Chapter 17 "Cosmic Love" (continued)

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"Valerie you're phone's ringing," Niall finally said after a while. I was too distracted to hear it and he pulled away completely. "You should get that," he said smirking then softly planting a kiss on my lips. 

Cosmic Love happened to be playing as my ringtone by Florence & The Machine, which coincidentally happened to be the song running through my mind when kissing Niall. I checked the caller ID and read that it was Jasmine calling me. 

"Oh it's Jas," I said nonchalantly. I place both hands on the sides of his face and we resumed kissing. My phone kept ringing and then Niall froze. As if someone had thrown cold water at Niall's face he shook his head softly then frowned. 

"What am I doing?" He kept repeating to himself over and over again in a strange voice and dazed out. I furrowed my eyebrows and cautiously stepped closer to Niall. 

"Hey you okay?" I said rubbing my thumb over his cheek. 

As if he suddenly remembered he wasn't alone he stared at me in an unreadable manner and his icy blue eyes lost all traces of happiness and passion that we had felt before. 

"I can't do this Valerie. I'm sorry for dragging you into this. It's not gonna work out. I'm with your sister for crying out loud, I'm so sorry. She doesn't deserve me, I can't believe I did that," Niall choked out. He began to cry silently and I got worried. 

"No it's not your fault Niall, you didn't drag me into anything," I began to say soothingly. I made him look me in the eye and he just blinked back incoherently. 

"Yes I did, Valeria. God you have no idea how wrong this feels. I can't even believe I did that, what did I think would come out of it all?" Niall said quietly. 

He really meant everything he said and didn't even hesitate at telling me the truth. Since the mood had changed drastically, I turned on my heel and left him. 

On the way home was when I began to bawl my eyes out because I didn't expect my little piece of happiness to slip away from my fingers so easily. And from the beginning I knew something bad was going to happen if I kissed Niall. But it only took one look at him and the taste of his lips on my mouth to cave in. 

I was home in less than 30 minutes and fumbled with inserting my key inside the lock. Once I managed to open it, I kicked off my heels and threw my purse on the floor. 

"Mom?" I croaked out. Someone was home since the kitchen light was on and I walked towards the light. "Mom are you still up?" I asked before pushing the kitchen door open. My mom wasn't in the kitchen but my sister Jasmine was...and Ed. 

"What is this?" I asked so confused. They were making out on the kitchen counter and Jasmine looked mortified. 

"Val, I didn't think you'd be home so early," she quickly explained while fixing her hair. "I called to ask what time you were gonna come home." Ed straightened out his clothes and looked nervous. 

"You didn't think I'd be so home early?" I mocked her. "You're such an idiot. How could you do this?" 

"I know and I'm sorry, but please don't tell Niall," she pleaded. I bulged my eyes and paced around in the kitchen. 

"How can you not expect me to tell Niall? Why would you do this? And hurt Niall." Niall had felt guilty for giving me a kiss and had thought that Jasmine deserved better when she was obviously hooking up with Ed. "How long has this been going on?" 

"Only for two weeks," she said. "And I wanted to tell Niall but the more involved I got with Ed the harder it was for me to break the news. I promise to tell him soon though." 

"Not soon, tomorrow," I said through gritted teeth. At this, Jasmine seemed bothered and she licked her teeth. 

"And if I don't?" 

"Then I will. Because this isn't the first time you've kept something from me. First you didn't tell me that you were dating Niall behind my back and now you'e hooking up with my ex behind not just my back, but Niall's too. He doesn't deserve you Jasmine. He never did." 

"And you think you do?" she retorted. This caught me off guard and she smiled grimly. 

"It's a little obvious you like him Valerie and to be honest, quite pathetic, because in the end, he didn't choose you but me." 

I choked back tears and sniffed. "Whatever." I walked out of the kitchen and ran to my room. I refused to sleep under the same roof as her so I grabbed a backpack and threw in random pieces of clothing. I grabbed the essentials from the bathroom, like my toothbrush, hair comb, loofah, and hair gel, and then went back out to the living room. I was glad the boys were in town because this give me the opportunity to stay with them possibly and if I couldn't, then I could always rent a hotel room or something. 

"Valerie, wait," Ed said stopping me outside on the street. I stopped momentarily then slumped my shoulders. 

"Why Ed?" I asked shaking my head. "You're one of his good friends, you could've stopped this from going further." 

"I know Valerie, and I'm so sorry. I love Niall like a brother, but... I don't know. I'm sorry for hurting you too though Valerie. I didn't want you to get dragged into this. I came over to end things, but it didn't exactly go as I planned. Are you okay?" 

I cried then bit my lip. "I don't know Ed. This was just the cherry on top of a horrible night." 

"I'm sorry and I know I'm asking for too much, but, you won't tell him, right?" 

I sighed and hitched my backpack higher on my shoulders. "No. You should try telling him the truth, Ed. He deserves it and you know it." 

With that I left to catch a bus into town. The Boys wanted nothing but the best when it came to staying in Mullingar so when I texted Zayn and asked if I could sleepover for the night he replied back saying that I was gonna love the guest bedroom in Liam's room. I smiled a bit at his sincerity and stared at all the happy people celebrating their nice Halloween. 

"Hi Zayn, I just called to say that I'm already here at your hotel, and thanks for letting me stay over. Hurry up and come home!" I left Zayn a voicemail and without any difficulty from the hotel staff at the front desk, entered Liam's suite. 

It was clean and a little bit big, but nice overall. The first thing I planned on doing was taking a shower then hopefully staying up all night with the boys to forget about all this drama. I hoped that they wouldn't ask too many questions about my arrival, but decided that while I was showering, I could make up a plausible explanation.

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