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Third Person

Shaak Ti stood at the control center of Polis Massa. It was an abandoned Republic base on an asteroid. The younglings were resting in there quarters. Shaak sighs. She felt the shift in the Force and could only think of one conclusion. They failed to kill Palpatine. She was interrupted from her thought by Master Jocasta Nu.

"Shaak! There is a ship coming out of hyperspace!

"Go to the younglings!"

Jocasta nodded and left.

Shaak ran to the landing bay. She waited with her ligthsaber ignited. To her surprise, a starfighter landed but she still did not deactivate her lightsaber. The cockpit opened and a Tholothian jumped out. Shaak deactivated her lightsaber immediately at embraced her friend and fellow Council member.

"Stass! You survived."

"Yes but why did the clones turn on us?"

"They attacked you!?"

Stass sighs.


"Mace failed."


"Mace, Saesee, and Agen all went to arrest Sidious but since the clones attacked you then I guess they failed."

Jocasta walked to them. Stass hugged her as Shaak explained everything. They looked out through the blue force field that protected the people inside the base from dying due to no oxygen. Several other ships cam out of hyperspace.

"I sense Jedi." Stass said.

The ships landed. Ki-Adi Mundi, Plo Koon, Kit Fisto, Luminara Unduli, Sha Koon, Aayla Secura, and Ahsoka Tano all hugged each other and the Jedi that arrived before themselves. Kit explained everything. Then an Alderaanian ship came out of hyperspace. It landed. Senator Bail Organa and Yoda walked out. Yoda was tired and sad. He had been unable to defeat Darth Sidious.

"Master Yoda!" Kit says happily.

Yoda smiled but soon frowned. He was glad some Jedi survived but so many have died.

"Failed to defeat Darth Sidious, I did."

"We will survive this. We will rebuild the Order!" Aayla says determined.

Right after she said that a Nubian cruiser landed. Obi-Wan Kenobi rushed out carrying Senator Amidala. Stass Allie ran to him. She yelled at the Alderaanian soldiers that came with Bail and Yoda.

"Get a stretcher! What happened!?"

"She's in labor!"

The soldiers brought a stretcher and Stass put her on it. She rushed her to the Medical Ward with Obi-Wan following.

------1 Hour Later------

Padmé was screaming. The medical droid was trying to calm her but it was not working.

"Come on Padmé" Stass said. "Okay!"

Stass grabbed the baby boy, wrapped him in a cloth, and handed him to Padmé.


She handed Luke to Obi-Wan. She screamed again.

"One more push!" Stass urged. "Good."

She did the same thing she did with Luke and handed the baby girl to Padmé.


She handed her to Bail. She turned to Obi-Wan.

"Tell....Ani....I love him."

Her head dropped.

"Hurry! She's dying!" Stass screamed.

Ob-Wan and Bail was pushed out with Luke And Leia.

Starting New (Star Wars AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin