Chapter 29 Moments

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"Okay close your eyes, and when I count to three, open them," Niall said standing at the foot of the bed. I did as I was told and sighed. 

"One...two...three!" I opened my eyes slowly and burst out in laughter. 

"Oh my god," I said clutching my stomach and shaking. Niall seemed amused by my reaction and jumped onto the bed with me. 

"Do you like it?" He asked grinning. I nodded my head and tried to control my laughter, but I couldn't help it. 

"How long did it take you to make this cake?" I asked. 

"A very long time, can you tell?" 

"Oh yes because it looks like you put a lot of effort into it," I said smirking. Truth be told, the cake looked hideous and poorly decorated. 

"It's vanilla flavored in case you were wondering, here let's cut it," Niall said grabbing thecake knife from the plate. He cut a small slice and held it between his fingers. "Open," he said. I opened my mouth and Niall fed me his homemade disaster. I was preparing myself for the horrible flavor, but was surprised when it wasn't bad. 

"It'sgood," I said while chewing. Niall grinned and fist pumped the air. 

"I knew it!" He said happily. I laughed and cut another slice for myself. 

"So this was your fabulous dessert?" 

"Yes, are you impressed?" 

"Very, I love your cooking," I said with a smile. I dipped my finger in the cake's frosting and poked Niall's nose. He rolled his eyes and wiped it off with his hand. 

"You better watch out Valerie you don't know who you're messing with." This time I grabbed a handful of frosting and slapped it ontop of his blonde hair. It dripped down his face and Niall licked his lips in annoyance. "Oh you're in trouble now!" He grabbed the back of my head and dunked my face into the cake. When I lifted my head up, the cake was all the way up my nose and I couldn't breathe right. 

"You just wasted a perfectly good cake," I said in a nasally voice while trying to clean my face. Niall started bursting out in laughter and helped me wipe my eyes. 

"You're gonna need a shower," he said chuckling. I cracked open my eyes but I could feel the frosting burning into them and I nodded my head. 

"I know, oh well, I was gonna take one anyways," I sighed. I got up from the bed and fumbled around my dresser looking for my pajamas. 

"Here lemme help," Niall said jumping off and acting as my new pair of eyes. He folded my clothes and left them on the toilet seat in the bathroom. "Don't take long," Niall said pleadingly. I smirked and held my towel to my chest. 

"I won't." I closed the door to the bathroom then and got ready for bed. 

20 Minutes later 

"That took kinda long," Niall mumbled when he saw me walk out. My hair was dripping wet so I patted it with my towel and laughed. 

"What, are you getting sleepy or something Mr.Horan?" 

"As a matter of fact I am." I giggled then tossed my towel on the floor carelessly and slipped underneath the covers. 

"You're gonna have to shower too, I don't want your dirty blonde hair staining my pillowcase." Niall sneered playfully then tickled me. 

"Ha ha, very funny. That's why I told you to hurry up, because my head's itching like crazy!" He got up to run to the bathroom but on the way clumsily hit himself by the bed frame, causing me to laugh. 

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