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Hey guys!! So.....Chapter 20 was the last chapter for tonight...im sorry about the little cliffhanger..but im "knackered" as Shay would say ;p anyways...its 2:41 AM here in London...haha....its kinda boring here...since its just Jazzy,Sarah,Charlotte,Jaxon,Marc,Dallas and Liam here with me....Liam and I are visiting Shays siblings since we have nothing better to do and Shay's mom and step dad are at work ;p Haha...anyways...i just thought i will share the ages of the siblings with you guys okay?

Sarah and Charlotte are twins and are both 13

Jazzy and Jaxon are both 15

Marc and Dallas are twins and they are 17

Then Shay is 19....its weird with the age gap aint it..haha

Anyways i hope y'all enjoy my next chapters but this is all for tonight! xoxoxoxo i love you guys are you are awesome readers.Like i said before you guys are like my second family....


aye-up im Jazzy and im Sarah!!!! and im Charlotte!! and we are shays sisters...how are ye chaps doin...we miss Shay :/ dae ye chaps....we knackered night chaps! xx



oi were shays step brothers MAAARC,Dallas and Jaxon(yo) how yeh all doin today.. yeh probably met out step sisters and Scar plus Liam are soon to be step blud -in-law i guess...and if shay reads this yeh did a mint job choosing the right bloke sis...night chaps we knackered xx


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