The Slave of a Vampire (PLZ W...

By bnstorymaker

586K 9.3K 1.8K

Claire's life had been lonely, but at least she was alive and safe from the most demonic person out there, th... More

The Slave of a Vampire
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 9 Part 2
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16: Part One
Chapter 16: Part Two
Chapter 16: Part Three
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21: Part 1
Chapter 21: Part 2
Chapter 23
Author's note
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Yet Another Author's Note *sigh* IMPORT.

Chapter 22

10.4K 247 68
By bnstorymaker

This story is copyrighted to bnstorymaker 2013 (me)

All rights reserved enjoy :)

*Mitri's PoV*

After our fight, my dad let me go when I cooled down and I sat in one of the lobby chairs huffing and puffing. He demanded that if I moved a muscle he would break something. Knowing my parents if they broke anything, they would make it slow and as painful as possible to get their point across.

A few moments later, Damien quickly stomped out of the room with shock on his face. He didn't stop to look at me or our dad so I knew our mom told him what was wrong with Claire and I've never seen him so upset...ever. I lowered my head.

By the way Damien reacted to the news my mom told him, I knew his emotions were real. He really loved her and really tried to change for her. This was my fault and I had to fix this, some way, somehow, but I made a promise to Claire.

I promised her that I would do my best to keep Damien from finding her. I ran my fingers through my hair. It seemed I had a choice to make, but which one would be the right one?

Should I tell everyone where Claire was headed or should I play dumb? I shook my head. Whichever choice I made someone was going to get hurt. If I chose to play dumb Damien would experience heartache all over again, even though he never healed from the whole "Crystal episode" and on the other hand, Claire and her baby would die alone.

This wasn't an easy choice but I knew what I had to do. I had to make this right. We had to find Claire no matter what, even if she would hate me for breaking the promise I made to her. Damien needed her more than anything.

My thoughts were quickly interrupted when my mother burst into the lobby.

"He didn't take the news too well as you can see. What should we do? Damien said he needs time to think."

"I say we look for Claire. I know that Damien is upset, although, I don't think time slow down because of it. Claire is still running away whether he needs time to think or not so while he's pondering this whole situation we can be looking." My father explained.

"Mom, he's right, but I don't think Damien should spend too much time thinking. Time is the one thing Claire doesn't have."

"I know, but where do we even begin?"

"There's no need to begin anywhere because I know where she is headed and it's going to be a difficult trip."

My parents both looked at me in astonishment. My dad leaned back in his seat waiting to hear the answer. I sunk lower in the chair because I knew we were going to have a long talk about this.

"She's going to the Forbidden Town, but she doesn't look like herself. I disguised her so Damien wouldn't find her as easily. Her hair is short and blonde and her eyes are brown now."

*Matt PoV*

I just shook my head. No words could describe my anger. Mitri sent Claire to the one place in the whole world that vampires could not go?!

"Do you have any idea how far that place is?! It's a freaking two day trip! How do you expect us to find Claire, idiot?! No, here's a better question. How in the hell do you expect us to find her in a town that we can't even go in?!"

Mitri shrugged his shoulders, "I guess we'd better beat her to it."

I couldn't believe how nonchalantly Mitri said that, as if Claire's life wasn't in danger, as if he hadn't hurt his brother. I wanted to snap his neck just like I should have let his brother done before Susanna and I intervened.

I mentally slapped my hand against my forehead. Damn kids are always giving me a headache! They were so annoying and I swore I was going crazy. Children could make you want to do anything illegal: smoke weed, drink excessively, murder someone and not even bat an eyelid. What did I do to deserve my headaches that would only last forever...literally?!

I slowly rose from my seat and groaned, "You go find your brother and convince him to help find Claire. Your mother and I will look for her."

He nodded as he left, "I'll try."

*Damien's PoV*

My heartache began all over again and I was depressed. I was going to lose Claire because of her being sick. It's not like she left me for another man, this was different. I cringed at that thought. Even if she wasn't a part of my life I still wanted her alive. At least I would be able to see her smile when she happily hugged another man, when her happy smile wasn't directed at me.

If that was my fate then I would accept it. I wouldn't like it, but I would because I loved her.

By now I was laying on my bed as my mind faded into a depressing, but confusing dream.

~Entering dream~

Claire had been in periwinkle dress with her back turned to me. I looked around observing our surroundings. We were in a meadow and various wildflowers grew around us. Claire looked so tiny compared to the grass that stood straight just below her thighs. I smiled and she seemed to be waiting for someone as she rocked back and forth on her heels. I could feel her smiling warmly. I walked closer to make sure it was her and it was, but something was different. When she turned to face me her eyes swirled with a yellow hue for an instant and then it was gone as her eyes returned to their normal color.

'What the hell was that?!' I pondered mentally not quite placing my finger on it.

No vampire had yellow eyes and no human that I had come across for that matter. I squinted my eyes past Claire when she pointed to a dark silhouette approaching us.

"Look!" She said as she lowered her hands as if she was going to stroke the grass.

In a few moments three small silhouettes were in front of us and I looked down at them when I finally saw their faces.

Three small children, probably triplets, smiled warmly at me. There was two little boys with dark hair and two different eye colors, one blue the other green, waving at me. I looked over at Claire and there was a small girl with pigtails holding flowers up to Claire.

Claire sniffed the wild dandelions deeply and sighed at the small girl.

"Thank you, Katey!" She said embracing the unknown girl.

"You're welcome mommy!" The girl, Katey, smiled.

I noticed she was missing her front two teeth and she looked exactly like a younger version of Claire, only her hair was blonde.

"Mommy?" I asked a bit bewildered.

Claire turned to face me nodding.

"Well, they are your children too. This is Nick and Noah." She said pointing to the two identical boys, "And this sweetie here is Katey. They are five."

I looked down at the small boys in front of me. I honestly didn't know who was who, but I smiled.

"Daddy, what's wrong?" They said simultaneously.

I ignored them and decided to hug them. I never felt so happy before in my life. I had finally had kids with the woman I loved. Everyone seemed happy and then the moment of happiness washed away.

Soon I heard Claire scream. I quickly stopped hugging the children and urged them to stay close as I ran for her. The sky was getting darker and darker, although not how it usually did. It didn't go from the light blue to a midnight black, but to a light pink to dark crimson like blood.

"Claire where are you?!" I yelled, hoping she would respond, but didn't.

I couldn't see and all I could hear was the rapid gusts of wind blowing and then I heard it. Growls. Werewolf growls. I ran faster until I heard the kids screaming in agony.

"Daddy save me!" Katey screamed.

"Where are you?! Please tell me where you are?!"

"Dad! Help please! It really hurts! P-please..." Nick or Noah whispered as if they were trying to keep breathing.

I yelled for them repeatedly,but nothing happened.

I yelled some more and then I heard Claire.

"Baby, we are right in front of you." She laughed sadistically.

That wasn't her voice, yet it seemed so familiar, in an uncomfortable way. I didn't like it. I hesitated to turn around and then before I knew it, the sky was bright again.

It didn't take me long to observe my surroundings, but when I did I regretted it.

The grass was stained with blood and at my feet Katey was staring up at me, wide eyed.

There was large hole in her stomach and she coughed as blood dropped from her mouth. Her bouncy golden locks were stained red.

"Daddy..." She whined.

"Katey, what happened?!"

"You left mommy...out....'s dangerous...wolves....hurt us."

I gripped her hand, but she was already gone. She closed her eyes. I looked around for Noah and Nick and when I found them they were already dead too.

I continued to run searching for Claire until I stopped in front of a mangled carriage. Inside there were a few people I didn't recognize, most likey some type of warriors judging from all the weapons inside. As I entered the carriage I saw a wolf in the distance feeding from a corpse. I knew the wolf had caused this by the force used against the carriage. Shrapnel and broken boards spread across the meadow like sprinkles on ice cream.

"Dam...Damien?" A small voice sighed from inside the carriage.

I rechecked it and there I saw her. Claire was inside with a bloody hole on the white pearly skin of her left shoulder. I held her in my arms.

"How did you find me? You're l-late."

I didn't know what to say. I began to shake her as she drifted off.

"Stay awake!"

Then there was a sad, but mocking laugh.

" Damien, this is one of many visions I had if you don't find her. She will die, your children will die, and then you will die. Would you like to know how?"

I looked up and saw a figure of a woman dressed in a blue and yellow cloak. I couldn't see her face.

"I didn't think so so I suggest you find her and quickly because you both have a lot of enemies. Both beware of your past, you cannot run from it and neither can she. Claire is important Damien and not just to you. There are people who know the truth about her, who she really is, and they want to kill her. Beware of the man named Robin. He's treacherous, deceiving, and evil.He will hurt Claire and hurt you. Do NOT let that happen! Friends come in the most unexpected ways and so do your enemies, be mindful of that."

" Who are you?" I demanded.

She reached into her pocket and slid an index card into my hands then vanished.

/A friend./


I sat up in my bed breathing heavily with sweat clinging to my body. That dream felt so real, but was this all a dream? Hopefully, Claire was asleep in her room enjoying peaceful dreams and I had only dreamt her escape? I quickly brushed some of my hair out of my eyes as I went to to her room.

When I was at the threshold I knocked, but there was no answer so I walked in. Just as I thought, she wasn't inside. She was really gone and I became depressed again. Not even my dreams could leave me sane anymore.

Now I was fustrated, angry, and hurt just thinking about everything. I couldn't imagine how Claire felt everytime I hit her and called her names. I let out a huge breath as I gulped down largest and strongest alcohol I found in my kitchen. After I was finished, I would smash glass after glass over my head since drinking couldn't actually get a vampire drunk. I had to feel pain someway and bashing the glasses over my head hurt just like the hole in my heart.

I deserved this because I felt as if she had drove a stake through my heart. I guess it was only fair since all I did was probably break hers in more ways than one, over and over again.

I mean what was I supposed to do? Look for Claire and beg her to come back to me?! I shook my head no. She wouldn't ever want to be in my arms, not after so much has happened. I needed a friend to talk to and I had seemed to be out of those lately. The only real friends I had were Daniels and Kyle and I knew I couldn't call Daniels.

He was probably enjoying the free time he had with the girls and showing them what they had missed since they've been slaves. I imagined him showing them all the places they could relax and be care-free like the park, carnivals, and movies which were all places I wished I could take Claire to.

I wanted to show her that I could be just as loving as any human and that I was less of a monster. I gave a pained smiled. What I wouldn't give to see her smile like when she saw the sunset?

As I looked up at the darkening sky outside the kitchen window, I placed my hand on the marble coungertop so I could lean slightly. When my hand brushed up against something paper like I averted my eyes from the window. I picked up the small, white index card and read the black scribbles.

A friend./

I frowned and quickly picked up the phone and dialed Kyle's number. So my dream was real and that was the most frightening thing I have ever experienced. What exactly did that mysterious woman mean?

*Kyle's PoV*

Maple and I were driving to go see a movie when my phone's ringtone, " I knew you were trouble" came on. Before I even reached for my pocket I knew who was calling. It was such a fitting ringtone for the Queen of Drama.

"You'd better answer that, sweetie. Damien never calls you unless it's important."

I nodded as I pulled over picking up the phone.


"Hey, it's Damien. Can we talk it's really important?"

"It's not really a good time to talk. My wife and I were on our way to the movies."

"Um...can it wait? I can really use a friend right now. Please?"

I pulled the phone from my ear and gave a worried stare. Please? Damien said please? Despite never calling me, he never said please. I looked over at Maple once again and she gave me a small smile.

" Baby, we can always reschedule another day. It's no big deal and I can tell Damien needs you as a friend right now, besides, he said please."

I put the receiver back to my ear.

"Alright. Where would you like to meet?"

"At your house." He breathed, "Oh and tell your wife I said thank you for changing her big stupid oaf of a husband's mind."

Maple was cracking up and I shoved her playfully on the shoulder. Good thing she was in her human form which made her larger because if not I would have hurt her.

I quickly spun the car around and headed back to my kingdom.

*Reynolds PoV*

I was sitting on my throne listening to one of my subject's request when the smell of stinky vampire flooded into my nose. Looking down at the room full of subjects, I raised my hand.


In a few moments Damien strode into the hallway as if the room was filled with dainty roses. I squinted my eyes at him. Something was different and I could see it on his face, but I didn't know what.

"Hi Alpha. Is Kyle Home? I need to speak to him and he is expecting me."

I looked at the crowd of wolves who were now whispering and scowling at his presence. I waved a hand aty them.

"You are all dismissed."

When they were all gone I frowned placing my palm under my chin as I leaned against my throne.

"Why what's wrong with you? Did the big bad vampire come to my home with his tail in between his legs to make a scene?"


I laughed, "Well what the hell are you here for? It's not like we are friends."

Damien looked down and shifted his feet.

"I know we are not friends, but I /am/ friends with your son. I really have to talk to him it's important."

I looked intently at Damien. Under my gaze, he looked down at the ground afraid to face me. There was worry plastered on his face. Damien, a vampire who lived for hundreds of years, stood before me like a frighten child. He was lost, alone, and most of all scared.

"What's wrong, seriously?" I asked wondering what could upset him so much.

"You wouldn't understand?"

"Really? Why wouldn't I? I've had many children and as an older man I think I'd understand better than my son would."

Damien sat down on the floor and took a deep breath, "I am in love...with a human."

"So...who gives a shit?! It's not like it's a big deal. We all fall in love with other species. You can't control who you fall in love with it just happens. I mean look at the love you shared for Crystal even though you knew her father hated your kind. Love is magical and it can't be fought. What is it that you fear? Are you afraid that your kingdom won't accept her because she's a human? Pfft, spare me. If I was you I'd tell them to go to hell because you make the choices and what you says goes. End of discussion. Is that why you're sulking around?"

"It's complicated."

I got up from my throne and signaled him to meet me in the kitchen so I could poor ourselves something to drink, a nice glass of warm blood. I offered Damien some and he grabbed it hesitantly.

"How so? Does she not love you back? Is she in love with another man?"

Damien shook his head, "No, I abused her because she was my slave, but I ended up falling for her. As it turns out she's my mate and ever since I've been trying to gain her trust. I really messed up because I was too hard-headed to realize it, but now everything is spiraling out of -" he explaining stopping midway when Kyle and Maple walked in.

*Maple's PoV*

I waved to Damien while Kyle have him a hearty man hug. After their long embrace I suggested that we should talk in private, but Damien just have me an confused look.

"Maple, I think it would be best if I only spoke to Kyle about this if you don't mind."

I put my hands on my hips waving my finger at him, "Oh no you don't! I wanna be in this conversation just as much he does! It was my idea to convince Kyle to come talk to you so I say I stay. Objections?"

Kyle shook his head, "Maple is right. I agree that she stays. Besides she's a woman. She can probably offer advice better than I could unless you want me to act like I will be listening." Kyle chuckled playfully.

"You're not helping the situation I'm in Kyle."

"So what is this emergency about, Damien?" I asked.

He only said one word and then we both tensed. The way he said Claire's name invoked a fear in me because my intuition told me her life was in danger and it turned out I was right.


Alright folks well that's a wrap for this chap. It wanted to make this really long mawahaha :3 a lot is going on here...idk where to even begin as far as questions go...

sorri it took me sooo long to update but I was highly considering whether it not to make a sequel and I have officially decided to make one *woot woot* =) I kno ur so excited rite now like me ;)

*cough cough*

So u got to meet Damien's kids yay :) and who was this mysterious woman in his dream/ vision. Is this vision going to happen can anyone piece the fragmented vision together o_O

Is she really a friend? And what about this Robin dude? Who the hell is he @_@

Better yet, why is he dangerous and how does Claire know him?! What does the cloaked woman mean by "Who Claire really is?!" (this piece will be explained in second book tho)

Why is Damien at Kyle's house? What does he need?

And what's going in with Claire...we haven't heard from her in for like ever....don't worri I have very special plans for her lmao >.>

PS...I know lots of people wanted me to include maple and Kyle in the stori somehow so this was the best way I could come up with hope u enjoyed it cuz there will be more of them.

I haven't forgotten bout Aaron

...I promise.

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