YOU + Robbie Kay

By robbie-xoxo

120K 4.1K 541

Imagine YOU + Robbie Kay More

YOU & Robbie Kay
Merry Christmas Darling
Don't Quit Your Day Dream
New School Boy
Leave My Sister Alone
You're My Sweetheart
Social Media
Netflix On An Airplane
You're My Muse
Story Time With Danika
"I'm Peter, Peter Pan"
Robbie Kay 4 Christmas
Merry Christmas
Meeting Robbie
You Are My Gift Babe
New Years Kiss
Baby, Part 1
Baby, Part 2
Boy Next Door
Birthday Eve
Dinner for two?
You're Mine Now (Peter Pan)
I Love You Robbie
A fun date
He Was Perfect
Me,My Cats And RobbieKay
Netflix and Chill
Starbucks & Robbie Kay
Meet and Greet
You Are Family Now
A Tommy Clark Story
Traveling ❤️
Can't Stop The Feeling
Dani Meets Robbie
You and I forever
Views and Kay
A baby, baby.
Train rides with Rob
The breakup
The breakup part 2
Can this never end?
Cold Moon
Camp with Kay
First Kiss
Falling in love w/the boy
New Friendship
Warm Blankets
Into You
Don't give up on me love
Hard to forget
Love at first sight
I love you Pan
Love at first touch
Pretty Eyes
Tommy Clark
Boy I Want You
It will be great.
Do You Feel The Same?
Undercover Lover
September Date
💋 You & Me In Paris 💋
New Year
Birthday Girl 😼
I love you, 3,000
Oh, Stop That.
But first, coffee
Blind Date ❤️
Home Sweet Home
Video Games
Homeschooled Fangirl
The Heart Wants What It Wants
I Love You. (Heroes Reborn)
The Road Back To You
"I love you too"
Never Alone
Never Really Over
College Crush
So you're single?
Taco Night
His Smile
I missed you.
Love You From A Distance

Happy Birthday

3.3K 96 40
By robbie-xoxo

You flew out to LA as your birthday gift from your parents. It was the week of your birthday.
The weather was perfect. Sunshine for as far as you could see.
You go to the beach everyday and shop around for new birthday clothes for your birthday.

*Thursday Morning Jan. 7th*
You woke up well rested for your birthday. You got dressed in your favorite shorts and your Robbie Kay sweatshirt. It said "Robbie Kays  Lost Girl" with a photo of him under it.
You put on Ray ban aviators and head out to find some coffee.
You go to The Coffee Bean and sit down with your iced coffee.
You go on social Medias and check all the Happy Birthdays from everyone.
You tweet out.
"Happy Heroes Reborn Day And Happy Birthday to me!"
You smile and lock your phone and watch people out the window as you drink your coffee.
You get up and walk around window shopping in the warm LA sun. Your phone was buzzing off the hook.
"RobbieKay_ Happy Birthday!!"

You almost drop your phone.
It will definitely be a happy birthday! You smile and walk into a small shop.
Once you get into the store you look at some clothes. You run into someone knocking your coffee all over the floor.
They turn around. "I'm so sorry! I'll buy you another." They said in a British accent.
You sigh. "Oh I was almost done with it.."
You look at the person. Robbie. Kay.
"You look familiar..." He said.
"You just tweeted me Happy Birthday." You say smiling.
"Oh right! Your names Y\N?"
You nod and someone give you Both towels and he helps you clean up the coffee.
"I'm sorry. I'll buy you a drink. There's a Starbucks down the street. Nice shirt by the way." He laughed
"You really don't have too."
You say throwing away the messy paper towels.
He did as well. "No I want too."
He smiled.
You nod. "Okay."

He walks with you to a Starbucks and you get an iced tea.
"There, I won't knock this drink over!" He laughed.
You both sat at a table outside.
"Well thankyou it means a lot!"
You both chat for a while and take a selfie.
"Hey, what are you doing tonight?"
He asked.
"Heroes of course!"
He smiled. "Wanna come watch with some of the cast?"
You thought. You were just gonna order a pizza and watch in your pjs.
"Uhh I would love that!" You say smiling.
He grabbed your phone and wrote down an address. "Be there at 7."
He smiled and you hug each other both get up and walk away.

You showed up at the place, you had fixed your makeup and curled your hair and your nails were just done today.
Robbie opens the door and it was dark in the house. Once you walk in he shuts the door and the lights turn on and a bunch of the cast yell "Happy Birthday!!"
You smile big. "Aw thankyou!!"
You walk in and see they ordered a bunch of pizza and had lots of different sodas and exc.

Y'all eat and laugh and take photos. And they even had a birthday cake for you. Everyone had a small gift, and gift cards.
"Awe y'all are the best!" You say as you open the cards. After you all take a group selfie.

At 8 you all sit in front on the TV.
You sat by Robbie. Everyone kinda sat on the same couch so you were squished against Robbie. But you didn't mind. You all live tweeted and had a blast.

Robbie walked you out. "Thanks for coming!"
"Thanks for inviting me! The cast is even better in real life!"
You giggle.
Robbie smiled. "Happy Birthday Y/N" he kissed your cheek making you blush.
"Night." He smiled.
"Goodnight!" You say as you go back to your hotel.
You post the selfie of you and Robbie and the group selfie you took with the cast.
Best. Birthday. Ever.

My bday is actually Jan 7th! Can this please happen?! Please and thank-you. Yes that's my sweatshirt.

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