Chapter 7 Time Well Spent

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"So how'd it go yesterday?" Ed asked me once we took our seats in science class.

The other yobs were fooling around whilst Ed and I flirted for a tad.

"It went fine. Niall met my sister and he doesn't fancy her much, but she's bonkers over him," I said with a laugh.

Ed guffawed as well and scooted closer to me.

"So about that coffee..." he trailed orf.

I blushed and turned away momentarily.

"I'm not busy afterschool? Are yeh?" He shook his head and grinned.

"I'll wait for yeh at the end of the day by yer class, aye?"

" aye, that'd be perfect," I said with a smile.

We got back to graft filling out some worksheet that the other yobs repeatedly tried to copy orf of but Ed and I kept pushing em away. The bell rang for our next class and fancy yesterday, I went walking with Ed and Niall. We were all laughing about summat our china plate Sean said when suddenly I saw someone wearing a familiar shirt I had in my wardrobe.

"What are yeh staring at?" Niall asked me.

I kept staring at the quine near the office who was yakking to someone over the counter, and I pursed my lips.

"That quine over there. She looks familiar."

Just then the quine turned around and I gaped my piehole.

"Her? Isn't that yer sister?" Niall asked flumoxed.

I was just as flumoxed and when Jasmine saw us she squealed.

" wotcha!" she said running over to us in her heels and my shirt.

I furrowed my eyebrow but remained calm.

" oi Jas, what are yeh doing here?" I asked with a nervous laugh.

She made eye contact with Niall and momentarily scanned over Ed.

"Oh well I convinced ma into letting me come to a normal school, so yeh know, I could dwell in the proper environment of school life. I'm Jasmine by the way," she said not wanting to talk to me anymore and flashing her Colgate white smile at Ed.

He smiled back cautiously and grinned. "I'm Ed."

"Oh aye, I know yeh! My co-star, Tom Felton, he listens to yeh constantly. I love yer music," my sister confessed and I didn't think she was lying.

I could tell by the way she spoke that she was telling the truth as opposed to when she had lied to Niall yesterday. Niall seemed uncomfortable in our situation and avoided eye contact with Jasmine.

"So uh, what classes dae yeh hae?" he asked her.

Jasmine batted her eyelashes and grinned. "The same as my sister, it was easier for the ladies in the office to hae her schedule coincide with mine. The only difference is that I hae to leave school the moment I'm needed at set and hae to stay afterschool to make up those classes. I won't be leaving soon though because today they're filming most of the action scenes in the film."

"Action? I thought yeh chaps were filming The Princess and The Pea," I said flumoxed.

"Well our director and screenwriter added in a few action scenes to liven up the film a tad. They thought that it wouldn't be too dramatic if it was only about me sleeping on a huge stack of mattresses."

I couldn't help but laugh and the yobs joined in too.

"So right now we're going to maths class and afterwards is history. Come on," I explained to my sister.

We all walked to the local university and without us noticing, paired up. I walked with Niall and Jasmine walked with Ed. They mainly talked about their music, whilst Niall and I talked about random films we'd seen before.

End of the day

" crikey that was so fun!" Jasmine exclaimed once we entered her jam-jar.

I had to change plans with Ed in regards to our afterschool date and he was chuffed to come pick me up at my house instead. At least it would give me more time to frock nicely instead of wearing our school kit.

"School was fun for yeh?" I asked her scoffing.

She rolled her eyes and twatted me playfully. " yeh don't understand. I've been in acting for so long that I appreciate the learning environment here. The food is terrible, but so what? That's one of the things yeh hae to get used to and-"

"-And there's a lot of cute yobs yer age to flirt with," I said finishing her sentence.

She blushed and guffawed. "Okay okay fine! School sucks, but these Irish yobs are going to kill me Val! They're all so gorgey and bleedin' noice. A few of em didn't even recognise me and the ones that did, were so flirtatious. I wonder why Niall didn't want to talk to me," she said mumbling to herself.

I smiled to myself and sighed contently, knowing that my bessy china plate wasn't falling for my charming sister. "He probably has a girlfriend somewhere," I lied.

She nodded her head and bought my excuse. " aye that would make sense, so yeh chuffed for yer date tonight? Ed seems fancy a really noice chap," she said.

"I'm a little nervous, but he's probably feeling the same way. Could yeh help me get ready?"

"Ooh I'd love to, but I think I hae plans for filming. I could style yer barnet if yeh cop a quick shower, but that's it."

We talked on the way gaffe and as soon as we arrived, I quickly hopped in the shower and got dressed. I was hoping that tonight would be a smashing night and knew that if I was spending it with Ed, it was sure to be one.

Niall had already arrived gaffe, because his jam-jar was in the driveway, and I wondered what he was doing. I was so jammy to be able to get the room that overlooked his bedroom window, but I was the only one who knew that. If Jas found out that I could practically see Niall undressing or just going to uncle ned, she would've traded rooms with me in an instant.

There was a knock on my door and Jas said," Val, he's here!" I quickly gave my barnet a fluff and grabbed the essentials; keys, dog and bone, and wallet.

"How dae I gander?" I asked Jas.

She gave me a once over and nodded her head. " fit! hae fun!" I smirked and went to go open the door for Ed.



oi chaps!

so they rest of the chapters are gonna be from Scar since my Uni break is done and i hae to head back :(

so i hope yeh enjoy the next couple chapters from Scar again! and maybe even Liam will add a few here and there!

hope yeh enjoy the next chapters loves! and this is MY LAST chapter till London University is done

bye chaps!


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