Shadow Thief

By Qthehunt

231K 11.1K 1K

Shadow is a mystery to the city of Lament. A thief by night and an average bystander by day. With no family t... More

1 - The Thief
2 - Nothing
3 - Captured
4 - Squadron Five
5- Plans
6 - Outside this Damn Building
7 - Missions
8 - Weaknesses
9 - Seriously?
10- A Little Bit of Trust
11- Outside
12 - Decades Away
13 - Blood
14 - Attack
15 - If You Need Me
16 - It's Personal
17 - Free Day
18 - Practice, Practice, Practice!
19 - Night Before
20 - Competition
21 - A Shoulder to Lean On
22 - Thinkers and Fighters
23 - Time to Shine
24 - It's the Final...Fight
25 - Radicals and Suicides
27 - Changing Tides
28 - Stitches
29 - The Girl Called Lena
30 - Another World
31 - No Time
32 - The Beans be Spillin'
33 - Hallelujah
34 - Breaking and Entering
35 - How to: Armies
36 - I Want To
37 - We Cling and Clutch
38 - Selfish Me
39- Light it Up, Take it Down
40 - Got You
41- We are the Stupid
42- Kind of a Hero (End)

26 - Outside Maple

4.8K 236 8
By Qthehunt

The black mare neighed as she brushed past a tree. I loved the feeling of riding horses. Feeling the beet of her hooves and the thumping of her heart while wind rushed through my golden hair, tied behind my head. The cold daggers pressed against my arms and legs while the others were tightly restrained on my waist.

"Shadow!" Bryce's obnoxious voice called. "For the last time, it's getting dark. We need to stop."

"I was having a moment here!" I yelled back, glaring at Bryce. "Don't you know when to shut your mouth and let me enjoy the silence? I don't get that often with you around."

The others were trying to hold back laughter while I pulled the dark horse to a stop in a nearby clearing. One big enough so that we could set up two tents. For the slower of you, that's a girls tent and a boys tent. I, of course, left the tent setting up to the others, calling it survival training.

Surprisingly enough, Levi was good at setting up tents, so the others left most of that to him. Well, it was either that or sleep in upside down tents with holes in the tops, or bottoms.

"Alright, all of you!" I yelled, calling all of their attention over to me. "Get over here so I can tell you about what's going to happen when we get their." They obeyed, making a small standing half circle around me. "From what we were told, we should be at the tomorrow night. Just like last time, leave recon to me. I'll go in, find the head honcho, and come back with full plans for the next night. Got it?"

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Theo asked. "I mean, aren't human traffickers supposed to be even more dangerous than black market traders?"

"Yep, ten times worse, which is why none of you are going in unprepared."

"But what about you?" Levi asked. "Will you be okay?"

"Who do you think you're talking too? I'm Shadow the Thief, the best in the business. If anyone's gonna get in and out of there without getting hurt, it's me. Now then, all of you, get some shut eye. I'll take the first watch. Bryce, you'll be second."

"What?" Bryce whined. "Why me?"

"I'm sorry, who ruined my ride?"

He grumbled, but didn't reply.

"Shadow," Theo said, looking at me, "do you want me to stay up with you? I mean, not forcing you or anything, but.."

This will probably be one of the last nights I get to spend with him before I leave. Damn, talk about depressing.

I could easily see the sadness in his eyes when I thought I was gonna say no.

"Yeah," I answered, smiling when he brightened up. "That'd be nice."

He followed me, smiling the whole way. We choose a place a few feet away from the main camp, where we could see the whole camp and a distance away from it without being spotted by attackers. I leaned up against a tree with dark bark and Theo sat besides me.

I looked up at the stars which were partially covered by trees. Even so, they were beautiful. They sparkled in the sky, much brighter than the city. More beautiful.

"You know," Theo said, "we've been spending a lot of time together lately."

"I noticed. I think some of it had to do with Mercy's expert planning."

"Maybe. It's not such a bad thing though, is it?"

"Not really. I mean sometime, we might not get to be..."

"Get to be what?"

"Nothing. Don't worry about it."

I could tell that he didn't like me brushing it off, but I didn't really care right then. Well, that's a bad way of putting it. I didn't like it when he was upset, so instead of talking about it, I compensated. Crawling besides him, I snuggled into his side. He seemed shocked for a moment, but then wrapped his right arm around me, bringing me closer.

"You know," he said into my ear, sending chills down my spine, "I can when something's wrong with you, even if you don't feel like telling me."

"I know."


When the moon was at it's highest peak, I regretted moving, but I was about to fall asleep and someone needed to keep watch. Theo was already sleeping on my shoulder, refusing to let go of my waist.

"Theo," I said quietly, poking him in the stomach.

He grumbled a bit before looking down at me with tired half lidded eyes.


"Time to go back to the tents."

"Already?" He yawed, stretching his arms to their full length before standing up. I instantly missed the warmth of his body against mine, but didn't mention it.

"Yeah. Come one, let's go back to the others."

Nodding, he came over and wrapped his arms around me again, this time from behind.

"Just a little longer," He mumbled into the back of my neck. If today was a normal day, if I wasn't planning on leaving, I might've shrugged him off. Today wasn't a normal day. I was leaving in four to five days and I wasn't going to get the chance to say goodbye. So I let him.

After a minute or so, he let me go and we walked back into the camp. I said goodbye, asking Theo to wake up Bryce for the next watch.

When I crawled into the tent, Mila was snoring away at the far side while Mercy was laying on her side, watching me with drowsy eyes.

"Why can't you just tell him you like him?" She whispered.

I laughed a little at that. "Sometimes things just weren't meant to be."

"Then change things."

I smiled at her, twisting around so that I faced the entrance of the tent. The opposite direction of Mercy. Maybe I should've stayed up longer for watch, enjoying the long gone warmth. I wasn't sleeping much tonight anyways.


The next morning, we were off again, heading out in the direction of danger. We were allowed to take seven horses this time. One for supplies and the rest for each of us. We could hide them in the dense trees and tie them down. Unlike the desert where we were out in the open, minus a few rocks.

At night, we reached another clearing not far from the human trafficking center. Dismounting the horse, I checked my weapons, making sure they were properly secured before turning to leave. As I was about to walk off, someone caught my wrist. I turned back to see Mila giving me a worried look.

"Will you be okay?"

"Of course I will,"  I replied. "I'll be perfectly fine." I gave her a reassuring smile before heading off in the direction of the compound.


It took me half an hour to walk to the tall compound. With all the trees and bushes, it was easy enough to avoid being seen by the buildings guards. When the rest of Squadron came, we'd have to be careful and precise to avoid being caught. Thinking of Levi and Bryce, the words precise and careful didn't come to mind. We'd have to take out some guards to get all of them inside.

When I picked out a place where trees reached above the walls to break in. Using all my daggers, I scaled the tree to an outreaching branch. From there, I walked until I was over solid rock before dropping down two feet. I'd need to find another way in if I was planning on getting everyone else inside.

Walking across the thin wall, I stayed low, letting my black clothes bled in with the dark night. From up here,  I could see that there were twenty or so buildings, ranging in sizes from ten by ten to big. Sighing, I went over the info from a few days ago.

The target had dark skin with black hair. A scar below his lower left cheek. Samuel Verenza, was his name. He was the ring leader around here. If I caught him, the rest would fall shortly behind.

If the Kaiser really was out for my head, then I had to be extra careful. He knew I was good, and probably wouldn't send me into an easy job. I wanted to be extra careful when fighting this guy, and I especially didn't want the others fighting him.

My eyes scanned the perimeter as I caught sight of the man. He had two daggers strapped to his waist. Two guards flanked him, both with swords strapped to their waists. Smirking to myself, I followed the man from the high vantage point of the roofs of buildings. He was heading towards the center building, the largest.

When I was on the roof of the huge building, I was hit with a horrible scent. I gagged, trying not to vomit out the contents of the small dinner that I'd eaten not long before. Taking small breathes, I watched the man pull a cloth from his pocket and covered his mouth with it.

One of the two guards pulled a key from his pocket to unlock the door. It screeched as it slid open. I lost sight of them as they went into the building. Sighing, I pulled the collar of my shirt over my nose and dusked into the third story window.

What I though would be a three story building turned out to be single story. I was horrified by what I saw inside. Kids, children crammed into a room together with little to no room to move. They sat on hay bails that stacked all the way to the roof, thought non of the dare went that high. Smart move, too. I doubted they could get that high with those meatless twigs they called arms.

I felt a rage build inside me as I watched the man examine the kids. He stopped every once and a while to grab onto one's arm or face to examine them. Like animals, I thought. He treats them like animals.

I had no choice but to watch the man pick through the kids before turning and leaving the room, his two guards following him. He came to another building where I watched him comfortably tuck himself into bed and sleep.

Right now, I thought. I could go in there and end it all right now. I could kill him, slit his throat and leave the rest for dead. But if I did, someone else would just rise to the top. Especially without the rest of my squadron to ensure that the man was secure. They could make sure that the kids were taken care of.

Letting out a low growl of anger at myself, I went off and found a back door to leave unlocked. No, even better, I broke the lock so that they'd have to take the time to fix it instead of just locking it.


I'd finally reached the camp only to find that they weren't alone. I drew a single dagger and approached the camp cautiously. When I could better make out faces, I could see Baylee talking to Mercy. Sighing, I sheathed my dagger and came into the clearing.

All eyes were on me as I approached. I took a seat besides Theo who I could tell had been waiting for me.

"What happened here?" I asked, going along with it.

"Good to see you too, Shadow," Baylee replied in a half sarcastic tone. "It seems like our missions overlapped. We were sent off just an hour after you. I was talking with you squadron here and we all agreed that working together would be for the best. So, here they are, my Squadron Four."

I was introduced to the whole of Squadron Four. There were four boys and a single girl. I was glad to see that there was at least one other archer who could work from afar besides Mila. Along with the archer, three of them use swords while the last guy used daggers. I honestly don't remember any of their names.

"So," Baylee said, after we'd all introduced ourselves, "seeing as you went out for recon, why don't you tell us what you saw?"

Nodding, I indulged them in the gruesome details of the human trafficking center.

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