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Leia and her master, Kit Fisto, had been assigned to escort Chancellor Mothma and Senators Organa and Bonteri to Mandalore to the peace talks with the new Duchess, Duchess Loya Aasa. The three politicians were talking to the Duchess as Kit and her were watching for any attacks when she felt it. She staggered.

"Leia? Leia, what's wrong?" Kit asks as he catches her.

"H-h-he's dead." She says with tears coming out of her eyes.

"Who's dead, Leia?" Kit urges.


Kit freezes along with the Duchess, Chancellor, and two senators.

"Master Skywalker is dead? How is that possible? He's supposed to be on Coruscant." Mon says.

"I don't know."

Kit's comm suddenly starts to beep.

"The Temple's being attacked!" Kit says.

"That means Coruscant is under attack. We must get back now!" Mon says.

"I'm sorry Chancellor but that cannot happen. If Coruscant is under siege than the safest place is anywhere but Coruscant."

"I have a duty to my people!" Mon argued.

"And my duty is to protect you. You're not going to Coruscant."

Mon huffed and stalked away with Bail, Lux and Loya following her.

"Leia. Leia. I need you to concentrate. You felt your father's death. Can you feel or see anything else?"

Leia wiped her face and sniffled.

"I-I'll try."

Leia concentrated and reached out to the Force. The Temple burning. The Jedi fleeing through the tunnels. Sirya fighting Tagae . Tagae taking the Sith artifacts. Luke killing Anakin. Leia came out of her trance.

"Master, the Jedi Temple is being attacked. By Tagae and Luke. It seems like most of the Jedi did get away but... Tagae has somehow gotten a hold of Sith artifacts."

"What? Sith! Did you see what artifacts??"

Leia shook her head and concentrated on the artifacts. 

"Darth Nihilus." Someone whispered to her.

"Darth Nihilus." Leia repeated.

"Darth Nihilus? They must've taken the rest then... We'll head to Coruscant tomorrow. We cannot risk the Chancellor's life. Get some rest Leia."

Leia nodded and sniffled again.

"Yes, master."

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