Crushing Victory or Crushing Defeat?

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Yoda stood there, thinking about Vader's words.

"Master Yoda!" Plo Koon sprints up to him. "The enemy have been repelled. We are victorious."

Yoda slowly looks at him with a frown.

"Are we?"

Yoda walks towards the body of Anakin. He placed a hand on his eyes and closed them.

"A good Jedi, you were. Unorthodox but good. Missed, you will be."


The Jedi gather at the base of the middle spire. All the dead Jedi had been placed on stone slabs, ready to be burned. Yoda took a torch and lit the body closest to him. It went up in flames, catching the bodies next to him on fire. Soon, all the bodies were burning.


"Good." Tagae observes. "We're almost done. All we need to do is say the spell."

Tagae nods to Vader to start.

"Sadom falier vaud!" They said together.

Darth Nihilus' armor started shaking. A black mist swirled around it, blocking it from view. The black mist disappeared. A man inside the armor lay on the altar. He stood up.

"Darth Nihilus. I welcome you to the land of the living." Tagae said with a sly smile.

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