Starting New (Star Wars AU)

By JediApologist8824

10.3K 300 40

The Jedi Order is in ruins but despite that, they fight for peace. For the Republic. The remaining Jedi figh... More

Assault On Coruscant Part 1
Duel Of The Fates
Assault On Coruscant Part 2
The Dark Side And The Light Side
What To Do?
It Begins
Fight for Control
Meeting Vader
Battle For Malastare
Angry Love
Crushing Victory or Crushing Defeat?
Return of an Evil Sith
The End?

Attack On The Temple

177 7 0
By JediApologist8824

Yoda looked up. Debris from the ceiling was falling around him. He quickly dodged the rocks and tried to get a better look. Ships. Star destroyers, gunships. More importantly, he could sense Vader and Tagae. Master Yoda dropped his grimer stick and ran trying to find the Obi Wan. When he found him, he was escorting padawans and younglings to the passages under the Temple.

"Master Yoda. I was about to send someone to find you."

"Fine, I am. Evacuate the Temple, we will. Stay the older knights and masters will, to help get the Archives and holocrons out and repel the enemy."

"Okay Master. What about Anakin? If I can sense Luke and Tagae, he can as well."

"Try and convince him to evacuate, you will. Use force if necessary."

"Yes Master."

Obi Wan bows and runs off. Yoda heads to the holocron vault. Stormtroopers fire at the vault door, hoping to get it open. Yoda ignites his lightsaber and decapitates three of them. He deflected the rest of the stormtroopers' shots back at them. Yoda opens the vault. Over two dozen padawans stand with their lightsabers in hand.

"Master Yoda!"

"Smart to seal the vault." Yoda says approvingly. "Help me, you will. Get the holocrons off Coruscant, we have to. Fall into enemy hands, they must not."

"Yes Master Yoda!" 

The padawans start carrying holocrons from the vault. Yoda walked to the door in the back of the vault. He typed in the code and the door opened, revealing a staircase.

"I'll go. You help with the evacuation." Sirya says, appearing beside Yoda, a backpack on her back.

"Get the artifacts, you must. Very powerful, they are. Very dangerous."

"I know."

Yoda nodded and stepped away.

"Get the armor first, you should. Released, Darth Nihilus' spirit, cannot be. Very dangerous, he was."

Sirya didn't answer but walked down the stairs. The only thing illuminating the stairs were torches. She could feel the Dark Side around her. She reached the end of the stairs to a room. It was small but was filled with artifacts. She spotted Darth Nihilus' armor and quickly grabbed it and put it in her backpack. She spotted Exar Kun's lightsaber, Marka Ragnos' helmet, Revan's lightsaber, and Vitiate's armor. She quickly dashed out of the room hoping that the Temple had not been overrun. She reached the end of the staircase. The holocrons were gone and not a person in sight. The sounds of the battle echoed throughout the Temple. Sirya left the vault and headed to the Archives. 

Stormtroopers were firing inside the Archives and shots were ricocheting back at them. Sirya threw her white lightsabers at the troopers, decapitating them. Sirya entered the Archives with her sabers ready. She put them away when she saw Jocasta and two padawans behind one of the huge holobook cases. She was cradling her shoulder and clutching what looked like a hard drive. Sirya rushed over to them.

"Go. You shouldn't be here!"

"Yes Master!"

The padawan scurried off. Sirya put her hands on Jocasta's wound and healed it.

"Thank you." Jocasta says as she stands up. "I've got the Archives."

"Good. We have to get out of here."

They run out of the Archive towards the tunnels under the Temple. Sirya and Jocasta were knocked into a pillar as they were entering the main hall. The Sith artifacts were scattered around her.

"You won't escape that easily, sister. You should've really tried to shield those artifacts. It led me right to you."

Jocasta had gotten up and taken her lightsaber out.

"Go. I will handle my brother."

Jocasta nods and heads off.

"You won't have these artifacts." Sirya says as she puts them all back in her backpack.

"The artifacts are just a....bonus. My goal is to kill that troll, Yoda. Where is he, by the way?"


"You and I both know he wouldn't leave while there are still Jedi inside the Temple. He cares for them too much."

Sirya doesn't answer but attacks. She throws one of her sabers while she charges with the other. Tagae expertly dodges the saber and clashes his lightsaber against Sirya's lightsaber. Sirya called her other one to her and attempts to slash at Tagae but he flips behind her, striking her back and cutting the straps to the bag. It falls to the ground. Tagae uses the Force to push Sirya away. She crashes into one of the pillars. Tagae grabs the bag.

"I'm sorry, sister, but I will be going now. It was fun to-" 

Tagae is Force pushed through the wall and he doesn't stop. Sirya follows him, lowering her hand.

"You will not take those artifacts."

She follows him into the Room of 1,000 Fountains. Tagae gets up and dusts himself off.

"I'm getting annoyed, sister. I am leaving and if you try to stop me, I will bring this Temple down with everyone inside."

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Don't test me."

Sirya tests him. She ignites her lightsabers. Tagae sighs and puts his hands out. It was like the entire Temple was shaking. Sirya sheaths her lightsabers and does the same. The shaking stops.

"You forget that I am more powerful than you." Sirya says.

"Barely and not for long."

Tagae throws his lightsaber at Sirya. It slashes her stomach. She kneels to the ground, clutching her wound. He picks up the bag.

"See you later sister. Hopefully next time, I get to kill you."

Tagae leaves as Sirya's wound starts to heal. She slams her fist into the floor and makes an indent in the ground.

"Damn it!"

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