Waves of Life

By melted_chocolate

57.1K 2K 603

Eva, a funny, witty, sarcastic 15 year old Australian girl has a whole hell of a hectic life with three aweso... More

Waves of Life
Chapter One- The door to my life
Chapter Two - The Unlucky Life
Chapter three- The foolish days of life
Chapter Four - The Detention Life
Chapter Five- The Scheming life
Chapter Six- The Helpful Life
Chapter Seven- The coincidental life
Chapter Eight- The Dodging Life
Chapter Nine- The horrifying Life
Chapter Ten- The Criminal Life
Chapter Eleven- The gossip life
Chapter Twelve- The West free life
Chapter Thirteen-The Mothers, cats and tears life
Chapter Fourteen- The Advising Life
Chapter Fifteen- The kilogram Chocolate life
Chapter Sixteen- The Troublesome Life
Chapter Seventeen- The James Bond and Watson life
Chapter Eighteen- The Baby Richards Life
Chapter Nineteen- The sticky situation life
Chapter Twenty - The Party Life
Chapter Twenty One- The Beach Life
Chapter Twenty Three- The shocking revelations life
Chapter Twenty Four - The Hospital Life
Chapter Twenty Five- The Kit-Kat life
Chapter Twenty Six - The Super Hero Life
Chapter Twenty Seven- The school and military school life
Chapter Twenty Eight - The Lost Life
Chapter Twenty Nine- The found life
Chapter Thirty - The Love Life
Chapter Thirty One- The Crazy Exchange Life
Chapter Thirty Two - The Awkward Life
Chapter Thirty Three- The boy life
Chapter Thirty four - the art life
Chapter Thirty Five- The abusive life
Chapter Thirty Six - The Vengeful Prank Life
Chapter Thirty Seven- The millionaire life
Chapter Thirty Eight - The Camping Life
Chapter Thirty Nine- The False Life
Chapter Fourty - The Library Life
Epilogue- Waves of Life

Chapter Twenty Two - The Dancing Beach Chair Life

956 59 11
By melted_chocolate

Chair, Beach, Dancing and a whole heap of embarrassment. That pretty much sums up my life right now, read on to find out why.


The salty smell of the sand hit my nose as I dropped my bags and ran to the water. I could hear Jazz and May running behind me giggling and Skye complaining about getting her hair wet. Oh, typical Skye.

I let out a shrill cry as I came in contact with the freezing cold water.

We were at the beach party having fun, being our crazy selves. Mitch isn't very smart, but this idea was the best idea he's ever had. There were once again some kids here I've never met in my life, and some that I wished I didn't know. In other words Matt, Tyler and Emm had tagged along. But thank goodness Kat couldn't make another appearance since he was with Christy at her place since she didn't feel like partying, especially because she couldn't have that much fun, her being pregnant and all.

"Just get in Skye!" Called May, as she rushed out of the water attempting to drag Skye in.

"Ah, fine!" Skye screamed, running towards the water. I quickly blocked my ears, to cover up the sound of her screams. She can really hit a high note.

After a couple more minutes of probably catching pneumonia in the freezing water we headed back to the sand to have a good old sand castle competition. I hurried to a spot further away from my group of friends, who had stupidly started building next to the shore.

I shoved a whole heap of sand to one area and created a massive mound of sand, which would soon become a beautiful castle.

I looked over at Skye's, hers was already beginning to fall apart as the tide was beginning to come in, same with May's. Jazz had built hers further away from shore too, so no damage was done.

After a couple more minutes of building up my sandcastle, I wondered off in search of the perfect shell. My eyes scanned the white sands as I trudged off to nowhere in particular. I think a few more minutes flew by until my eyes caught onto something breathtakingly beautiful.

"Wow," I breathed as I got closer and closer to the pretty shell. I bent down to pick it up slowly, and next thing I knew I was being hurled forward, face first into the sand.

I quickly sat up, spitting salty sand out of my mouth. Soon my eyes landed on the culprit.

"MATT BLOODY WEST!" I screamed, standing up.

"You should of seen your face!" He chuckled, clutching onto his stomach. Why does he find this funny? He just kicked me on the bum sending me flying through the air, making me land in the sand! What part of any of that is funny to him?

"I swear, I'm going to skin you alive and feed it to the sharks!" I cursed, charging at him.

I chased him around the beach for what seemed like a huge waste of ten minutes. I let out a frustrated sigh as I came to a halt and decided to head back to my sandcastle. The others are probably done by now, that or their sandcastles have been swept away.

I couldn't help but laugh, when I returned. Everything was a mess. May was cursing at the waves for stealing her sandcastle, Skye was smashing her own sandcastle saying she'd rather destroy it herself than let the waves destroy it. And then there was Jazz. She was sat in the sand, her face in her hands, crying. Her sandcastle, along with mine, had also been swept away. Ted had rushed over to try and comfort her but she'd occasionally send him daggers and threatened to kill him in his sleep, and that was enough to shut him up. He just sat beside her attempting to wrap an arm around her.

I flopped down next to her, giving cheering her up a go.

"Jazz? You alright?" I asked.

"No, those stupid waves ruined my castle and now this idiot is making me feel worse!" Complained Jazz, wiping a few tears.

"I think you should go Ted," I said, giving my cousin a warning glare.

"No, I'm staying-"

"I agree, you should go," interrupted an unfamiliar voice. We all whipped our head around and the same looks on our faces, confusion.

"Um, who are you?" I questioned, trying not to sound rude.

"I'm Charlie, Charlie Chair-" My laughter quickly interrupted his introduction. What person names their son Charlie Chair? Who is this kid anyway? I've never seen him before. He had spiked up black hair and fairly tanned skin, probably someone who is usually hanging at the beach.

"Sorry, what did you say your name was?" I asked, trying to sound normal again. Jazz sent me a grin, oh no. I knew what that meant. Jazz and Charlie sitting in a tree- or should I say....Chair!

"Uh, Charlie Chair- I'm the new kid," he introduced, putting out a hand for me to shake, "I'll be starting school at Aldinga High this Monday."

"That's so cool!" Squealed Jazz, clapping her hands together like a happy seal, "We go there too, we could totally hangout and stuff," the grin was gone, she now had a huge smile spread across her face. You couldn't be able to tell that only minutes ago that she'd been crying.

"Ahem," fake coughed Ted, "I go there too, and we have to check with the whole gang to see if you can hang out with us," stated Ted smugly, once again attempting to put an arm around Jazz.

"Oh, I hope you guys won't mind just one extra person tagging alon-"

"Oh don't worry, we won't," sighed Jazz dreamily. I took that as my cue to leave, especially because I could tell Ted was soon going to try to prove to Charlie that Jazz was 'his'. That kid will never learn.

I headed back to Skye and May who were working on one sandcastle together. "What was that all about?" Questioned May, patting on some wet sand.

"There's a new kid, Ted and him are soon gonna fight over Jazz," I informed, sitting down next to them.

"Uh uh!" Scolded Skye, wagging her index finger at me. "Me and May are working together, you can go find another partner." Thanks Skye.

"But, Jazz is with them," I complained not wanting to have to sit through a conversation between any of them.

A sinister smile tugged at Skye's lips and I immediately regretted refusing to go away, "Matt! Get your arse over here!" She boomed. Within a matter of seconds he was here panting, Skye could be scary when she wanted to.

"What do you want?" He demanded, still catching his breath.

"We're having a Sandcastle competition," Clarified Skye, "You go with Eva. May and I have already started, so hurry!"

"I don't want to be with Matt!" I shouted, irritatedly. "Anyone but h-"

"What happens if we lose?" Questioned Matt, thinking it over.

"If you guys lose you have to go to the upcoming dance together and if we lose, we have to come to school on Monday in our pyjamas," Stated May. Oh sometimes I just love my friends.

"Not gonna happen-"

"Deal!" Announced Matt, cutting me off once again. He out stretched a hand and they shook on it.

Just great.


"You're not digging deep enough!" Scolded Matt, pushing me out of the way so he could try digging.

"Shut up and go fill this with water!" I spat back, throwing a bucket at him.

He let out a frustrated sigh, "Fine, you better be done by the time I come back-"

"Just go already!" I cut off. He's been ordering me around for a full half hour now. It'll be dark soon and that means were running out of time. We'll never get this done if we keep bickering. He rolled his eyes and jogged off towards the shore. I hope he trips and drowns, or better yet gets killed by a shark or he could trip split his head open on a rock then the blood would attract a shark and he could die that way. Yeah that'd be awesome.

I looked back at the other sandcastle. I can't have them win. I racked my brain for some sort of plan or genius idea that would guarantee we'd win. And then I got it.


I looked over at Skye and May's sandcastle. It looked perfect, they were practically finished. They were searching for shells, that would probably take a while. My eyes flickered around to see if anyone was looking. Nope.

I slowly crept to the sandcastle and gave it one big quick. Soon all the sand was caving in and collapsing, yes! I quickly shuffled back to my castle and sat down making myself look busy. Yes, now were in with a chance.

"Oh my god!" Screamed Skye, sending shivers down my spine.

'Act natural, act natural.' I chanted to myself.

"What happened?" I asked, acting innocent.

"Someone smashed our castle!" Cried May, angrily, "Who did it Eva?" She demanded.

"Huh? What? How should I know?" How does she know its me? Crap! Crap! Cra-

"You were here the whole time, you must of seen someone," she stated. Oh phew, she doesn't know then. Okay, quick quick, think of someone to blame.

"Matt! It was Matt!" I blurted out, letting out a sigh after having realised I had dodged having to go to the dance with him.

"That little cow!" Screamed Skye, "I'm sorry Eva, but I think you know what this means."

"What does it mean?" I questioned not feeling so relieved anymore.

"You've gotta go to the dance with Matt. He ruined our castle so you're both disqualified and we win." Explained May, with a evil smile on her face.

"Nooooo!" I yelled, falling to my knees, dramatically.


"Attention class, we have two new students that will be joining our class," began Mr Kenam, ushering two teenagers in. I recognised the boy as Charlie. The girl next to him seemed nice, she was quite tall and had golden brown hair, but I had only just seen her so she could potentially be the new Em.

"Lydia and Charlie would you like to take your seats?"

They gave Mr Kenam the same fake smile and sat in the empty seats scattered around the classroom. Charlie sat in Jazz's, not knowing it was taken. She's gonna blow her top, when she gets here. Serves her right for always being late though.

Soon enough Jazz had arrived and she was fuming, she stormed up to her chair, "Get off my seat you stupid cow! Don't you know this is my chair?!" As soon as Charlie looked up, the grumpy look on her face had turned into a cheery one. You ok Jazz?

"I-I didn't know it was yours," answered Charlie, sitting up from the seat. By now everyone was watching, waiting for Jazz's reaction.

"It's fine, I'm sorry take the chair," apologised Jazz, motioning for him to sit back down.

"No, it's yours."

"Don't worry about it-"

"I don't care what you say, you're sitting on that chair." Stated Charlie, moving out of the way so she could sit down.

Aw, how sweet.


"You better pick out a dress," said Skye, leading me to a new rack of dresses.

"I don't want a dress, I don't want to go, I hate Matt!" I complained, following her through the dress store. The whole place was covered in pink and it made me feel nauseas.

"You've been saying that for the last week, hurry up and pick a random dress or I will," she threatened.

"Go ahead." I answered sitting on a chair by the changing rooms. "It'll make the job easier."

"Whatever," she grunted, strolling past a few more racks until she stopped at a purple dress. "Oh my god! This is so you!" She squealed running towards me with the dress.

It stopped just above the knee and was strapless with a super pretty jewel belt. It was beautiful.

"Come on out it on so we can head straight to the dance!" Ordered Skye, straightening out her own dress. She'd gone with a fleshy pink dress, it reminded me of sleeping beauty's, except not as puffy.

She'd had her dress ready weeks before the beach party and I was only getting mine now, 15 minutes before the actual dance. I'm a dare devil like that.

I slipped into the dress and it fit perfectly. I looked at myself in the full length mirror and smiled.

Maybe tonight won't be as bad as I thought.


"Today officially sucks!" I cried, dropping my head onto the table I was seated at.

"Yeah, tell me about it." Mumbled Matt, pulling out a chair and sitting next to me.

"Shut up, only I can complain," I said standing up to mope elsewhere.

"Where do you think you're going?" Demanded May, popping up out if nowhere, Will following close behind in a tux with a Navy blue tie, matching May's dress.

"Toilet," I lied, I wanted to go home. This night sucks! Especially since Skye and May have been on patrol all night to make sure I was with Matt at all times. I have such amazing friends. *sniff sniff*.

"You'll have to hold it," ordered May, holding into my arm as I tried to make an escape, "You haven't danced together yet."

"Nope, not gonna happen." I spat back, folding my arms across my chest. I am not dancing with Matt. I'd rather eat a dead rat dunked in liquefied cow manure!

"You will."



"Will not!"


This is all your fault!" I scolded Matt, ask purposely stepped on his foot.

"Ow!" He screamed, hopping onto one foot. "What'd you do that for? This is all your fault, not mine!" He hissed back.

"How is it my fault? All you do is annoy me and now I'm stuck with you till the endif the night!"

"I saw you stomp on their castle Einstein!" He said, rolling his eyes.

Crap! Think of a good come back!l

"Well I once saw you pick your nose and then wipe the booger on the white board in grade three!" I answered back defending myself.

"I don't see you guys dancing!" Interrupted Jazz, leading Ted to the dance floor.

"Why are you with Ted? What happened to Charlie?" I asked, kinda shocked that she'd gotten back with Ted. She could do some much better.

"He's with that new Lydia chick and thinks I'm crazy because of that whole chair incident. Apparently they've been together for two years now and have already picked out baby names." Snorted Jazz, walking off with Ted, he put up the loser sign and before I could retaliate Matt cut in.

"You know you are."

I gave him a thankful smile as we continued dancing, or in other words holding hands and spinning around as if we were playing, 'Ringa Ringa Roses'.

We kept doing that for a couple more minutes and he'd casually tell lame jokes or try and remind me of some stupid stuff I'd done in the past.

I hate to admit it but I was actually having fun, with Matt.

But since I have the worst luck in the whole wide world, my phone had to vibrate signalling the end of my 'fun' and the beginning of another cryptic stalker message.

"Sorry, I gotta check this." I excused myself, heading back to the tables.

I unlocked my phone and checked my messages and there it was, a new message front the creeper.




A shiver ran down my spine as I read the text. I had to reply back and end this once and for all.

'Just tell me who you are and get it over with. This is all a game to you, well its not for me! Stop it this isn't funny anymore.'

I stuffed my phone back in my purse but as soon as I, did it vibrated again. Once again, I checked the message.


The sound of my phone ringing interrupted the sound of my heartbeat accelerating. "What do you want?!" I demanded, expecting the creeper to be in the other end of the phone.

"Eva! Quick get to the hospital immediately!"

"What's wrong mum?" I asked, a million horrible thought rushing to my head.

"It's Kat, he's been in a car crash, we sent him to go get you since it was getting pretty late and now he's in hospital in a critical position. Come quick!"

"I'm on my way!" I called before quickly hanging up.

This is all my fault!

Pic of Charlie to the side>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Author's Note:

Hmm Matt and Eva.....?

And the creeper is taking things to a whole new level! Stay tuned for next update!

Finally got around to updating! Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter enough to leave a comment and vote.

To the side is a pic of Eva's dress! >>>>>

-Ed ⭐

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