Love Lost

By MzKnowitAll

24.2K 1K 114

Caroline was there in 1922 when Klaus and Rebekah met Stefan. She fell in love with Klaus and he with her. Re... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Authors Note
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 22

1.2K 47 13
By MzKnowitAll

AN: The end has come fellow Klaroline lovers. Point out any mistakes please.

Klaus POV

I have no idea how to react to that. "Caroline.." I run upstairs, remembering why we actually did that ritual. I bust into my room and there she is. Caroline is still in my bed, but she's sitting up this time. Her eyes immediately connect with mine, "Nik!" She gets up to run toward me but she stumbles. I flash to her side and help move her back to the bed, "You're weak love, you must rest."

I put her on the bed and pull the covers up over her. "I'm going to go get you a blood bag." I say and exit the room. I go to the kitchen and grab a few bags out of the refrigerator. I always have some stored just in case. Elijah walks into the room, "How is Miss Forbes?"

I nod, "She's fine." I go to walk out of the room but he stops me, "Are we going to discuss this?" I sigh, "There is nothing to discuss Elijah, Caroline is alive and the witch is dead." I went to walk again but Elijah grabbed my arm, "Niklaus, that woman gave up her life so that you could live. She gained nothing. At least show some gratitude." He let go of me and walked out.

I ignored his words and just went back to Caroline. She was pacing when I walked in. I quickly placed the blood bags down and went over to her, "I told you to rest. You need to relax and get your strength back." She looked up at me with tears in her eyes, "What's wrong Caroline?" I ask as I wipe some tears away.

She sniffles, "She's dead because of me." I give her a confused look, "Who?" She pulls away from me and wraps her arms around herself, "Tanisha. I heard you and Elijah downstairs. She died saving me." I didn't want to lie to her, it would be useless anyway. "I can't tell you that you're wrong, no matter how much I want to because I can see how much this hurts you. Yes she died doing a spell that would save you, but it was her decision. She wasn't forced or compelled, she decided this Caroline. She knew of the possible consequences, every witch knows that spells don't always go the way you want them too and that things can and will go wrong."

She took a deep breath and nodded, "Okay, you're right." I smiled and went to hug her. She put her hand up, "I'm still pissed at you." I raise my eyebrow, "I ask my witch to save your life and you're pissed at me?" She scoffed, "Really Nik? So did you just forget about compelling me to forget you?! Or how about killing one of my best friends!" She walks closer and closer to me as she screams. She stops in front of me and starts hitting my chest, crying, "Or what about the worst one, doing a spell that would kill you in order to save me! I...I told you no!"

I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her to my chest. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. You don't know how much I hate myself for what I did to you." I pushed her back a little so that I could see her face. I wiped some more of her tears, "What I will never apologize for is saving you Caroline. I will not apologize for sacrificing myself and that witch because in my eyes, you come before everyone else. Your life's most important, even more important than my own. I would do anything for you, that includes dying."

She shakes her head, "I know, and that's what scares me the most." I look at her confused and she pulls away from me. "You killed one of my best friends and you know what? I'm mad at you for that, I really am, but I know that I'll forgive you. You kill people when you're upset and you carry your family around in boxes because at some point in time they've either hurt or disappointed you. And I still love you. I love you so much and it's killing me because what type of person am I that I can forgive all of that?!"

I try to comfort her but she keeps pushing me away, "Love please.." She shakes her head, "What's wrong with me?" I didn't know that I was also crying until I felt the tears roll down my face, I did this to her. "Nothing's wrong with you, you're perfect." She laughs, "I'm far from perfect." I walk up to her and stroke her cheek, "You're perfect Caroline, I know you don't see it, but I do. You're beautiful, you're strong, you're full of light, and I love you." Then I kissed her.

It felt like I hadn't kissed her in so long, even though I did some days ago. This kiss felt different, almost as if we hadn't seen each other in years and we needed this to show each other how we felt. To show each other our feelings were still there, maybe even stronger than before.

I swiped my tongue over her bottom lip and she opened her mouth. I pushed my tongue into her mouth, dancing with her own. I walked us forwards until I felt her knees hit the bed. We pulled away and she lifted my shirt, leaving trails of kisses on my chest as she did. I pulled her shirt off and pushed her onto the bed, getting on top of her. We started kissing again as we both went for the other's belt.

I laughed at how eager she was. When it seemed like taking off my pants was becoming a struggle for her I stood up, took them off then also removed hers.

"I missed this, I missed you." Caroline said, wrapping her arm around my sheet covered waist. I kissed her forehead, "Me too." We lay there for a bit in silence. When she kisses my chest is when I decide to speak, "Caroline?" She moves around a bit, "Mmhm." She must be falling asleep, but I have to tell her this. I scoot down so that we are face to face, she opens her tired eyes and looks at me, "Earlier you asked me what was wrong with you." I can see that she's about to speak, "Let me finish."

She nods reluctantly and I continue, "Well there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. And I'm not saying this because I love you, I'm saying it because you need to understand. I am a terrible person Caroline, I've killed so many people and I've enjoyed it. I haven't had any regrets. Not until I met this woman in 1922." She smiled at me.

"She made me want to be a better person for her. She accepted me, all parts of me. And I, of course, fell in love with her. Now the thing that she doesn't know is that one of the things I love most about her is that she looked beyond what others saw. She didn't see me as the devil, she didn't see me as a psychotic mass murderer, she saw the man behind the beast. She saw the man that I had tried to bury, and she loved him. The best part of that is she saw the beast first. She fell in love with the beast, then the man. In my eyes this woman is truly remarkable because she was able to see what others couldn't, what they still don't. You broke down any sort of walls I put up Caroline, and I'm glad you did."

She smiled at me and pulled me into a kiss. "I love you too."

Caroline POV

~ One Day Later ~

The sound of my phone ringing pulls me out of my dream. I wake up and see that I'm lying on a chest. I look up and see Nik's face, he's sleeping. I smile to myself as I reach over to grab my phone, without checking the called id I answer it. "Hello?" My voice sounds a bit weird since I just woke up. "Caroline! Oh my god where are you?! We've been worried sick!"

I sit up immediately, "Bonnie? What's going on? Did something happen?" Nik's eyes pop open at my worried voice. "Caroline, we've been looking for you for the past two days! Where are you? Are you okay? What happened to you?" She rushes all the questions out at once. I can't believe I completely forgot about everyone! "Yeah yeah, I'm okay. I'm sorry I didn't call, I've just been...." I trail off when Nik began to kiss my shoulder.

I held in a giggle, "Busy, I've been really busy." I hear voices in the background, "Caroline we need you to come to the Stefan's house, now." Then she hung up. I fall back on the bed, "Who was that?" I sigh and get out of the bed, getting dressed quickly. "That was Bonnie, I have to go." He sits up in the bed, "Okay." When I'm fully dressed I walk over to him, "I'll be back." He smirks at me, "I know." I laugh and give him a quick kiss before walking out.

"Bye Bekah! Bye Elijah!" I say as I leave the house. I go to walk to my car but then I realize I didn't drive here. "Ugh." I groan as I turn around to walk back into the house. Nik is standing at the door, smirking, "Need a ride?" He's gotten dressed and his keys are dangling in his hand.

"Yes, but to my house." He nods and we get into his car. When we reach my house I reach over and grab his hand, "I'm going to tell them. I just need to take care of this first. I'm not ashamed of you Niklaus." He chuckles before kissing me, "Go do what you have to, I'll be at the house." I nod, kiss him again, then leave the car. Elizabeth's car is not in the driveway, she must be at work.

I run into the house, quickly take a shower and change clothes, then I hop into my car and drive to Stefan's house. When I get there I see Elizabeth's car. "What's she doing here?" I walk up to the door and into the house. "Bonnie?" I call out. I walk farther in and see everyone in the living room, including Elizabeth. She sighs out of relief and runs at me, "Caroline! Thank God you're okay!" she says, hugging me tightly.

I return the hug and after a minute we both pull away. She wipes away some tears and steps back. The first person I see is Elena and I rush toward her, pulling her into a hug. "You're okay! Thank goodness!" She laughs and hugs me back. Bonnie soon joins in and now I'm in a group hug.

Elena pulls away, "Where have you been Caroline?" My smile drops and I step back. "I have to tell you guys something." They take a seat on the couch while I stand, thinking of a way to tell them. "Well spit it out blondie!" Damon says. "Are you okay Caroline?" I look over and see it was Stefan who asked me.

Memories from when we first met attack my mind and I suddenly feel sad for him and for Bekah. Rebkah had become one of my close friends back then and we reconnected after I got better. We spent all day yesterday just talking in Nik's room, catching up. Nik wouldn't let me leave his room, he kept talking about how I needed to rest. He gave me a blood bag almost every hour, he took care of me. I smile just thinking about him.

"Yeah Stefan, I'm fine." I look around at everyone, "I need all of you to listen to me, I mean really listen to me." I take a deep breath, "I'm in love with Niklaus Mikaelson and I have been for almost ninety years." And then I told them everything. I started when we first met and talked about everything all the way up to today. I left out the parts of Nik and I having sex of course.

The first response I received at the end of my story was Damon's laugh. I glared at him and he stopped, "Oh you were serious?" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest, "Yes Damon, I'm serious. Could someone please say something?" I looked over at Stefan, but he didn't look at me. He looked as if he was having an internal disagreement with himself. "How could you?!"

Elena got up and screamed at me. I uncrossed my arms, of course she'd be upset. I expected this, "Elena you need to understand-" She cut me off, "No Caroline! All I need to understand is that Klaus killed Jenna! He tried to kill me! He took over Alaric's body and compelled him to spy on us! And let's not forget about all of the innocent people who have died over the years because of him!"

I knew she was angry and that she had a right to be, but I couldn't stand here and let her say those things about him, she doesn't know him. "You don't know him Elena, not like I do. He-" She interrupted me again, "Stop Caroline! He's a psychotic mass murderer!" She walked up to me and put her hands on my shoulders, "Did he compel you? Is he forcing you to do this? To be with him?" She kept on rambling.

That was the last straw, I pushed her away from me, "You have the nerve Elena Gilbert. Last time I checked you were the infamous ripper Stefan Salvatore! Do you know how many people he's killed?! Do you care?! You come at me and judge me for loving Niklaus and yet you're sleeping with Stefan! I mean Stefan's a great guy and my best friend and all but come on Elena. Last time I checked his hands are drenched in the blood of innocents."

I put my hand over my mouth, what did I just do? I look at Stefan, "I'm sorry I didn't mean-" He shakes his head and gets up, "It's okay, but I need to see Klaus." Damon gets up, "You need to what? Brother, you can't be serious. Think about this Stef." Stefan looks over to Damon, "He took my memories Damon, I need to remember." The only people who still haven't said anything are Bonnie, Tyler, and Elizabeth.

"Liz?" She doesn't look at me at first, she takes a deep breath. "Are you happy?" I'm caught off guard by her question, but answer nonetheless, "Yes. He makes me happy." She gives me a small smile, I can tell it's forced, "Well then if you're happy then that's all that matters." Tyler stands from his seat, "How can you say that?" He screams at Liz, then turns on me, "You wouldn't be with me but you'd be with that monster? What the hell is wrong with you?" I step back, it feels like I was slapped in the face. I don't know how to respond to his words. "Back off Tyler." Surprisingly it was Bonnie who spoke.

Tyler scoffs and storms out of the house. Bonnie walks over to me and gives me a hug, "I don't approve of him, but you're happy. So it will just take me some time to get used to the idea of you two together. Just give me some time." I nod and squeeze her even tighter, "Thanks Bon." She pats my back and pulls away, "I've gotta go." She then says her goodbyes to everyone else and leaves.

"I have to leave too, I've got to get to work. We'll talk at home yeah?" I nod and hug Elizabeth before she, too, leaves. "Well then, that was unexpected." Damon says, pouring himself a glass of bourbon. I roll my eyes and look over at Elena, "Elena.." She puts her hand up, "Don't Caroline, just don't." I nod, wiping a tear from my eye, "Okay, you need time. I understand that."

She shakes her head, "I don't need time Caroline, I can't do this with you. I can't look at you and see the same person anymore. I'm definitely not about to go on double dates with you and Klaus. When I look at you all I see is a girl that used to be my best friend but decided that she wants to be with the man that ruined my life, I won't be friends with someone like that."

"Elena please-" She interrupts me, "Get out. Just get out." Stefan steps up, "Elena, you're overreacting." She looks at him, a look of betrayal clear on her face, "I'm overreacting!" I can tell this will turn into a fight, I don't want that. I grab Stefan's arm, "Come on Stefan, you said you wanted to see Nik. Let's just go." I say and walk out, wiping the tears from my eyes as I do so. We get into my car and I let Stefan drive, I need to get control over myself. If Nik saw me like this things wouldn't go well.

We drive in silence and when we finally pull up to Nik's house I check myself in the mirror one last time before getting out of the car. Stefan follows me into the house. When we walk in I head straight for the living room, I can hear everyone in there talking. I walk in and all of them, Nik, Rebekah, and Elijah, look up at Stefan and I. Nik smiles at me but then he frowns, rushing to my side.

He wipes my cheek, "What's wrong sweetheart? What happened?" I smile at him then wrap my arms around his waist, hugging him. He doesn't hesitate and hugs me back. I see over his shoulder Rebkah giving me that 'we'll talk later' expression before she gets up and leaves the room. I remember that Stefan is next to me and I pull away, but Nik puts his arm around my waist. "Stefan wants you to lift the compulsion." I say, getting straight to the point. Nik looks down at me and then over to Stefan.

Nik walks over to him and outs his hands on Stefan's shoulders, "Now you remember." he says, staring into Stefan's eyes. Stefan stood there for a minute, no reaction. He then stepped back and before anyone could say a word he punched Nik dead in the face. "Nik!" I screamed out in surprise as he fell to the ground. He was on the ground, holding his jaw and laughing. "Where is she?" Stefan asked me. I smiled at him and told him the location of Rebekah's bedroom. He immediately went in search for her and I helped Nik off of the ground.

"You deserved that." Elijah said as Nik got back on his feet. Elijah chuckled then walked out of the room. Nik grabbed my hand and pulled me into his lap as he fell back onto the couch. I laughed and tucked my head under his neck. He rubbed small circles on my lower back and thigh, "Tell me what happened." he whispered. I sighed, I hoped he'd forget about that. "Tyler blew up at me, Elena hates me and never wants to see me again, Bonnie needs time, and Elizabeth said she's okay with it as long as I'm happy."

I rushed out the words, the quicker I said them the quicker this conversation would end and I wouldn't have to think about it. Nik squeezed my thigh, "They don't deserve you." I nodded and kissed his chin, "Thanks." He pulled my face up to look at him, "I love you Caroline Forbes, and nothing and no one can change that." I smile, "I love you too Niklaus Mikaelson, always." Then I kissed him.

AN: MY FIRST COMPLETED STORY!! Yay!!! Okay so sorry for all of you that wanted explicit detail during the sex scene. But this story was not marked as mature so...Yeah. Thanks for all the votes, comments, and follows. Thanks for going on this ride with me!

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