Chapter 19 A Lack of Understanding (continued)

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I sank into the couch and clutched Harry's arm. 

"Niall what are you doing here?" I asked him in a weak voice. He just stood there and shuffled his feet awkwardly. 

"I asked Liam if I could come over to talk to you," he said numbly. The Boys stared back and forth between us and Liam spoke up. 

"Hey let's go grab our playstation from your room Zayn," he said nudging him. 

"Yeah alright, we'll be back guys," Zayn said standing up and pushing Louis towards the door. They all gave me apologetic looks before leaving and then I was alone with Niall. 

"You weren't supposed to find out this way," I said biting my lip. Niall paced around the room and tossed his snapback hat on the couch. He didn't say anything but then sat on the opposite side of me. 

"How long was that going on for?" 

"I dunno weeks I think, do you want to know who it was with?" 

"Not really," Niall said sighing. I stared at him while he was thinking and then he turned to me. "And how long did you know about this? Have you been keeping this as a secret from me?" 

"I just found out tonight and it's hard to explain the truth," I said softly. I tentatively scooted closer to him on the couch but left enough room to give him personal space. 

"I don't care if you send it to me via text message or leave me a voicemail in French. Just tell me the truth," Niall said with red eyes. I didn't like seeing him cry because it made me feel like it my fault for him crying. 

"Well the idea was that I threatened Jasmine to tell you the truth about everything and if she didn't, then I was. I didn't know you were coming over tonight though and I had hoped that when you got home maybe Jasmine would call you or something. I'm so sorry Niall, like you have no idea." 

Niall stood quiet then grabbed my hand shyly in his. "Thank you for everything Valerie. I wasn't expecting this to happen tonight but I'm glad I came." 

"You're glad you came?" I asked in disbelief. This was the first time I heard him laugh and I blushed at how happy I felt. 

"Well I'm not freaking happy I had to hear that my girlfriend cheated on me, but I'm glad we're back to normal now. Valerie I'm sorry if I confused you and made you think that we could possibly have something going on but-" 

"And we're back, again!" Louis boomed. I sighed at how he ruined the moment and also because I felt rejected by Niall. Everytime we talked I felt like I was getting a slap in the face because my mind just could not comprehend the fact that Niall was never going to think of me as more than just his best friend. It hurt but at least I was something to him. 

"What are we gonna play then?!" Niall asked happily. 

"I was thinking maybe Call of Duty, unless Valerie wants to play something else?" Zayn asked. 

"No it's fine, plus it'll give me the perfect opportunity to have Harry teach me how to win this game," I said with a wink. 

"Yeah we'll be a team then," he said sitting in between me and Niall. 

"Okay," I chirped. We stayed up for hours playing video games and ordering room service and I felt normal for once. Like if all the drama that I had been going through just vanished and all that mattered were my friends. 

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