Ocean Blue Eyes | Colifer

By writinglac14

26.3K 1.3K 2.2K

A Colifer fanfic - Jennifer and Colin are best friends but what will happen when they begin to feel more for... More

Feelings While Filming
Us, It Can't Happen
Forgive Me?
The Hospital Visit
Head Trauma
The Scariest Part Is Letting Go
Mixed Emotions
Mystery Babe, Coffee, and Grant?
High School Jerk
The Truth Tells
Bliss Before The Storm
Pursuit of Happyness
A Love Like Theirs
Tagged again
The Storm
Coping With Truth
Just The Beginning

Memory Loss

1.2K 68 67
By writinglac14

Hey guys, I would love it if you would comment as you go along. Your comments are inspiration for my soul.

Jen's POV

   It's been a week since Colin went into his coma. I was released from the hospital three days ago but I still feel like a part of me is still there. Still in Colin's room praying that he wakes up. I finished filming for the day so I'm headed to the hospital to check on Colin.

I walk in the building and into his room. My heart broke as I layed eyes on him. He lay in his bed lifeless and unresponsive. All I want is for him to open his eyes so I could stare into them. He has the most electrifying ocean blue eyes you've ever seen and it always calms me to stare into them. He's caught me doing it several times, but this time his eyes remain closed and I feel tears forming in my eyes.

He is usually the one to wipe them away and soothe me with his words. Not this time.

I couldn't help it but my mind kept thinking of the worst 'what if' scenarios.

What if he never wakes up
What if he doesn't love me anymore
What if he loses his memory... of me

The last one made me cry even harder. It's not uncommon for people to lose bits and pieces of their memory while in a coma.

I pulled up a chair to his bed and enter twined my fingers with his.

"I know you probably can't hear me, and I know you probably won't remember this if you can. Colin you need to wake up. Please. I need you." I stood up and gently placed my hands on his cheeks. I slowly brought my lips to his and as soon as I did someone burst through the door.

I didn't want who ever it was to see me kissing Colin so I pulled away quickly.

"What the hell do you think your doing" said a female voice.

Oh gosh

"Helen I can explain-" I started to say but she cut me off.

"No! There's no reason that you should be kissing my husband!"

"He told me he was done with you. You visited him yesterday and took Evan from him. He even threw his ring away!"

"That's none of your concern! He's still mine and I don't want you kissing him!"

"He-" I started saying but one of the machines that Colin was hooked up to started beeping.

Helen and I rushed over to him and I knew it was his heart rate. If he wasn't kept at a stable heart rate he could die.

Several nurses and the doctor rushed in and pushed Helen and I out.

Three hours later

I stayed at the hospital just in case something happened. Helen went to pick up Evan from a play date but came back after.

Luckily I brought a book to indulge myself in. I went to the vending machine to get a soda and when I walked back into the waiting room the doctor was standing there in shock amd was talking to Helen.


"He's awake. This is miraculous, he's a very lucky man to be alive considering his condition."

"Can I see him?" I asked hoping that I could.

"Yes but I must warn you. He may have suffered some memory loss due to hitting his head so forcefully. We don't know for sure what all he can and can't remember."

"Okay" was all I said. If he didn't remember me then I would be heart broken. I was willing to take that risk.

"There is hope. Here are some pills that he can take twice a day. It should restore his complete memory within four days."

"Thank you so much" I took the pills and Helen didn't question it so I just stuffed them into by bag.

I walked into Colin's room and his eyes immediately opened.


"Colin" I said breathlessly as I ran to him and embraced him with my arms. I kissed him but when I pulled away he looked at me in shock.

"What was that for?"

He doesn't remember...

"What's the last thing you remember? About us?"

"It was just after filming and I noticed you crying. I came over and you said for me to leave you alone. I kissed you but then you yelled at me and drove off."

My heart was breaking. All he remembers is the fight we had.

"Oh" tears started forming in my eyes and I knew Colin could see that.


I couldn't bare it any longer. I handed the pills to Helen and she went up to Colin.


"Yes. It's me" she kissed his and he returned the kiss.

"I've been thinking about us and I want to give it another try."

What no. If only he could remember what's been happening since the fight between us.

"That sounds great" Helen said.

Colin started dozing off so we left the room.

I started walking out but Helen grabbed my arm.

"If you ever kiss him again I will end you" she threatened and threw the pills in the trash. "Now he will never know what I did and his affections for you."

I couldn't resist it anymore so I slapped her in the face and grabbed the pills from the trash.

"If you really loved him, you wouldn't trick him. You'd give him the pills, so if you won't I will."

I stormed out of the hospital burning with rage.

Hey guys sorry for the long wait for this update. This was a filler chapter, just some things that needed to occur. I promise the next chaper will be more exciting. 

What did you think? PLEASE comment and tell me!!
Vote if you think it deserves one and please consider following me if you aren't already!

There have been over 200 reads on this story and that really makes me happy that yall are reading my work!

Hope yall have a happy new year and God bless!

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