Merry Christmas (FINISHED)

By jamiethetrans

47.2K 1.9K 343

Set after season 5. It's Christmas and the Mills gets a pleasant surprise when they discover the presents wai... More

December 1st
Decemeber 2nd
December 3rd
December 4th
December 5th
December 6th
December 7th
December 9th
December 10th
December 11th
December 12th
December 13th
December 14th
December 15th
December 16th
December 17th
December 18th
December 19th
December 20th
December 21st
December 22nd
December 23rd
Decmeber 24th

December 8th

1.6K 82 3
By jamiethetrans

"Emma! Ems wake up! You need to get up!", Ruby yelled as she marched into Emma's bedroom and found her sleeping in her bed. Ruby tried to push her awake but Emma didn't even stir.

God Emma, how much did she give you last night


Emma didn't move an inch and Ruby sighed.

"Alright, you asked for it Swan", Ruby whispered and walked down to the kitchen and poured a glass of water before going back upstairs. She immediately threw it at the sleeping blonde, and said sleeping blonde sprung out of the bed. She looked around to see where she was and her eyes landed on her best friend with a now empty glass.


"Stop! You need to come to the diner! Leroy is there and he's drunk off his ass just like you!"

Emma rolled her eyes and murmured something before going to the bathroom.

"Stupid little dwarf!"
Emma walked inside granny's with her batch and gun and immediately saw Leroy sitting at the counter yelling at a little boy.

"You little shit, I paid 3 dollars for that beer!"

"Wow Leroy! Enough! Let's go, I have a cell with your name on it"

Leroy turned and saw the blonde sherif standing with her arms crossed.

"I bet. I'll be there as soon as this little shit has learned his lesson!"

Emma immediately made her move and jumped on the dwarf, diving him to the ground. Roland screamed in fright and ran out of the diner.


Emma hit Leroy in the face so he passed out and ran after Roland. She quickly found him running down the street to her right and ran after him. She was more frustrated than ever. Why the hell was Roland all alone at the diner. Where the hell was Robin?!

"Roland! Stop!"

Roland didn't listen and kept running and screaming. He looked behind him to see Emma running after him but before he could think anymore thoughts, he fell a body against his own and he landed on his back.

"Omg sweetie, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you", Snow said and helped the little screaming boy to stand. Emma catches up with the boy and immediately take him into her arms and hugged him tight.

"Don't ever run away like that again! You scared the crap out of me!"

Roland hugged the blonde as he kept crying.

"Hi sweetheart"

"Hi mom. I'm going to go to Robin to get Roland home. Can you please call dad and say Leroy needs to be taken home from the diner? He's just laying and sleeping"

Snow nodded and smiled.

"Of course"

Emma smiled and walked down the street, only to find out that she didn't knew where Robin lived in Storybrooke. She sighed and called Regina.


"Hey Regina. Uhm, do you know where Robin lives or is for that matter?"

"Uhm, he brought a little apartment last week actually, why?"

"I found Roland at the diner. Alone! Where the hell is Robin when he's supposed to take care of his son?!", Emma yelled even when she tried not to. Roland was now sleeping in her arms.


"Yeah. Where are you?"

"At home. Come over here, I'll call Robin in the mean time"

"Alright", Emma said and hung up. Regina stood for a couple of seconds before bursting out and throwing the phone across the room.


She soon heard footsteps on the stairs and looked up.

"Mom! What's going on?!"

Regina took a deep breath before answering.

"Nothing Henry. It's just Robin being an idiot"


"Emma just found Roland alone at the diner. He's 7!"

"I know mom, relax. Where is ma now?"

Regina relaxed at the mention of the blonde.

"She's on her way over here with Roland", Regina answered crossing her arms and looking down. Henry sighed in relief and smiled. He walked closer to his mother and hugged her tight. Regina smiled and put her arms around her now tall son.

"It's okay. Nothing happened to him. He's in good hands"

Regina smiled and nodded.

"I know"

They both heard a knock and pulled back.

"That would probably be Emma and Roland", Regina said and walked to the door and opened it meeting a tired Emma and a sleeping Roland on her shoulder.

"Hey", she whispered and walked in. Regina smiled and closed the door after them. Emma immediately turned and handed Roland over to Regina.

"Hey. Is he okay? Is he hurt?", Regina asked whispering. Emma shook her head.

"No not that I know of. I was told to come over to the diner to get drunky Leroy home. When I got there I saw him yelling down at Roland. I couldn't see Robin anywhere so..."

Regina nodded taking in the information.

"Thank you for calling. I'll take him to the guest room"

"Sure", Emma said smiling at the brunette receiving a smile in return. Regina walked upstairs and Emma turned to their son.

"Hey kid. How are you? Got any presents today?"

Henry smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. Some socks"

"Cool. What about yesterday?"

"The second Harry Potter book"


Henry smiled and nodded. Emma smiled back.

"So how was it at your grandparents yesterday?"

"Great. Neal couldn't stop smiling and laughing. I didn't know he had so much energy"

Emma laughed and shook her head.

"That's Neal"

"Alright. Roland is sleeping. I wasn't able to—"

Regina was interrupted by a knock on the door. They all turned to the door and all shared a look before Regina walked towards it and opened it. She felt anger burning inside her as she saw a smiling Robin standing on her porch.

"Robin", Regina said coldly, not showing any sign of welcome. Robin eyed the woman for a moment.

"Regina is everything okay? Can I come in?"

"Of course. Why don't you call Roland and tell him to come over here as well while you're at it", Regina said crossing her arms. Robin eyed her with a confused frown.

"Regina why are you suddenly like this? You were fine yesterday. Did-did I do something wrong?"

"I don't know Robin. You tell me", Regina said becoming slightly irritated by the mans oblivion.

"What's wrong with you Regina? Can you please tell me what's going on?!"

"FIGURE IT OUT YOU SHIT HEAD!!", Emma yelled as she stepped in front of the brunette. Robin took a step back and eyed the two women. He looked at Regina for some kind of sympathy, but saw nothing more than a deadly glare.

"May I know why I'm suddenly wanted dead?"

"YOU AREN'T TAKING CARE OF YOUR OWN SON!!", Emma yelled and pushed Robin off the porch. Robin eyed the blonde with a frown.

"What do you mean? He's at home with his nanny"

"Is he?", Regina asked still not having moved an inch neither by her body of face.

"Yes?", Robin answered now slightly unsure of the statement.

"Well then. What if I told you that Roland is sleeping in my guest room right now?"


"Yes. Apparently Emma found him at granny's. Alone. Can you explain that to me?"

Robin stood with eyes filled with disbelief.


Regina rolled her eyes and groaned before stepping in front of the man and slapping him hard.


Robin stiffened. He did not expect that to happen. And apparently neither did Emma nor Henry. They both stood just as stiff staring at the brunette.

"Now you will go upstairs, take your son with you and go back home!"

Robin nodded and walked upstairs without further comment. Regina stood still and stared out at nothing. Emma swallowed a lump and slowly approached Regina.


"Don't touch me right now!", Regina hissed as she took a step away from the blondes touch.

"Thank you for bringing him", Regina she said and walked back inside, leaving a stunned Emma and Henry. The mother and son shared a look and sighed. Henry smiled sadly and nodded.

"I'll see you later Henry. If anything happens call me!"

Henry nodded and walked back inside as Robin came back down with a sleeping Roland in his arms.

"Thank you", he said to Emma and smiled before walking away. Emma nodded, mostly to herself as the man already had left.
Regina sat on her bed in her bedroom lost in thought.

Idiot! How could he do it?! To his fucking own son! Idiot!

She was brought from her thoughts as she heard a mirror crack. She turned and saw her mirror crack into thousands of pieces. She hasn't done that in a long time. Suddenly she heard the familiar sound of text message being received. She smiled to herself without really realizing it. She almost ran to her phone and opened the message.

Relax. Go make yourself a cup of coffee. You need it

Regina smiled at the concern from her secret admire. He may be a creep sometimes, but he with no doubt cared for her very much. She kept smiling as she answered before walking down to her kitchen.

Thank you...

She received a new message as she reached the kitchen and started the coffeemaker.

Of course. I hate seeing you frustrated

She felt hear in her cheeks and she smirks while biting her lip. Beside she knew it, she received another text.

I like when you do that

Regina looked out of her window but saw nothing. She became a little scared and looked around to assure she was indeed alone.

Don't be scared. I'm not going to hurt you. I would rather hurt myself


Regina immediately wrote back. She didn't want this man/woman to hurt himself/herself.

Go to your living room

Regina walked to the living room and saw a huge gift on the couch.

It's big

I hope you like it. Bye Regina

Regina's smile faded and she sighed as she sat down in the couch and opened the gift. Her smiled quickly came back though as she saw the black dress that laid in the box. She stood from the couch and stood in front of the mirror watching herself with the dress in front of herself.

It's beautiful

She turned for her the box and saw the white card. She took it and read it.

Wear this when we meet

- S

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