Chapter 21 After All That We've Been Through, I Know We're Cool

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Hi how are you?" Ed asked before giving me an awkward hug. We met up at the cafe where we had gone on our first date and where I'd like to think was such a calming place. 

"Fine, no wait. Not fine actually, I need to tell you something and I hope you don't freak out." 

Ed stared at me in anticipation and took a sip of his tea. "Okay..." 

"Ed I'm pregnant." He chuckled then shook his head. 

"Very funny Val, but if you wanted to joke around this could've waited till I got back from tour." 

"Ed I'm really serious I wouldn't joke about something like this," I said frowning. He just stared at me in confusion and leaned back in his seat. 

"But Val, how?" 

"The night I stayed over at your place I thought I had taken birth control but I guess I didn't that week because I remember coming home and seeing that my case of pills were still intact. I'm sorry for bringing you into this," I confessed. 

"I don't even know what to say Val, um, I'm not mad to tell you the truth but not glad either. I'm going on a worldwide tour and as happy as I am for us, I don't know if I can deal with this right now. I don't want to go and leave you behind or struggling and make you think that I'm running away from all this, because I'm not. I'd much rather stay here and if necessary, maybe rekindle our relationship but my career means so much to me right now." 

I smiled softly at Ed's little speech and cleared my throat. "Thank you Ed. And I know where you're coming from, but I have a proposition. I want you to go and live your life because you deserve it and you're going to be so successful and I'm glad that I know you. And I know it's not going to be easy raising a baby on my own and I think it's sweet of you to try and work this out again, maybe, but I don't think it's a good idea." 

"What? Why not?" Ed asked suddenly upset. 

"Well just because I don't want my pregnancy to distract you at the moment. I honestly don't want anything to do with you and it's not because I don't like you but because I feel like this baby is more mine than yours. I want you to be apart of its life but only when necessary." 

"I don't understand," Ed said shaking his head even more upset. 

"I mean that I want to raise it alone. I don't want your help unless I ask for it. Like, I want you to come and visit and see the baby and maybe once in a while buy them a birthday or Christmas present, but I want to raise it alone," I said breathlessly. I watched different emotions play on Ed's face and he still looked bothered. 

"I know what you're trying to say, but I don't understand why you'd want me to just go and abandon the both of you." 

"It's not abandonment Ed. I don't mean to sound cold or inconsiderate, I just want you to go and do your own thing without having to worry about our baby. It'll be like none of this ever happened and I won't blame you for moving on Ed. I want you to be happy and successful. You'll always be welcome to come and visit the baby, I just don't want to force you into this relationship and scenario. All I'm asking is for you to provide for the baby only if I need help or when you feel it in your heart to give." 

Ed nodded his head and then sighed. "Okay then, whatever you want. Do you know if we'll be having a boy or girl?" 

"Not yet, I'll have to go back in a few weeks to check but I'll let you know. Any name preferences for the baby?" I asked with a smirk. Ed laughed and shrugged his shoulders. 

"None at all, I've never even thought about having a baby to be honest. Anything you pick will be fine with me." 

"What if I named our baby boy Beethoven or baby girl Maleficent, would that be okay?" I asked laughing. 

"It would be fine with me," Ed simply repeated. He stood up then and ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm gonna go finish packing now, you know how to reach me if you need anything, okay Val?" 

I nodded my head and stood up afterwards. "Yeah I know how to reach you. Thank you for understanding Ed. I'm really sorry we couldn't work out, I will always like you," I said biting my lip. Ed blushed and planted a kiss on my forehead. 

"I'll always like you too Val. Take care of yourself." With that he left the cafe and walked back to his apartment. I went to the bathroom before leaving the cafe and wondering if I had done the right thing.



So! i havent posted a chapter in awhile!! ive just been so busy with shit and everything. i am so sorry you guys! lucky for you though i have been writing chapters in my free time i just couldn't upload them! so you will be getting abunch of new chapters in the next few minutes since i will be uploading them all!!! :D YAAAAY!:)

vote,comment,share. thanks guys!

-Scar xx

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