Finding the Missing Piece: Bo...

By cogdill

204K 9.4K 6.2K

Parenthood has finally found Katniss and Peeta Mellark. In this story they are going to be learning to live l... More

Prologue/Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Chapter Seventy-Six
Chapter Seventy-Seven
Chapter Seventy-Eight
Chapter Seventy-Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty-One
Chapter Eighty-Two
Chapter Eighty-Three
Chapter Eighty-Four
Chapter Eighty-Five
Chapter Eighty-Six
Chapter Eighty-Seven
Chapter Eighty-Eight
Chapter Eighty-Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety-One
Chapter Ninety-Two
Chapter Ninety-Three
Chapter Ninety-Four
Chapter Ninety-Five
Chapter Ninety-Six
Chapter Ninety-Seven
Chapter Ninety-Eight
Chapter Ninety-Nine
Chapter One-Hundred
Chapter One Hundred-One/Sequel info.

Chapter Sixty-Four

1.6K 90 58
By cogdill

Katniss POV- (5am, Christmas morning)

"Mommy! Daddy! Why did you sleep in here?!" Willow wakes us up to her angry groans.

I open my eyes and lift my head up, confused to as why she's so upset with us.

"Santa didn't come!!" Willow yells hysterically.

Peeta wakes up too and we see that we fell sleep in the living room last night and didn't get up.

I quickly climb off of Peeta and he sits up too and Willow crosses her arms angrily at us.

"Santa didn't come because you guys fell asleep in here. See he didn't come." Willow cries and points to the tree and empty stockings hung on the fireplace.

Peeta and I look at each other and I freeze and he seems to too.

"It's because it's still too early. Santa doesn't come to District 12 until six and it's only five." He tells her.

Willow makes a face, "Last year he camed before then, remember?"

"He changed his times, baby. That is what he called and said last night. You better get back to sleep before he sees that you're awake and really doesn't come." I say, trying to buy us some time.

She rolls her eyes, "Then you guys need to go to your room because if him doesn't come I'm gonna be mad."

"We will. Here, Daddy will go to our room and I will go lay with you until we wake up in a little bit." I suggest to her, knowing it may be the only way for her to get back to sleep and for Peeta to fix everything up without her seeing.

Willow sighs and nods her little head, obviously annoyed by us.

I stand up and take her hand and shoot Peeta a look that says he better get something done and get it done quick and then we all three head upstairs.

Willow leads me into her room and slams her door shut.

Peeta goes to our room long enough for her to shut her bedroom door and then heads back downstairs a second later I'm sure.

"Mommy, I can't believe you and Daddy didn't go to sleep in your bed." Willow scolds me as I crawl in her bed next to her.

I frown, "I'm sorry, baby. But me and Daddy were watching Christmas movies last night and we forgot to go to our room but I promise you Santa Claus will be here really soon. If he isn't here by the time we wake up then we can go to the store and we can pick out a bunch of stuff, anything you want." I suggest to her, knowing that Peeta will get something done.

She sighs, "Okay. Let's go to sleep, Mommy." Willow says snuggling up to me.

I lay my head next to hers and pull the blanket up over us, enjoying this little moment with her.

"Love you, sweet girl." I whisper to her and she reaches around for my hand and finally finds it.

She squeezes it tightly, "I love you too, Momma." Willow says back and closes her eyes.

I smile and soon we are both fast asleep.


"Girls, get up! We have to open Christmas presents!!" Peeta bursts into Willow's bedroom and sits on the edge of her bed and kisses each of us on the foreheads.

I open my heavy eyes and give him a look.

"Merry Christmas." Peeta says and pecks my lips.

I smile tiredly and sit up.

"Willow, you better wake up. I think that Santa Claus came while we were asleep." Peeta tells her.

She immediately opens her blue eyes and sits up.

"He did?"

Peeta nods, "Yep. You and Momma better get up, you lazies." He teases us.

I chuckle and Peeta helps me up and Willow hops out of bed and down the stairs.

Peeta scoops me up about half we there and carries me to the couch.

He sits down and I sit next to him as Willow excitedly looks at all the new gifts that have appeared and the filled stockings.

"Get all your presents up here, sweetheart." Peeta says, getting up to get the camera and then coming back over to me.

Willow reads and finds all the gifts that say her name, and goes ahead and makes a pile for me, Peeta, and even the baby too which is a lot of help.

She puts all her presents on the floor by the opposite couch and starts with one from us.

"That one is from me and Mommy." Peeta tells Willow.

She smiles and nods her head as she rips open the Christmassy wrapping paper and is super excited to find some new art supplies like crayons, markers, and pencils in a kit.

"Oh!! I love these!!" Willow squeals excitedly.

Peeta and I smile happily at her, "Open the others." Peeta tells her excitedly.

She nods and opens the next little box that contains a paint set, just like the ones Peeta uses, along with a pretty nice brush set too.

Willow's eyes nearly pop out of her head, "Daddy!! Thank you!!" She squeals happily.

I chuckle, only Peeta's child would get this excited about art supplies at age five.

"There's still a few more from us." I say.

She opens the next one which contains an abundance of color books that she requested.

"Aw, I like these." Willow smiles, "I want us to color with my new stuff sometime this week, Mommy." She tells me.

I smile, "I would love too. Maybe if we have time Daddy will paint with you too."

She looks at him, "Can we?"

"Sure, sweetie." Peeta smiles at her.

We bought her a few new outfits too and a few books and then Willow moves onto presents from other people, saving her Santa gifts for last.

"That one says it's from Bristol, Blake, Carter and Carson." I say reading the tag on the bag.

Willow nods and takes out the tissue paper and finds a cute little baby doll.

"Awww." She says hugging the baby close to her.

I smile and look at Peeta.

"See, that was the perfect gift for you. Now you can practice for your baby sister or brother, Willow." Peeta teases her.

She smiles, "Yeah, this baby is cute." Willow says patting it's head and then handing it gently to me. I hold the little doll in my lap and Willow opens her gift from Finnick, Annie, and Finn.

"Aw, this is prettiful." She says as she sees a cute dress that Annie said that Finn thought she would like.

"That is pretty. You'll get to wear that once spring rolls around." I tell her.

She smiles and nods her head.

"There's one from Johanna." I say.

She opens it and sees that it's more clothes and that a lot of other people got her clothes too, which is what she told them she wanted so I made sure that's what they got her.

"Now you can open Santa presents." I tell her, excited for her to see what she got.

I think I'm more excited than she is for this.

She opens each one and sees toys and things that she's had her eyes on for awhile but never actual asked us for.

"Santa knew that I liked these toys." Willow tells Peeta happily.

He smiles, "Yep, he's been watching remember?"

She nods.

"Now Momma needs to open her presets." Peeta tells Willow and she nods her head and jumps up. She drags a couple of bags to me and I open the first one.

"That is the one you picked out." Peeta tells Willow and she smiles excitedly and watches as I open the present to find a beautiful blue summer dress.

"Willow, thank you. I love this." I say happily, so excited for it and she smiles at me.

Peeta chuckles, "Hopefully it'll still fit by the time it's warm enough to wear it."

I laugh a little, "I hope so too. But it's stretchy so I bet it will."

He winks at me and Willow hands me the next one.

It's from Peeta and he bought me a few summery maternity shirts and some little pieces of jewelry too that I will rarely wear. He bought me a new coat and an album of pictures that contain all of our pictures from this year.

Pictures from Willow's fifth birthday and our anniversary too, my birthday and his most recent one too. Most of them are from the trip we took Willow on right before she started school and her first few weeks of school and on. There's even sonogram pictures of the baby and my note revealing my pregnancy to Peeta is in the picture pocket too.

I smile, "Aw, this is sweet." I say happily, "Thank you." I say and peck his lips.

He smiles and pats my leg.

"Your turn, Daddy!" Willow says and pushes his stack of presents over to him.

Peeta chuckles and starts opening his gifts one by one.

Willow had picked him out quite a few shirts and I bought him some new jeans and a jacket too that he had been wanting and some stuff for his at home baking.

"Now it's the baby's turn." Peeta says after he is finished opening his stuff, looking quite satisfied.

Willow looks at me with wide eyes.

"You can open them if you want to." I tell her, not caring either way.

She nods and drags the stack of boxes over to Peeta and I and sets them on the coffee table in front of us. Willow sits on the ground next to me and opens the first box.

"Bottles." Willow says and hands up a box of new baby bottles.

I chuckle and put them to the side.

"More bottles." Willow groans, after opening the next box and then going onto the next.

"Here's the baby a pacifier so you can shut it up when it's mad." She says bluntly and hands it to Peeta.

I laugh at her and so does Peeta.

She opens the next box and pulls out a box of diapers.

"Wow. Diapers." She says bored and hands them to Peeta.

Willow opens the next box, "More diapers." She groans.

Then onto the next, "Even more diapers." Willow says annoyed and I giggle at her enthusiasm.

Finally she's down to one little box left.

"If this is diapers too I feel bad for the baby." Willow tells me and I laugh.

She opens it up and see that it's the jumper that I fell in love with months ago when I literally decided to give up on this pregnancy thing.

I look at Peeta as Willow hands it over to me, agreeing that it's cute and I feel tears streaming down my cheeks.

I lean over and Peeta hugs me tight as I hug the little gray and white baby outfit close to my heart and cry.

"You got it." I say crying happily.

He chuckles and Willow gives me a look.

"I put it in the basket, right before you went to the car." Peeta tells me.

I smile happily and sniffle.

"You didn't even know if I would get pregnant by then. Why did you get it?" I ask him.

"Because I know how badly you wanted it and that you wouldn't give up on it. And here we are." He tells me.

I smile sadly and rest my head against his chest and he rubs my back gently.

I fell in love with this little outfit when I saw it and Peeta was pretty against getting it until I actually got pregnant, then that stupid girl came over and told Peeta that if he couldn't knock me up then he could knock her.

Then he made me go to the car and he picked it up then and I couldn't be happier that he did because that shows me he really believed it would happen.

"I never thought it would happen." I tell him truthfully.

"I wasn't sure what was happening, sweetheart but we did it. We are gonna be parents again." Peeta whispers quietly into my ear and kisses my cheek.

I swallow hard, "Thank you for believing in me." I say crying hard and it's be because I am sad it's just because it's a rough subject for me.

I literally thought I would never get pregnant and it took forever but here I am.

"I knew that you wouldn't give up without a fight, Katniss. That's why I went ahead and got it and if I didn't believe that it would happen eventually I wouldn't have gotten it."

I hug him tightly, "I'm glad that you did. Thank you." I say emotionally.

"How come you're sad, Momma?" I hear Willow asking from behind.

I pull away from Peeta and look down at her confused face.

"Because Daddy made me really happy." I tell her truthfully.

Willow nods, still confused by my emotions.

Peeta smiles at me and takes my hand. I intertwine our fingers and he kisses the back of my hand and we watch Willow grab our stockings off of the fireplace.

"Here's Daddy's." Willow says handing Peeta his full stocking.

"Here Mommy." Willow says handing me mine.

"And here, take the baby's wanna open it because I think it has more diapers in it." Willow rolls her eyes and hands me the yellow stocking.

I chuckle and she grabs hers.

She dumps it out on the coffee table and finds a bunch of candy that I'm gonna kill Peeta for putting in there.

"Woah." Willow says with wide, almost heart eyes.

I give Peeta a look and he makes a kissy face at me and then sticks out his tongue.

I can't help but laugh at him and I open the baby's stocking first.

"You were right, Willow." I say pulling out a small package of diapers.

Willow makes a face and shakes her head.

There's a few bibs in there and a few onesies that could be for a boy or a girl and some little tiny baby socks that make my heart melt.

I give Peeta a sweet smile and mouth a 'thank you' and he nods.

"Open yours." He says nudging me.

I do and I find a bunch of different kind of candies. Chocolate, toffees, fruity candies and peppermints too.

"Mommy you got a lot of different candy. I just gotted chocolate."

"That's because Santa knew that Mommy might not like certain candies so he had to try a bunch."

"How come?" Willow asks.

"Because remember how sometimes the baby makes me puke if I eat something?"

She nods.

"That's why Santa brought me different kinds but if you're good then I'll give you the stuff I don't want." I say and she laughs a little.

"Daddy, what did you get?" Willow asks him.

"Candy like Momma." He says picking up a handful.

Willow sighs, "Why?"

"Because I bet Momma will make me share with her." He chuckles.

I smile, "I haven't had any kind of cravings yet, you just wait." I laugh and he smiles.

"Oh, I can share with Momma too if her wants me to." Willow says.

I shake my head, "No, you can have your candy, baby girl. Thank you though." I smile.

"Well, since we are finished with this, let's go make some breakfast." Peeta says getting up.

"Can we have pancakes?" Willow asks him.

He looks at me and I nod, "Those sound good actually." I say truthfully.

Peeta smiles and helps me up and kisses me on the top of the head and we all go into the kitchen to enjoy our Christmas breakfast as a family.

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