Chapter 2 Torn

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"Val here has a crush on-" Sean said before I stomped on his foot.

"Ed," I quickly said. Sean scrunched his eyebrows in gyp and confusion, then raised em from surprise.

"Really?" Ed and Sean said at the same time. Niall looked at all of us oddly then guffawed.

"I'm not gobsmacked, a lot of the girls at Uni fancy him," Niall said as he took a seat across from me and smiled warmly. He noticed my class schedule and then grabbed it. "Let's see what thou hae, maths, pommy, history, spanish...spanish? thou speak it?"

I nodded my head and smiled. "I was taking it at my olde school and I've got family from Central colonies."

"What part? Please tell me y'r family knows how to make Mexican food," he said with his chevy chase in anticipation.

"Oh aye we dae," I said chuffed to hae an actual conversation with the laddy I was madly in love with, " thou should stop by one day for supper, well all of thou."

The yobs all beamed, especially Ed. "We'd love to," Sean exclaimed. The rest of the class was spent with the yobs cracking jokes and me paying extra close attention to the teacher. It was bleedin' distracting hearing the yobs whisper to each other across from me, or pass notes. When it ended though, I gathered my things and had no idea where to go. I figured that since Sean was the only laddy who actually attended this school since he was a year younger than Ed, I would stick with him.

"oi where are thou going?" Niall asked once he noticed me tagging along with Sean. He and Ed ran up to me and began to loosen up their ties (that was a part of our kit.)

"Um with Sean to maths?" I answered flumoxed. Niall guffawed and it made my heart flutter. It was so noice to hear him laugh in the flesh than in the videos I saw of him on youtube during interviews or whilst he performed.

"thou 're cute Val, but no. We hae to go to Uni for maths; the classes are too doddle for us here," he added snobbishly after. I guffawed and Ed grinned.

"Actually maths classes here are too full to hae new students enrolled in em, so they make us take the same maths classes that they offer here over there."

Niall grinned at me mischievously and placed an arm around my shoulder. " thou 're officially one of us now Val. thou should be proud. A lot of girls we go to school with try so hard to get our attention because they know we're famous, but thou 're different. I fancy thou."

I blushed and noticed Ed tensing up a tad. Oh right. Because he thought I actually liked him. Which I did, just not in the same way I liked Niall.

"I hope thou 're smashing at maths," I said walking closer to Ed to hide the fact that Niall made me feel all jittery. He smiled when I gave him the attention and offered to carry some of my books.

"Not really, Niall's the genius believe it or not, but I'm pretty smashing." I smiled at him shyly and he returned it.

" alreet thou two lovebirds, let's go before the smashing seats are taken," Niall mumbled. I tore my eyes away from Ed and felt odd. Maybe I did fancy him a little. Or a lot, fancy the way I liked Niall.

My dog and bone began to ring then and I answered it without checking the caller ID.

" wotcher?" I asked politely. The person on the other end cleared their throat and said, "-


wotcher had to cut this chapter short b/c I'm evil and thou chaps deserve a cliffhanger! This can of course be simply avoided if thou comment and vote!(:


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