PokèDruids [PkmnWattys2016]

By HaterOfTheYear

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A young boy named Pepe lived a regrettable life, mainly because, heck, he didn't have a Pokemon. He couldn't... More

The Professor
No More
A Small Shrub
Out Of Body Experience
Fight of a Lifetime
Bell Tower
Winter Ghosts
Trials and Union
Summit and Repose
Contest Spectacular Pt 1
Contest Spectacular, Pt 2
Humanity Stones
Fort Alpine
Things of Three
Xerxes and Dusk, Pt 1
Xerxes and Dusk, Pt 2
Eros and Sicily, Pt 1
Eros and Sicily, pt 2
Eros and Sicily, Pt 3
Eros and Sicily, pt 4
Hank and Cerci, pt 1
Hank and Cerci, pt 2
Hank and Cerci, pt 3
The Ashen Badge
Siege on Fort Alpine
Journey to Utopia
Keep Your Friends Close...
... And Your Enemies Closer
Falling Skies
Home Again
Yay for Cerci!
The Rising Cult
Of All People!
Fine Dining
This Could Have Been It...
...But it Wasn't
A Pokemon Battle?
A Pokemon Battle. Two.
To Giratina!
False Idol
The Marquis
Island of the Mages
Friggin Bird...
What Now?
Spread Your Wings
Tournament, Pt 2
Tournament: Final part i promis
Unova-re's eventually going to be puns (Kalos can't make puns :( )
Ka-los call (As in, close call)
Another Chapter Where They Go Home
She Found It
Down to Hell
Plan B
The Chapter Things Started To Change
Deep, Meaningful Title
Do You Even Care What the Title Is?
Ambiguous Pun
A Single, Pessimistic Phrase
Needs Disambiguation
LOL, This Chapter
Liliac Maelstrom Doughnut
ch79/notes storyline:scarylands notes end above Lol what else me?
I'm Hugry Food Plz
Ch 81
I don't know what comes after 81
The Beginning of the End
The End of the Beginning of the End
Oh Boy, A Fight!
Boss Fight
The End

Tournament Pt 1

20 3 0
By HaterOfTheYear

Hallucinations weren't the only thing on Eros' mind as he walked back to the fort, all three of his Pokemon at his side as he did so. He's traveled the forest many times now, his adventures in the forest often crossing paths with itself, giving Eros a good idea of location every time he navigated the area. He had to admit that he enjoyed all this walking and exploring, since he'd not only see many kinds of Pokemon in the forest and be able to understand their language and culture, something he's only now realizing he took for granted at first, but also the fact that his very own Pokemon were ecstatic at this kind of adventure, the kind in which any other series of events would make impossible. Even if this journey back to the fort was but a few days on foot rather than weeks, he truly learned something by taking a step back and looking at his life. In all honesty, despite that his family was dead... Things couldn't be better.

It never left his mind, though, when he started thinking about how he owed Articuno for ditching him at Blackreach, but he didn't respect his decision to go to war and even less him wanting Eros to join him. In the end, he did justify to himself that he didn't have to help Articuno, although it still bugged him that he really still had a debt to him. He considered means to repay an immortal being with power massive compared to his, but came up blank. In time, he would surely pay for this...

On the other hand, he also owed Xerxes a trip to her father; Unfortunately, that was also beyond him. The only thing that came to mind was asking one of his Druids to divine it for him, assuming there are enough Druids to do so. He also owed the Druids some kind of leadership, which he'd have to manage when he could. Of course, he knew that panicking was no way to deal with all of these problems, and neither was complaining or waiting for some kind of direction; No, he'd to take things into his own hands, one step at a time, planning carefully and thinking wily to come up with a plan for this.

After the strenuous journey that lasted for a few days, the group walked right into fort alpine and went about their own business for a few hours; That was, everybody except for Eros. Eros was well aware that he needed to do something to show that he was there and that he cared, as well as something to break the monotony for the students, since they never seemed to leave the fort on their own; When he tried to come up with ideas, however, he always drifted to the thought of some kind of tourney, something that was both safe and entertaining, both for anybody watching and anybody participating. This would be, at his hand, truly a gauntlet for the ages if he could pull this off...

As for some sort of prize, Eros drew blanks. There was no way to obtain any valuable magical items, since they were devoid of an enchantress. There wasn't any money to give away, either, since Eros was downright broke and had never encountered a single Poke across his adventures. All he could do was dog through his personal possessions and look for anything valuable, but there was no way that he's have anything worth... Wait! That was it! While it wasn't necessarily anything special, he did have a spare Ultra Ball lying around from way back when he started his adventure.

While he had to ask Cerci on what would be appropriate and feasible for a tournament of this sorts, she seemed pretty happy at the opportunity to talk about this kind of thing, despite being retired. In fact, she seemed much happier and calmer over all, especially along side with Hank at her side (and also at a few other places, which she was less than subtle in implying). None the less, she still had a hint of her former all-business attitude and gave a rundown on all the special rules and precautions, such as how any blow to the head could permanently hurt a human, should combat be part of it. All in all, she was having a great time back in Ashport, where Hank's nearly limitless funds supported the two's modest lifestyle. The only negative part of the conversation was hanging up, since Eros already missed her.

Before he started letting people sign up for the tournament, which will have a total of sixteen contestants due to the way it was planned, he needed to find a way to locate Xerxes' father; As a result, he asked one of the sorcery-based instructors if they knew anybody, receiving a response that led him to another one of the Druids, one who was quite adept in the art of divination. Asking what he could, the divining Druid was more than happy to put their skills to use, although it would take quite a while, since they were only capable of asking yes-or-no questions at their stage of spell casting. As long as he had a day or two, he'd be more than happy.

Well, this was it. There was nothing else to do besides set up the first challenge, and he had already obtained the things he needed to commence it. Of course, he'd have to announce it first... As the sun was setting and the final sessions for the classes were about to start, he instructed the instructors to have everybody meet at the central training grounds the next morning in order for an important announcement. In this time, he also helped address the problems of some people wanting to return home, to which the solution, coming with a little bit of assistance from Cerci, was to allow everybody one last parting letter and have somebody send them all out by hand, leaving no trace of their existences besides their final letters. In turn, though, they agreed that at least a few more Druids would be recruited soon, since it seemed to be easier obtaining food and supplied with more people, as the instructors stated.

It had been a while since Eros had truly seen the place at night, but it was nothing like that time, since there was so much more... Life. Never had he seen the place so alive before, as a small handful of the thirty or so students were either standing behind shoddy stands that held signs promising use of their abilities and goods, as supplied by their mystical powers in turn for small sums of Poke. One boy, the one who he asked to divine the location of Xerxes' dad, offered the answer to a yes or no question with a short span of meditation, lined up with at least four people, while another stand, empty save the lady standing behind it, sold berries that were modified and much better than those typically found out in the field, such as massive Cherri berries. Even the baker sold a few special pastries and cake slices at this time, diverging from his normal and free breads and loaves. In essence, it seemed as if Fort Alpine was almost a small city of its own...

The next morning in the open center, most of the Druids stood waiting for an announcement from their leader, who stood atop one of the catwalks on the side of this multipurpose arena. The young boy up there didn't look like anything special, save the considerably powerful Flygon at his side, a Pokemon that would stand a chance should it be brought into battle against the run-of-the-mill trainer. Answering the anticipation for his speech, he didn't tarry much longer after the crowd had grown large enough. Hopefully, he recited enough for this...

"Druids! Druids... You may know me as your Headmaster Eros. I know that you think I've neglected to show any leadership up to this point. Well, you're wrong. Shut up." A small giggle waved through the crowd. "I've been doing my part to try and support this group as a whole, doing crap that put my life in danger and can be summed up in a single sentence out of monologue." Eros, using his out of monologue capabilities, briefly described a few of his journeys, such as his out into a bell tower and down in the city of Utopia, avoiding having the author reiterate what the readers already know.

"Unfortunately, it can be dangerous to head out alone, yet it can be quite rewarding, but it should not be done without our consent. You see, every action we take should put us one step closer to achieving world peace and balance, something that benefits all forms of life. Some people in this world are simply deceived, misguided or bent on vengeance, yet this does not make them guilty of anything. This simply means that hard work and dedication to the cause of balance, not good, can make any life fair and equal once more. And, even though it may seem bad to do something that appears bad in the short term, anything that helps the balance will become a blessing for all life on this planet.

"Of course, that bullshit fluffy ass shit is pretty boring sometimes, so I have arranged for a tournament for the first sixteen Druids interested. It's nothing too special, but there's a prize: An ultra ball." One of the Druids ooo'd at this, receiving a firm kick in the side; None the less, with such a valuable gift at stake, everybody was more than interested. "I have a pen and paper right here, which I will hand to the instructors. I ask that you sign up in an orderly fashion with due respects to your instructors. Do not fret if you do not have a chance to participate in this tournament, for if everybody act on their best behaviors and uses their inside voices, as well as continue to participate in the academy's programs with the quality I expect from you, there will be other tournaments.

"All contestants should meet here tomorrow morning at about this time for the first challenge. It's nothing special for the spectators, but you can watch if you want. The second and third rounds are open to spectators, if your instructors allow it. Breaking any rules or acting unethically will disqualify you, blah blah..." Just assume that rules and stuff were stated here, okay? "And that is it. You are dismissed to your normal routines."

And so the tournament was set, the sixteen potential contestants all walking about in that crowd. Having a little bit of time to burn, Eros walked outside of the fort and gave his powers a spin, transforming into a Sandshrew and practicing each and every one of his skills outside, attempting not to grab any particular attention but failing miserably as birds and alike flew off the instant they saw him casting. After about an hour or so of pointless spells, he decided to carve a few rocks with the numbers one through eight, using the claws from the Sandshrew to make the marking unfailingly. As a Sandshrew, he was inexplicably proficient at marking stones and rocks with his claws, whittling down the surface like it was no more than chalk. Soon enough he had eight identical stones that would act as deciding markers for the eight Druids lucky enough to find them.

Eros, still transformed and wanting to wait until night to avoid alerting the students of his presence, spent time sneaking around everybody's rooms, pillaging an old novel from the corner of Cerci's old room. She must've left it, and he knew why after reading the first few pages of the trashy romance novel. The rest of the evening was spent stalking the various Druids around the fort who thought him no more than a simply Pokemon, roaming with the permission of its trainer, something that proved much more interesting than it sounds. The only time he revealed himself was when he overheard the instructors deciding on lesson plans and giving his input, a rather trivial task for him. Eventually, the sun set and he hid the stones while nobody was watching, hiding them either on various pedestals, signs or seemingly unreachable locations by tossing them. His job was done and he headed to sleep, ready to announce the first challenge tomorrow.

The next morning...

"Alright, fine. Those of you who bothered to bring these first three stones to me have passed. I'm not going to make you put them back. As for the rest of you... There are five stones left. They aren't magical or anything, so you have to do your best to find them. Those who don't are eliminated." It seemed the instructors were more than fruitful at finding sixteen potential candidates, all of who signed up within the first hour. Sure not everybody was completely interested in this challenge, but a mix between a certain special monotony at the school paralleled with a valuable prize was more than enough for at least sixteen students. Three already managed to find the stones and correctly assume they were part of the challenge, shortening how long it would take for this round to conclude. "Return here by dusk with the stones."

Not wanting to watch a bunch of Druids running around looking for rocks, he simply went back outside and continued practicing, throwing little balls of darkness at trees and making Pidgeys grow in an instance, sometimes receiving more confusion than anger, with the rare instance of gratitude. None the less, he was well on his way to enjoying another evening of solitude and mindless casting until Dusk appeared at about midday, looking much more cheerful than normal.

Eros, a bit confused at this optimism, inquired, "What's with the bouncy floating? Are you happy or something?"

Dusk spoke, "My power crests now.
Witness my transformation
I am to evolve."

Eros widened his eyes and said, "Really!? Well, then, let's get on with it!" He stood around for a little while, expecting some instantaneous transformation as Dusk simply floated there.

"Are you not prepared?
To evolve, I must combat
And surely succeed."

"Oh, right. A fight." Eros nodded and started walking into the forest, finding Dusk lacking behind quite a bit. Luckily, there was a Fletchling but a few trees away, one who happily agreed to partake in combat with Dusk so that he may evolve.

Simply put, the fight was short. Right after a single Astonish attack, the bird fell over and fainted, awarding Dusk a measly victory; And yet, that was all he needed to initiate his transformation, forcing a mystical glow unto the phantasmal representation of death, growing and forcing his body into a new shape. Not a second later, the air seemed thicker and the world heavier as a newly-born Dusclops took his place.

Eros, not knowing what to say, simply uttered, "Wow..."

Dusk smiled, something he wasn't able to do before, and boasted, "Behold, my fellow!
This form is much more pleasing.
Do speak your mind, then."

"Wow... I never thought... I mean, I always wanted you to... But..." Eros couldn't help but feel a bit like he missed out on something; He never did any particular fighting with him, and yet... He was still able to evolve... "I'm proud of you." Eros couldn't do anything but smile.

"... Thank you." Dusk smiled and nodded. He observed his body, moving his hands left and right. He never had this kind of... Limb control, he'd call it. He also never had legs, which he gladly found out moved much quicker than his phantasmal levitation. He even made an attempt at a shoddy dance, one that immediately erased the smile from Eros' face.

"Stop it. You're a bad dancer."

"Forsake me not, Ero!
My limbs-"

"Yeah, yeah. Stop singing too."


"You know what I mean." Eros grinned once more, also attracting the same expression from Dusk. Finally, the silence broke the two's energy down and lingered for a while before Dusk looked to the ground, expecting more... Excitement. He wasn't fulfilled. "Uh... Maybe we can get a cake later?" There it was.

"Yes... Cake... Deserves a haiku of its own..." Dusk turned around and started a slow trot back towards the fort. Eros, a bit disappointed that he couldn't do more for him, simply returned to firing random bolts of darkness into the trees. It was rather sad, knowing that his skills weren't up to par with his allies', but what could he do besides practice? Anyhow, he enjoyed this mystical manipulation, a craft that he wouldn't have fathomed existed in a million years.

Then he felt a hand on his shoulder, one that was best characterized as cold and eerie. He turned and found Dusk behind him even though he expected him to be long gone by now. Dusk simply asked, "What are you doing?"

"Oh!" Eros, thinking he was being accused for something, replied hastily, "I-I was just practicing! Nothing harmful!"

"Practicing?" Dusk stared at Eros for a second or two before saying, "Alone? Would you not prefer some... Partner?"

"Partner...? Oh! Sure, you can partner with me, but I'm really just messing around."

"Hm. Show me what you know.
I would love to see your skill.
I can give my mind."

"Uh, okay!" Eros, although not understanding of how Dusk would help his spell casting, found this to be more of a social time for him to bond with his Pokemon rather than outright fight or spar with him; On top of that, he did have a much better time with Dusk around, discussing little bits of gossip and sharing their opinions on various combat techniques and styles, of which Eros was the lesser in knowledge. Dusk even approached the topic of his relationship with Xerxes, almost bragging of how he would serenade her hours on end, although this was a little to abstract for Eros to completely understand. None the less, the two spent a fine evening of watching spells and moves go off, chatting the afternoon away.

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