Delusion or Real (Kakashi lov...

By neverlandsshinobi

29K 1.2K 187

What if this time the main person isn't sucked up into the Naruto world, but the character from Naruto itself... More

big mistake
prove me
believe me
The struggles
missed me?
new look
The new Kakashi
bad feeling
tell me
deal or no deal?
this is it
lost and won
that girl
the mask
prom night
first love, first kiss
new student
tell him.. or not
The Portal
his own
going away?
goodbye, hello
round 1
White Noise
So Cold
Another one?
So We Meet Again
let you down
He returns
The Akatsuki
The Beast
No way...
Hello, old friend
Harder Than I Thought
The End

be mine?

508 22 4
By neverlandsshinobi

"Chocolate? Check. Coffee? Check. A huge teddy bear? Check. Earphone? Check." I said through the mic that the earphone has.

"Good. I am going to call her now. I will be in the bushes. Hiding. Say the exact things that I will say to you. Don't mess it up!" Elise said. Her friends are all geniusses.

I waited so long for her to arrive. Finally I saw her, walking towards me. Her walk is even beautiful. Everything about her. The way her hair bounces and the way she hides the half of her face with a scarf because of the cold. Not to mention her cute red cheeks.

"Kakashi? What are you doing here? And what are those?" She asked me and pointed at the things I got for her.
"Beko, this is for-"
"IDIOT! NOT SO QUICK. LET IT BE ROMANTIC!" Elise yelled. I think I just went deaf because of her voice.

Beko began to giggle. A giggle that turned into laughter.
She took the earphone off which wasn't good covered up. She shook her head.
"I know Kakashi. Naruto told me. But since it HAS TO BE ROMANTIC LIKE SOMEONE SAYS FROM THE BUSHES. Go on my dear." She said with the cutest smile ever.

I blushed. I didn't know what to do without the earphones. Maybe I should kiss her?

"Uhm yeah so Beko. I have never seen such a beautiful person like you. The way you talk. The way you laugh. The way you move. Everything about you is perfect even your insecurities. Your flaws. You are way too perfect. That's why I am a little nervous to ask you. Beko. My lady. Will you be mine and go to the prom with me?" I said.
Woah. Maybe those books did help me.

She didn't say anything. No response. She only stood there with her mouth open. This is it. This is the perfect opportunity to kiss her. To make her feel the love I have felt all this time towards her. To remind her what love is. This is the prefect spot.

I grabbed her face. It was like our warm breaths made the cold go away. As if it was summer again.

Her breathing got faster. My heart couldn't take this anymore. She backed away when I came close to touch her lips with mine. She was shaking like a lost puppy. She looked so scared that it broke me. I could see that she was the most fragile and innocent person ever. She may not show it, but she is weak.

"shhh. Don't be scared. I got you, Beko. I will never let go of you." I whispered to her. She just nodded and waited for me. She slowly closed her eyes. I did so too, because the most beautiful things can't be seen with the eye. It only can be felt by the heart.

Right when I was going to slide my tongue into her mouth... I heard someone. Someone who was applausing.
Beko pushed me away and stood there in shock. Just like me.

"So. Mr. Hatake and Miss Pein. Who would've thought. Hahha. Amazing. Go on. I won't make a sound. Go on Mr. Hatake. Make her yours."


Beko's P.O.V.

Here it was. The moment I waited for so long. I can't believe that all of this is happening so quick. It was like waiting for something you know is never going to happen. But here I stood. It is happening. It really is happening. Me with my anime crush. About to kiss. I never felt this nervous. I got so shaky that I grabbed his jacket. Too afraid that my weak knees were about to give out. Everything was perfect.

Until... she interrupted us.

"So. Mr. Hatake and Miss Pein. Who would've thought of this. Hahha. Amazing. Go on. I won't make a sound. Go on Mr. Hatake. Make her yours."

"Pandacorn..." I hissed.

"Excuse me. Miss Pein? Did you say something."
"Look. Ma'am I can explain all of this. It isn't what it seems like." Kakashi said.
"Oh really. So you are going to deny that you as a teacher were going to make out with a student of yours? I am curious." She said looking sharply at Kakashi.

I couldn't handle this awkward silence. If people would know about Kakashi and I.. then we are done. What have we done.

The moment looked so perfect. I wish it could last longer. Maybe the answers that I was looking for were written on his soft looking lips. I want to know what love is. I want to know how it feels. Everytime I get close to someone, that person just walks right out of my life. Or people like Pandacorn interrupt.

"You don't have anything to say. Your days as a teacher is over. Do you hear me!? I already didn't like you, Beko Pein. Now I can get rid of you too. What a good day today. I hit two birds with one stone." She said proudly.

"Do. Not. Call. Me. By. My. Last. Name." I said. I was losing my patience. My anger was about to burst through me. The animal inside of me has waken up. Ready to kill her.
Not even Kakashi could stop me now. I was blinded by rage.

"Oh and why not. Miss Pein."

"ENOUGH!" I yelled into her face and before I could punch her, someone else did. With a stone..
Pandacorn fell in front of me. She fainted.

"Elise! What did you do!?" Kakashi said. I was too shocked to speak. I just stood there and watched Kakashi feeling Pandacorn's pulse.
"She is fine. Her head doesn't bleed." He reassured me.

One of the things I hate about myself is that I care too much. Even if it is my enemy. Even though I won't show it. I care too much. And at the end that 'too much' is hurting me so much.

"Lets bring her home. Then maybe she will think that all of this was a nightmare?" Elise said unsure.
That's actually a good plan.

*Skip forward to the part that Beko, Kakashi and Elise brought Pandacorn home and changed her into her pj's so it looked as if she was asleepall this time*


Still Beko's P.O.V.

I threw the keys and it landed who knows where in my room. I already told Kakashi goodnight and acted as if nothing happened at all.

I took a quick shower and changed into my pj's. I was already thinking about the dress that I am going to wear for the prom with Kakashi. But she is right. A teacher and student can't go to the prom together.


Right when I was falling asleep I felt someone laying next to me.

"You still haven't answered my question from before." He said with a husky low voice. Shivers ran through my spine.

"My answer is 'yes'. I won't say 'no' to the most handsome idiot of all time."
He let out a laugh.
"What about Pandacorn? Plus, she was right about the teacher student thingy..." I said.
"Lets not worry about her. She is dumb enough to believe that it was a dream after all. And that teacher student 'thingy' won't be a problem. Trust me on this." He said.

"Alright. I do trust you. And by the way. You said that she will believe that all of this was a 'dream'. Well, I think it was more of a 'nightmare' for her and not a 'dream'."
"That moment was for her a nightmare. That's true. But for me it was like a beautiful dream that almost came true."

I smiled at his cheesy reply and fell asleep.


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