing this, and rewriting this, and reading this, and rereading this, and editing it and etc. Damn. K so, ily, all 1.8k of y'all, you're my heroes and I can't believe this story is where it is now. I mean, I know that some have like a million reads, but originally I had only started writing this for me, and then I was like, hey, I should share this with my friend. And then with my other friend, who joined wattpad way after the two of us, but hey, this chapter goes out to you guys, chloe_tringali & olivianc13 Liv, you texting me and reminding me that leaving you two on a cliffhanger for the rest of our lives like three chapters ago was way too true, but I didn't live up to it lol ily guys. ALSO YOU BETTER HAVE LISTENED TO ALL THE SONGS (that's right I added more) BUT ESPECIALLY THE COUNTRY ONE BECAUSE THEY ALL MAKE ME CRY AND YOU GOTTA KNOW WHY ooh hey that rhymed. Anywho, you're both the reason I didn't stop writing this after the first like 7 crappy chapters, which, btw, I will be deleting and rewriting at a later date, lol. Like seriously, what was I thinking? Watching movies?! How could y'all not discourage that!? Where would they even get a television, because the room certainly did not come equipped with one! I don't even know, so I'm really sorry about that lol. Anyway, I'll see you at school Monday. Why did I say that, oml kill me now please. Byeeee 😘😘😘

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