Try To Avoid Any Conflict

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Hermione's POV

The second we walked through the doors to the Great Hall we were attacked by Headmistress McGonagall. She clamped her hands onto our shoulders and steered us to her office. Malfoy and I were wise enough not to protest.

She sat us down in the chairs across from her, then sat down at her desk. We stared at her. Her lips were tightly pressed together.
She spoke. "Your password is Lemon Drops. Feel free to change it when you get there. Your living quarters are in the Room of Requirement. You both have had experiences there, I presume?" She glanced at us both sternly over the tops of her glasses.

We both looked at our feet shamefully. She shuffled a stack of papers on her desk. "The portrait is Professor Snape." At this, Draco looked at the floor shamefully. Without even realizing what I was doing, I reached over and put my hand on his arm comfortingly.  He looked down at it, then up at me. We smiled softly at each other.

McGonagall noticed the exchange, but didn't say anything about, just smiled slightly.

"Ms. Granger to the right, Mr. Malfoy to the left. Do have a good year, and try to avoid any conflict." She finished, waving us off. We walked out slowly, confused. "Wait!" She called. "There was a, how to put it... mix up. I'm sure you'll find it." She said, looking a little... nervous?

We headed to the Room of Requirement silently for a few moments. "So." Malfoy said. "That was abrupt."
I nodded, agreeing. "Sure seemed like she wanted us out of there." I joked. He grinned a little, then said, "lemon drops." I started.
I hadn't noticed that we were already there. Professor Dumbledore smiled at us over the rim of his half-moon glasses and swung open. I walked through the door and gasped. There were red and green banners everywhere. It looked like Christmas threw up. "Ha. No." I shuddered, waving my wand. Now it was a nice combination of green and gold. I smiled. Perfect. "It looks like the Packers were here." Malfoy grimaced. I rolled my eyes, nonetheless surprised that he knew what the Packers were. He must've noticed my expression. "I've done my fair share of research, Hermione." He said, smirking. "It'll work." I said. "Green and silver is better." He muttered under his breath. I scoffed, then went up the staircase to my right. I stopped at the landing and surveyed the common room below me. There was a beige couch near the center of the room, facing the fireplace. It clashed terribly, but I could fix that later. There were a few scattered armchairs and coffee tables. It was pretty much the same as any common room, but a bit smaller. I looked up at Malfoy's door. He was standing on the landing, too. The mix up came to mind and I turned and spun into my room.

Malfoy's POV

I watched her turn and walk into her room. She walked like a model, tall and confident. I stared at her closed door for a moment, before turning into my own room.
My room was decorated beautifully with silver and green banners and the same colors on a bedspread. There was an armchair in the corner and a bookshelf filled with muggle books. I traced a finger over the spines. "Divergent, The Lightning Thief, The Sea of Monsters, The Fault In Our Stars, If I Stay, Paper Towns, The Lost Hero, The Emerald Atlas, The Blood of Olympus." I hadn't heard of any of these before. "Granger?" I called out. "What?" She snapped. Yikes. "Um, never mind." I said quickly. "Malfoy, you've already wasted my time and stolen my attention, what do you need?" She exclaimed loudly, storming into my room. I flinched. "I was just wondering if you knew any of these books?" She smiled, her gaze softening as she reached for a book I hadn't noticed before. The Perks of Being a Wallflower. "Emma Watson and Logan Lerman were in this movie." She said. "It's my favorite book though. The movie was good-"
"But the book is always better." I finished for her. I was glad we had found something in common.
We smiled at each other, eyes locking. Blue into hazel. She had gorgeous eyes. Light brown with specks of gold and green. I was suddenly aware of my proximity to her. Although I was a good 5 inches taller, my face was extraordinarily close to hers. Yet, for some reason, I didn't move.
Suddenly, she pulled her gaze away. "Anyway, we should watch this movie. Meet me in the common room at-" she checked her watch. "Eight o'clock." I nodded wordlessly as she left.
As she turned down the steps, she grinned. "By the way, your room is ugly." She said, sticking her tongue out at me. I just smiled and shook my head as she leapt down the stairs.
It was seven thirty. I quickly changed into a Slytherin sweatshirt and light gray sweatpants that said 'SLYTHERIN' in big College Font block letters going down the side of the right pant leg. I combed my hair quickly and rushed down the steps to the common room for the movie.

Hermione's POV

"Ronald! I don't care what you think! He's changed, Ron. He's not going to hurt me! He might hurt you, but then again, I might as well!"
Harry, Ron, Ginny, and I had received cell phones form the Dursleys as a "sorry we suck" present to Harry. It had been easy enough to multiply them, but it was hard as of now. Ron had heard from Ginny that Draco was Head Boy, and now he was demanding blood.
"Hermione! Are you that naïve? He's just using you to get on our good sides! He's going to kill us all!" Ron yelled through the phone. "Shut up, Ronald!" I screamed. I was crying now. Naïve?! I'm naïve?! Pfffft, he's naïve! I was vaguely aware of him still shouting through the phone, but I took it away from my ear and set it on the desk, admiring my room. The room was Gryffindor colors, and had a bookshelf with all my favorite books. I smiled a little, wiping away a stray tear. I looked in the closet and found all my clothes had already been transferred. I picked up my phone when I heard Ron go silent. "Hermione? Hermione!?" I rolled my eyes. "Ronald! Listen to me right this instant! I don't care what you think! Okay? I don't!" I was pacing now. "I trust Malfoy! Got that? I trust him, I believe in him. He's changed for the better! I don't care if you can't see that, alright? Whatever we had, consider it desperation on my part! We are through, Ronald!" I could hear his rapid breathing through the phone, and it was annoying. "Goodbye." I muttered, flipping it shut. I didn't say they were good phones. "Granger?" Called a voice I knew to be Malfoy's. "What?" I snapped. I winced. I hadn't meant for it to sound so harsh. "Um, never mind." He said quickly. I wasn't in the mood for this. "Malfoy, you've already wasted my time and stolen my attention, what do you need?" I stomped into his room to see him standing at the bookshelf. He grimaced visibly, and I automatically felt bad. "I was just wondering if you knew any of these books?" I smiled, reaching for my favorite, The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

"Emma Watson and Logan Lerman were in this movie." I said. It's my favorite book though. The movie was good-"
"But the books are always better." He finished for me. I was abruptly aware of how close were were. Our eyes were locked. Hazel into blue. Although Draco was a good head taller than I, his face was rather ridiculously close to mine. And he wasn't backing out either. I wasn't sure that I wanted to do this, but what did I have to lose? I technically didn't have a boyfriend. No. Too soon would be an understatement.
"Anyway, we should watch this movie. Meet me in the common room at-" I checked my watch. "Eight o'clock." He nodded, and I turned to leave, but not before saying, "By the way, your room is ugly," and sticking my tongue out at him.

(Movie scene next 😏😏😏)

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