Hiccstrid One-Shots

Toothless_NightFury1 tarafından

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Just a few Hiccup and Astrid One-Shots based on the How To Train Your Dragon franchise and the Modern World... Daha Fazla

Relaxing Day
Cloud Watching
I'm Going To Kill You!!
I don't care
Pianos And Funeral
The Call (chapter 1)
The Call (chapter 2)
The Call (chapter 3)
Last Lief Falls
You Where Wrong
Wisdom Teeth
Drawing Lessons
My Love, My Lady, My Wife
Father and Son
Thank You
Beautiful Moments
The Question
The Wedding
Scaulding Hot
Midnight Hardness
The Hug
Star Falls
His Hands
His Shirt
This Life...
Berk's Goddess
Bad Weather
The Blanket Cuddle
Loving Ideas
The Love We Share
Baby Boy
Night Dream
Forge Kiss
Nice Lazy Day
Meeting Younger Self
Waking Up
Scar Kiss
See You Again
Midair Hug
What to do?
Don't Leave Me
Oh, No, Hiccup
May I?
Long Kiss
Your Mine, Now
Quick Kiss
Chief Symbol
You'll Be In My Heart
Welcome Back
Can't Find It
Winter Wonderland
Same Bed
Proving The Right
Going After It
Locked In
C'mere You
Thinking Of Love
Mama, Dada?
Where Is He?
How Do You Feel?
You Don't Deserve This
I'll Catch You
Two New Alphas
One Call Away
If You Will Marry Me
What Happened?
The Chief Thing
Fire On Hold
I Don't Like You!
Together, Forever
Sleeping In
Kiss You Now
Wanna Be Mine?
They're Going After Us
Bring Me To Life
My Baby
Here I Am
Story Time
Are You Alright?
Its Not Me
Lets Bet
Rockstar Surprise
Under The Tree
To God To Be True
Until The End Of Time
You Can Walk?
Need For Air
Just When...
Wake Me Up Before You Go Go
Oh My Freya
To Young?
Angel With A Shotgun
Did You Just...?
Extra Bonus: Years
Forever And Always
Finally Here
I know
City of Sails
Test Drive 2.0
Need Me
First Words
Emotional Question
I Love You
What Do You Say?
Not So Viking


3.3K 53 8
Toothless_NightFury1 tarafından

(A/N: I finally found the picture! I've been searching for this picture for like, months! But, now it's here. Let's get this chapter started. P.s, I can just write with one hand so this will take quite a while. The clock is 12:18 PM right now.)

Hiccup sat up in bed and stretched his arms before straightening his jet black wings.

The people of Berk where quite unique. Instead of being normal Vikings with arms and legs, they had a few things extra on their bodies.

Like, Hiccup and his group of friend where half Vikings, half dragons.

The group where quite small. Four boys and who girls who where born in the same year.

Fishlegs was one of the boys. He was mully with small brown wings and a hammer tail added to his body.

Snotlout was a bulky boy with thin red wings and a long red tail added to his body.

Ruffnut and Tuffnut are twins so they're the same species. Both of the teenagers have green wings and a long green tail.

Astrid is the most beautiful of them all. (Hiccup's words) Astrid have large brown wings with blue, yellow and orange dots. She also have a spiked tail.

Hiccup is the leader of the group and also the lover to Astrid. Hiccup, obviously have wings. They're jet black and huge. He also have a black tail with one tail fin. (There should be two but he got into an accident in the forge and got it ripped off.)


"Hiccup," Astrid said with a wink and a smile. "Hey, Astrid. How are you?" Hiccup asked with a small smile.

Astrid narrowed her eyes and swung her tail. Second later, Hiccup was pinned up against the wall of the academy by his shirt.

"Astrid!" Hiccup yelled at her, not being mean. He laughed and pressed his large wings against the wall, pushing himself off from the wall.

The spikes soon gave way and the boy landed onto the ground with a thud.

The blonde laughed and went up to him, reaching out her hand. Hiccup took it and Astrid pulled him up.

She smiled at him, pressing her lips against the corner of his mouth. Hiccup's eyes closed and he would his arms around the girls waist. Astrid pulled in her wings tightly against her back when she felt his snake around her.

She wrapped her arms around Hiccup's neck, kissing him fully on the lips.

Hiccup suddenly pulled away after a few second of kissing. "Does this make us something?" He asked and tugged the blonde closer to him by using his wings.

Astrid laughed and hushed him, kissing him again. "Astrid," Hiccup complained into the kiss. Astrid pulled back half an inch.

"What do you think?" She asked and brushed a hand though his hair. Hiccup shrugged. "I dunno."

"Ugh. Of course we are. I mean, I love you and obviously, you feel the same?"

Hiccup nodded. "Then, that settles it, come on, now, where were we?"

Hiccup smirked and leaned in, capturing her lower lip between his.


The evening came quick and before the group knew it, they had to get back to their homes.

However, since Astrid didn't have any parents since they died when she was small and uncle Finn being taken by pirates, she had no one home.

Therefore, when Hiccup was walking her home, Astrid suddenly stopped.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" She asked and looked at him with huge puppy eyes.

"Why, won't your parents worry about you?"

That hurt. She though that he knew. Astrid looked down before looking at her house.

"What parents?" She asked. "Your-" Hiccup stopped himself. "I'm sorry. Yeah, you can sleep with me tonight..." Hiccup whispered and slowly grazed Astrid's forearm with his hand.

The blonde turned towards her boyfriend and hugged him.

"Astrid...I'm sorry. Come on, let's go home," Hiccup whispered and begin to lead his girl towards his house.

Hiccup's father was on another chief meeting. Oh, didn't I tell you? Oops, sorry. I was going to say that Hiccup's father was the chief so the auburn haired boy was going to be chief someday.


"Hiccup," Astrid begun a while after they had laid down onto the bed. "Hmm?" Hiccup hummed. "Thank you, for sleeping with you for the night..."

"Anything for M'lady."

Astrid laughed and scooted closer to her boy, placing her arm onto his flat stomach. Astrid wrapped her tail with his, careful with her spikes. Hiccup smiled and looked at her.

"I love you, Hiccup," The blonde said and laid one of her legs over his.

"I love you to, Astrid. More than you would think."

"I doubt that, Haddock."

(A/N: Ow, my hand, - the hand I wrote with - but, ow my burned hand to. It feels like my heart have moved to my palm. Anyway. The clock is 1:05 PM right now.

I'm off.)

- Toothless_NightFury1.

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