It's Gotta Be Her (Niall Hora...

By Shay_YOLO

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Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Torn
Chapter 3 Torn (part 2)
Chapter 4 Jumping to Conclusions
Chapter 5 Sweet Dreams
Chapter 6 Skyrocket Full of Sunshine
Chapter 7 Time Well Spent
Chapter 8 Be My Baby
Chapter 9 Tall & Tan & Young & Lovely (Part 1)
Chapter 10 Tall & Tan & Young & Lovely (Part 2)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 "If you want a bit of love put your head on my shoulder, It's cool"
Chapter 13 Falling For You...Or Not
Chapter 14 No One Fancies Valerie
Chapter 16 "Cosmic Love"
Chapter 17 "Cosmic Love" (continued)
Chapter 18 A Lack of Understanding
Chapter 19 A Lack of Understanding (continued)
Chapter 20 A New Beginning
A/N im sorry!/:
Chapter 21 After All That We've Been Through, I Know We're Cool
Chapter 22 Soundtracks To Our Life
Chapter 23 Don't Speak
Chapter 24 All I Want For Christmas Is You
Chapter 25 All I Want For Christmas Is You (continued)
Chapter 26 Make You Mine
Chapter 27 Make You Mine (Continued)
Chapter 28 Late Night Kisses
Chapter 29 Moments
Chapter 30 Goodbye

Chapter 15 Happy Halloween!

56 1 0
By Shay_YOLO

October 31, 2012 

"Trick or treat!" Niall said walking in my door. I stared at his outfit and pouted. "What, what's wrong?"

I sighed and pointed at our outfits. "What's wrong? You didn't wear the wig I bought you." 

Niall rolled his eyes and fixed his sweater. "Valerie, I wasn't gonna go out wearing a blonde curly wig for Halloween! Can you imagine what my other friends here would do to me if they saw me in it? And we're not little kids anymore, we don't have to go dressy dressy. You look cute by the way." 

I narrowed my eyes at him and then felt overdressed for Halloween. "I feel silly now, maybe I'll go change into something else-" 

"No you look fine! I didn't mean to offend you Val, gosh why are you so sensitive these days?" He said joking around. I blushed and punched him playfully. 

"Hey don't hit him like that!" Jasmine said running down the stairs and into his arms. She kissed him passionately and I had to turn away because I wasn't used to it. 

"You look hot," Niall said examining her leather dress. 

She blushed and spun around. 

"I know right? I had never really worn this dress before but when Valerie suggested we go themed as The Wizard of Oz I knew it would be perfect if I went as the Wicked Witch of the West." They began to talk about dumb things and I waited outside. 

"You look pretty Valeria," Liam said popping up out of nowhere. I blushed and fixed the crown on my head. 

"Thanks Liam, and you look nice as well," I said grinning. 

He smoothed out his pants and frowned slightly. 

"I know you said I should come as the Scarecrow and I was going to but I couldn't find a hat like the one he wore in the movie." 

"Oh no it's fine Liam! Niall didn't really dress up as the Cowardly Lion so I don't expect anyone else to take Halloween as seriously as I do," I said laughing. Liam grinned and checked the time on his watch. 

"The other boys should be here any minute." As if on cue, the other three boys came skipping down Niall's yard with their arms linked with one another. 

"Who's that gorgeous girl in pink?" Louis asked flirtatiously. I blushed again and bit my lip. 

"Hi Louis, you all look really cute," I said grinning. Harry came and gave me a hug. 

"I came as Dorothy, how do I look?" 

"Eerily like her!" 

Zayn gave me a peck on the cheek and straightened the hat on his head. 

"I really like my costume, the hat's wicked cool." He began to talk to Liam and Harry about tonight and Louis strolled over to me. 

"Look I'm a munchkin!" 

"I can see that Louis, and where'd you get those socks?" I asked laughing. 

"Oh you know, just something I had lying around," he said shrugging his shoulders. "Where'd you get your dress?" 

"Oh you know, just something I had lying around," I mocked him. He laughed and brushed a piece of hair away from my face. 

"You really do look pretty tonight," he said seriously. I gulped and averted his stare. 

"Louis stop harassing her!" Harry shouted. We both turned to the group of Boys and when I realized how close I was standing to Louis, I backed away. 

"I'm not harassing her. It's not my fault you didn't call dibs on her first!" Louis retorted. Harry blushed and flipped him off playfully. "He has a crush on you too," Louis explained. I giggled and fanned my face. 

"Is there anyone else who fancies me?" I asked playfully. Louis pondered this for a minute then shrugged his shoulders. 

"I don't know. Harry and I do fancy you, Zayn might but he's so private and keeps things to himself, and Liam obviously has a girlfriend so he's out of the question." 

"Have you guys heard from Ed?" I asked Louis conversationally. 

"We invited him to join us trick or treating, but he said he was feeling sick and didn't wanna ruin our fun." 

I nodded my head and smiled grimly. "Maybe we should tell Niall and my sister to hurry up." Louis nodded his head and ran over to the Boys. 

"Hey let's go drag Niall and Josephine out of the house," Louis said smacking Harry playfully on the arm. Liam rolled his eyes and crossed his hands over his chest. 

"Valeria's sister's name is Jasmine not Josephine you git." 

"And Valeria likes to be called Valerie," Zayn corrected Liam. 

"Whatever, let's just go!" Harry put in. They all walked inside the house and from outside I could hear them falling for Jasmine. And I could tell because all they kept doing was wolf-whistling at Jasmine and praising Niall. When they all left the house for some reason the Boys ran over to me. Niall and Jasmine walked hand in hand in front of us and Louis was close by my side. 

"Do you ever get jealous of your sister?" He asked me curiously. I bit my lip and shook my head. 

"Not really." 

"Really? But she's hot and talented," Louis retorted. 

"So you're basically calling me a potato?" I asked Louis. He blushed and laughed. 

"No, I think you're just as pretty and special as her. I just wanted you to know that because it's obvious you're a little insecure about yourself." 

I stared at the ground and smiled to myself. "Thanks Louis, but I don't want you to get the wrong impression of me. I don't like you or any of the other boys just to warn you," I said honestly. 

"I know you don't. It's also obvious that you like someone else." I stopped walking and Zayn bumped into me from behind. 

"Hey Val, why'd you stop walking?!" He asked incredulously. I blushed and earned odd stares from the Boys. 

"Can you all tell that I like someone?" I asked them. Liam, Zayn and Harry nodded. Louis smirked and held out a hand. 

"Told ya babe, c'mon let's go have fun!" I giggled nervously then held his hand. So I was still safe with my secret and had nothing to worry about. The Boys all knew I had a crush on someone but luckily they didn't know that it was on Niall.

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