My Perfect Mistake | #Wattys2...

By infinity_and_beyond3

2M 57.5K 9.8K

~COMPLETED~ | This story is being slowly edited. "As much as you want to plan your life, it has a way of surp... More

My Perfect Mistake (Teen Pregnancy)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
My Perfect Mistake: Extras
Author's Note: Unwritten
Wattys 2016

Chapter Twenty-Six

38.2K 1.1K 175
By infinity_and_beyond3

What's up guys! I don't have a lot to say so I'm just gonna get straight into the Chapter. The announcement will be announced at the end of the Chapter so be sure to read it!

Happy Reading loves! :)

A Collage of The Senior Trip to Florida on top!



Sean raised an eyebrow at me. "Too bad, you're mine."

My heart fluttered.


I was his.

He hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet but I liked the idea of being his.

I stopped dancing and walked over to where he was. I wrapped my arms around him and smiled.

"And you are mine."

*End of Recap*





Monday, March 30th

*Anabelle's POV*

I can't believe that the end of the trip was finally here.

I didn't want it to end.

But just like everyone says, all good things must come to an end.

We were currently waiting to board the plane. Since we were leaving from Miami, the flight time back to Bridgeport was going to be slightly longer.

I continued to read my book that was in my Nook, while we waited. "What are you reading?"

I glanced over at Sean. "A Walk To Remember. It's by Nicholas Sparks," I answered.

"Isn't that the same guy who wrote The Notebook?"

I nodded.

"Oh God, is it sad just like The Notebook?"

I softly smiled. "Yeah, it is. I'm kind of hoping that you'll watch the movie with me. I have it at home."

"There's a movie? Anabelle, I think The Notebook was enough for me."

"Now boarding Flight 546 to Bridgeport, Connecticut." The lady at the stand near the door announced through the intercom.

Sean and I both got up from our seats. "Don't worry, you'll just end up watching it with me anyway," I grinned.

"Nope. Not this time," He said, fighting back a smile. I playfully rolled my eyes as we walked up to the lady and gave her our tickets so she could check them. She smiled at the both of us as she gave us back our tickets.

"Enjoy your flight."

"Thank you," We both said.

I sighed as I boarded the plane. Almost three hours until we would be back in Connecticut.

I was not ready to go back to school and work.

I wasn't ready to go back in general.


We made our way off of the plane. I was sad and happy to be back in Connecticut. I was sad because I wanted to be back in Florida and I was happy because I was finally going to see Derek and my father.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I took my phone out of my back pocket as we began making our way to baggage claim. There was a text from Derek on the screen.

I'm waiting for you guys near the entrance.

I honestly couldn't wait to see my older brother. I missed him too much.

We arrived at baggage claim and waited for the bags to start coming out. I waited in anticipation for my luggage. I knew that once I got my luggage, I would get to see Derek

And I was really excited about that.

From the looks of it, so was Lianne. "You seem excited," I pointed out,"Does your excitement have anything to do with Derek?"

"Maybe," She replied, slowly.

"Who's Derek?" Chase asked, as he stood right beside Lianne.

"Anabelle's older brother," Sean answered.

"He's also the person Lianne is in love with," I added.

"Oh. I totally forgot that Derek is your brother."

A noise went off and the bags finally started coming out. Sean grabbed my luggage and set it down beside me. I pulled up the handle and waited for Sean, Lianne and Chase to get their luggage.

Mrs. Coleman came up to the four of us. "Are each and one of your rides here?"

"Yes ma'am. Sean and Lianne are getting a ride from my brother," I politely answered.

"Great! And you Mr. Peterson? Is your ride here?"

"Yes. My mother is waiting for me at the entrance," Chase responded.

"Alrighty. Well you all get home safe. I'll see each and one of you tomorrow bright and early! Have a good day you guys!"

"You too," We all said in unison.

She gave us a small smile before leaving to the next group of students. I turned to Sean and Lianne. "You two ready?"

They both nodded. "Okay. Let's go home."

I held onto the handle of my luggage as we began making our way to the area near the entrance. My eyes scanned the crowd for any sign of Derek.

"Anabelle, there's Derek waiting right over there." I looked at the area Sean was pointing at and sure enough, Derek was standing there, scanning the crowd.

I smiled as I started to quickly make my way over to him. "Derek!" He looked at me and smiled.

"Belle!" I got to where he was and quickly pulled him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around me tight, but not too tight.

"I missed you so much Belle."

"I missed you too Der," I said, as I pulled away from him. "You have no idea how excited I was to see you again."

"Same here." Derek looked next to me. "Hey man." He said, as Sean and him did their bro handshake.

"How's it going Derek?"

"Good. I'm just glad to see you guys."

"Hey Ken!" Lianne chirped from behind me. I watched as Derek's face lit up when he heard Lianne's voice. She went in between Sean and I so that she could get to Derek.

She went in to hug Derek but instead, Derek cupped her cheeks and pulled her in for a kiss. My eyes went wide as I quickly looked away.

I totally forgot how awkward this was going to be for me seeing my best friend dating my brother.

I mean, they weren't dating but still. It didn't make it less awkward.

"I guess I'll meet you two at the car," I awkwardly said, as I grabbed the handle from my luggage and began making my way over to the entrance.

God, that was so awkward.

I heard footsteps following me close behind. "Are you following me Sean?" I knew he was following right behind me without having to look.

"Obviously. I didn't want to stand there and watch as they made out. That would be awkward and not to mention, uncomfortable."

I let out a small laugh. "Yeah. Which is exactly why I left." Sean finally caught up to where I was. "Where's your mom Chase?" I heard Sean ask.

"Don't know. She said she was at the entrance."

We walked outside and I was immediately hit with the cold wind.


I was already used to the warm Florida weather that I totally forgot that it was still cold over here in Connecticut.

I began to shiver as I quickly realized that I had on no jacket whatsoever. "Here." I turned my head in Sean's direction and watched as he began taking off his jacket. "No, Sean it's fine-"

"Anabelle, please take it. I don't want you getting sick or anything." He held out his jacket for me take. I pursed my lips as I took the jacket from his hands and quickly slipped it on. "I feel bad Sean. It's cold. What are you going to wear?"

"I'll be fine, don't worry. Okay?"

"Okay," I mumbled.

"Chase Matthew Peterson!" I heard a voice call. I turned my head in the direction of the voice. A woman who looked to be in her mid-forties stood there with her hand on her hip.

She was a very beautiful woman. She had a shapely figure and beautiful fair skin. She had golden blonde hair that cascaded all the way down to the middle of her back. Her eyes were a bright blue with tints of grey in parts of the iris.

Chase was an exact replica of his mother.

Well almost.

"Are you just going to stand there or are you going to say hi to your momma?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

Chase softly smiled; placing his stuff on the ground as he quickly walked over to his mother and pulled her in for a hug. "Hi mom."

"Oh Chasie! I missed you!"

He let out a small groan. "Mom. You have to stop calling me Chasie in front of my friends."

"Oh Chasie stop it! Sean is practically family. He already knows that we call you Chasie." She said, as she pulled away from him.

"I think the friend he's referring to is Anabelle, Mom," Sean chimed in.

She turned her head in my direction, as a smile quickly formed onto her lips. "Ahh! You're the girl that Sean here talks about! He's told me quite a lot about you, considering the fact that he spends almost everyday at the house. I must say, dear, Sean is very fond of you."

"Oh yeah? Well I'm very fond of him as well," I told her, glancing over at Sean who was smiling at me.

"And look at you sweetie. You're glowing! You look great! How are you feeling? How's the whole pregnancy treating you?"

"Oh um, great so far, I guess."

"I must admit, when Chase and Sean told me about you and the pregnancy, I was pretty shocked. I've known Sean since he was little boy, so I'm practically his second mother, hence the reason why he calls me mom. But I'm glad he made the right decision to help you. Because if he didn't, me and his momma would of knocked some sense to him."

"Alright mom, that's enough. How about we head on home? I'm sure dad, Melanie, and Jackson are waiting for us to get home."

"Yes, you're right. We should head home." She looked back at both Sean and I. "I guess I'll see you two some other time. You two have a good day, okay?"

"Yes, you too Mrs. Peterson."

"Sean, honey. Tell your mom when you see her that I'll call her about the details of Melanie's birthday party."

"Alright, I will."

Chase grabbed his suitcase and turned to us. "I'll see you two at school tomorrow."

"Alright, bye Chasie," I teased.

He groaned as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Please, no Chasie. Just Chase."

I heard Sean laughing beside me. "Go to the car before your mom personally grabs you by your shirt and drags you in there."

He chuckled. "Yeah, alright. See you guys."

"See you." I waved at him.

"Here comes Lianne and your brother." I turned and looked back at the direction of the entrance.

I watched as they walked in our direction hand in hand. They smiled every time they glanced at each other. I paid more attention to Lianne though, watching as she smiled and laughed as Derek talked to her.

She was happy.

She finally got the guy she wanted.

They finally got to where Sean and I were and smiled. "Sorry," Lianne apologized,"We didn't mean to make things awkward."

"Yeah, well it was pretty awkward."

"I know this going to be awkward and weird for you Belle, seeing us together-"

"It's okay. It'll be weird at first, but I'll get used to it. I know how much you guys wanted this to happen. Besides, you know I'm not one to get in between anyone's happiness. Especially two people I care about a lot."

"Yeah, and the same for me Ana. I would never get in between you and Sean's happiness either."


"Wait, what?" Derek slowly pulled away from Lianne. His full attention was now on Sean and I. "What does she mean?"

"Eh-I-uh-um-we-" I stumbled on my words.

"Um," Sean began speaking. "What she's trying to say is that, we may have a thing going on. We're trying to figure it out."

"Yeah," I began. "He hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet. But like Sean said we're trying to figure it out."

Derek stared at the both of us, emotionless. Lianne wrapped her arms around him. "C'mon Ken, she's happy."

Derek looked at her and sighed. He turned his head to Sean, his face turning serious. "I swear, if you hurt her or make her unhappy in any way, I will personally kick your ass," He warned.


"No, Anabelle it's fine," Sean said, as he grabbed my hand and gave me a reassuring squeeze. "Derek, I understand. I just want you to know and assure you that I would never want to hurt her. I really do like her and I want her and only her."

Derek gave him a small nod. "Well good. I'm glad. Hopefully you do keep to your word."

"Trust me, I will," He assured him.

"Okay. Well, enough of this. I want to know about your trip. How about we all go get some lunch and you three can tell me all about it?"

I smiled as Sean wrapped his arm around my waist. "Sounds great."


We had just finished eating lunch at Panera Bread and we were now on our way to the hospital to visit my father. I was beyond excited to finally see my father after a week. A week away from my father was too long for me.

We arrived at the hospital and my excitement grew even more. We all exited the car once Derek had parked it. Sean grabbed my hand and held it as we entered the hospital.

Derek walked up to the front desk and got us all visitor passes. I placed the sticker on my shirt as we began walking over to the elevators. Derek pressed the button for the elevator and we waited patiently for the doors to open.

"You excited Belle?"

"Very," I responded, as a smile formed onto my lips.

The elevator doors open and we all entered inside. Derek pressed the button for the fifth floor. I began to tap my foot in anticipation. Could these elevator doors open already?

The elevator stopped moving and the doors opened, revealing the busy Oncology Ward. I gave Sean's hand a small squeeze while exiting the elevators. We made our way down the hall, passing several doctors and nurses.

Once we reached my father's door, Derek turned to me. "Care to do the honors baby sister?" I let out a small laugh before nodding. "Yep."

I knocked on the door before opening it. "Daddy? It's me." I opened the door all the way, my eyes meeting my father's. "My princess! You're back!" He beamed.

I smiled, quickly rushing over to my father's side, pulling him in for a hug. "Oh daddy, I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too my beautiful princess."

I pulled away from him and smiled. "You look great daddy."

"Yeah? Well, I feel great."

My father turned his head to Derek, Lianne and Sean. "Sean and Lianne! How are you guys?" Lianne smiled as she walked over to the other side of his bed. "Hey Dad!" She said, while pulling him for a hug.

"Hi sweetie. How was the trip?" Lianne pulled away from him as Sean stood beside me and shook my father's hand. "It was great daddy! We had a lot of fun!"

"Well I'm glad to hear that princess. And the baby? How's my granddaughter doing?"

I gently rubbed my abdomen. "She's doing great. She likes to kick a lot at night and keep me up but she's great."

"Uh-Mr. Thompson is it okay if I speak to you privately?"

I knit my eyebrows as I looked at Sean in confusion. "What's wrong?"

"Sure, Sean." My father looked at me, Derek and Lianne. "Could you all leave us alone for a few minutes?"

"Sure Dad," I heard Derek say. I gave Sean one last look before exiting the room.

*Sean's POV*

I grabbed a chair and placed it right next to his bed. I sat down in the chair, inhaling and exhaling slowly as I folded my hands and placed them on my lap.

"Mr. Thompson, I would like to talk to you about Anabelle."

He cracked a smile. "Sean, I think I told you a few years ago that you could call me Michael."

I laughed nervously. "Yeah, right. Sorry. Let me get straight to the point Michael. I-I really like your daughter. She's different and unique in her own way. She's smart, beautiful, funny, outgoing, caring and kind. She makes me smile and laugh. She sees the good in others and I admire her so much. She makes me a better person and I want to be with her. Which is why I wanted to ask you this question personally. I wanted to ask your permission to ask your daughter to be my girlfriend."

I stared at Michael as my nerves grew. He sighed as he let out a small nod. "Well Sean, I think that you coming to me and asking for my permission to date my daughter is very respectful and great of you. I love my daughter, more than anything. I would do anything for her, anything for her to be happy. I see how happy she is when she's with you and I'm happy that she's happy. I'm happy that you make her happy. You're a great guy Sean. You're great enough to date my daughter."

I felt my lips slowly curve up into a smile. "So is that a yes?"

Michael smiled and nodded. "Yes Sean, it's a yes."

I smiled as I got up from my seat and shook his hand. "Thank you so much Michael. I'm so glad you said yes. I knew I couldn't ask her until I talked to you."

"Just so you know, if you hurt my baby girl. I'll be happy to show you my licensed shotgun that's locked up in my bedroom."

I let out a nervous laugh. "I promise you Michael that I won't hurt her."

"Good. Now, can you bring my kids back into the room? I would really like to spend some time with them together."

"Of course. Thank you once again Michael. Your approval really meant a lot to me."

"You're welcome Sean. I'm glad my daughter has a guy like you in her life."

I gave him a small smile. "And I'm lucky to have a girl like your daughter in my life."



Alright, I have one question for you guys.

Where can I find a Sean? Like seriously! I want him! He's so cute and perfect! I hope to find a guy like him someday. *sighs* If you guys know where I can get a Sean, send him my way! ;)

Haha! Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this Chapter. It was much longer than the last Chapter which I'm quite happy about.

Now for the announcement. *insert drumroll noise here* I am happy to announce that there will be a sequel book to this story! *insert applause and fangirling* I am very excited for the sequel book and I cannot wait for you guys to read it! I've been working out the plan for that story for about three months now and I have finally come up for a final plan for it.

Now, let me say that the sequel book won't be about Anabelle and Sean. *Insert 'Aww' here* But wait! Although the book won't be about them, they will definitely be in it! *Insert relieved sighs and applause* The sequel book will actually be about Derek and Lianne, taken place 3-4 years later.

I have the story description already written out so I'll be sure to post the description by the end of the week for you guys! If you guys are interested in reading that story feel free to add it to your library.

I also want to say that I won't begin writing that story until I'm finished with this one, which won't be anytime soon. Maybe two months from now. But the description will be up this week so you guys can get an idea on what the story is going to be about.

Anyway, that was the announcement. I hope you guys are just as excited as I am about the sequel book!

Okay, I don't have anything else to say. Hope you guys are having a good week so far. Okay okay, I'm done. Haha, until next time lovelies! :)

xxxxx Gabby





xxxxx infinity_and_beyond3 xxxxx

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