The Slave of a Vampire (PLZ W...

By bnstorymaker

586K 9.3K 1.8K

Claire's life had been lonely, but at least she was alive and safe from the most demonic person out there, th... More

The Slave of a Vampire
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 9 Part 2
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16: Part One
Chapter 16: Part Two
Chapter 16: Part Three
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21: Part 1
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Author's note
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Yet Another Author's Note *sigh* IMPORT.

Chapter 21: Part 2

11.3K 343 88
By bnstorymaker


All rights reserved © enjoy :)

*Mitri's PoV*

We all stood there gasping in shock at the doctor as if he spoke another language and I was at a loss of words.

'When the hell did Claire get pregnant?! Does she know?! And cancer, out of all things, she has cancer?!'

I crinkled my nose distastefully...this was Damien's doing once again. Is that why he was trying to be so protective and loving to her? If he knew she was pregnant then why would he hit her?!

The whole idea was repulsive to me. I couldn't believe that Damien would force her into sex. He was selfish and now she was out there somewhere sick, scared, alone and pregnant.

I mentally slapped myself. I really messed up and this was my fault. If only I knew that she was sick and pregnant then I would have never let her escape. I did know one thing, though. Damien was going to kick my ass when he found out what I've done.

I turned to look at my mother and she was shaking her head at me dissappointedly. She crossed her arms looking at the doctor when she finally broke the long, awkward silence.

"How long has Claire been pregnant?"

Dr. Geoff leaned against the chipped, wooden door frame.

"I'd say about three months. She'll be showing soon."

"What about her...cancer?" My father said clearing his throat angrily.

I knew his anger was directed at me.

"Well she had it for a bit...about a month and a half. She needs to come back as soon as possible to receive therapy. She's in critical condition and I don't know if the therapy will save her. She only has two months to live, if she has that long, with the treatment."

My eyes instantly locked onto the doctor's grim face. Claire was going to die?!

But she couldn't! Claire was so young and she had so much to experience and live for, but she was never going to have the chance. She wouldn't have the chance to get married, have children, and be loved like she deserved to be.

Instead she had spent her life in her house until she was taken as a slave and if you asked me, her life sounded miserable.

Now that I think about everything Damien had done to her it made me hate him more. An image of Claire's bruises and cuts came to my mind and it pissed me off. Damien treated her like shit while she was struggling to stay alive and seem normal. Instead she was draining her energy trying to keep my brother satisfied.

I couldn't believe the secrets that she kept from my parents and I when we were the nice vampires who would support and protect her. We cared for her because she was a part of our family and we were meant to protect family.

Unfortunately, I thought I was protecting her when I suggested she should escape. Instead, I put her in more danger when I thought her only danger was Damien. How wrong had I been?! I quickly ran my fingers through my hair. Dammit, we were going to have to find her.

"Only two months?!" Both of my parents exclaimed.

As soon as those words were muttered Damien pushed the doctor out of they way and came straight for me.

*Damien's PoV*

Once I entered the room my eyes immediately fell onto Mitri. Nothing or no one else mattered at the moment.

"You son of a bitch! I know you had something to do with Claire escaping! Why would you make her run away when you knew I loved her?!"

I drove my fist back and slammed it directly into his face before he could answer. I watched as he jaw hung loosely from his mouth. Mitri quickly broke it back in place when I approached him and I punched him again. He hissed in pain after I punched him and tackled him to the ground.

We were thrashing wildly around in the hospital throwing punches, breaking bones, and hissing. I broke Mitri's ribs and his left

arm while he broke my nose, gave me a black eye, and broke my wrist. I could her my mom calmly telling us to stop, but I ignored her.

"Claire doesn't love you back brother! Get that through your hard-headed, emotionless skull already!"

"Go to hell, Mitri!"

Mitri rolled us over so he was on top of me and he grabbed me by my collar. He plucked me from the ground and threw me into a wall. I crashed into it as a clutter of stone and brick tumbled beneath me.

"Boys...please now is not the time to be arguing." My mother pleaded.

We ignored her and continued to fight. I planned on fighting Mitri until I had no more energy or blood left in my body. I was going to hurt him with everything I had.

*Susanna's PoV*

I watched for several minutes as Damien and Mitri pummeled each other to the ground like a bunch of three year olds. I tried to stop the fight like adults, but obviously no one was listening and it didn't help that Matt tried to sneak out.

"I seriously need a drink. Call me if you need me Susanna. I'll be at the nearest bar because I can't take this right now." Matt said rubbing his temples in fustration.

I shook my head as he tried to sneak out. Unbelievable! I couldn't believe that he was going to leave me alone with two squabbling vampires.

Maybe I should join him and let them blow off steam?

I quickly shook the thought away. Before Matt exited I crossed my arms and turned to face him. I had enough of everyone and I needed to get in control of this situation right now.

"Matt...if you leave through that door I'll impale you on the flagpole outside then I'll pour holy water on you. Don't you dare escape when we need to find Claire. Just to make myself very clear, I'm serious."

Matt quickly closed the door and waved his hands at me nervously.

"Honey.. You know I was just kidding right? I would never leave at a crucial time like this."

"Good that's what I thought," I smiled lovingly.

Don't get me wrong, but I was also known to have a dark side that shouldn't be messed with. Just because I preferred to be kind didn't mean that I wouldn't use my dark side when it got the job done better and now was one of those times.


No response.

I quickly looked at Matt and he gave me an approving nod. Matt walked over to them and pulled Mitri off of Damien and held him tightly in his arms. Damien quickly hopped off the ground and tried to hit Mitri again, but I was faster than he was.

I grabbed his fist and broke every bone in it. I watched as he crumbled to the ground cupping his temporary broken hand. I knew that was going to hurt...a lot.

"What the hell mom?! You can't tell me that Mitri doesn't deserve to get his ass kicked?!" He shouted.

"Damien don't talk to your mother like that!" Matt shouted back as Mitri tried to loosen his grip.

"Matt, it's not a big deal. He's angry and I understand that. He has a right to be." I turned to face Damien, " And you're wrong. You both deserve every broken bone you two get. You deserve it because you should have never lay a finger on Claire and Mitri deserves it because he was being stupid. Neither of you have thought any of your actions through and you two aren't the ones who has to live with the consequences, it's Claire, and none of it's fair to her."

Mitri opened his mouth to say something, but Matt quickly covered his mouth so his words were muffled. Matt drug him out so he could cool down. Now it was just Damien and I.

'This is it.' I sighed sadly, 'It's time to tell him the good news and the bad news.'

"Damien I have something I need to tell you. You may want to sit down. Depending on how you take this, there's really good news and really bad news."

*Damien's PoV*

Really good news and really bad news? I bit my lip nervously. I had no idea what this good and bad news was, but I knew it had something to do with Claire.

I hesitantly sat next to my mother on Claire's bed.

"Mom, I just want to tell you something. I wish Mitri would have never let Claire leave because I wanted to propose to her when she woke up."

I pulled a small gold ring out from my pocket and showed her. My mom grabbed it from my hands and examined the engravings on it. "My love for you is eternal " is what it said.

"It's beautiful Damien..." She said trailing off lowering her head.

"It was meant for Crystal, but I never had the chance know." I said adverting my eyes for a moment.

She didn't seem too thrilled about me saying that so I knew the bad news, must've been really serious.

"Um...Are you ready? D-do you want to hear the good news or the bad news first?"

I rolled my eyes, "Just tell me."

"I'll do the good news first then. Damien, Claire is pregnant." She smiled faintly.

My eyes widened. No that must've been wrong. Claire wasn't pregnant I've- We checked!

"Are you serious?"

She nodded, "Very. The doctor told us and he's pretty sure."

"But she took a pregnancy test and she told me it was negative! You're lying to me! She's not pregnant! Please stop trying to get my hopes up of being a dad. I've come to realize that I can't be happy so stop! Just stop!" I yelled as I stood off the bed.

I was holding back my tears.

"Damien...please calm down. Sometimes pregnancy tests can be wrong, but the doctor knows better than anyone. He said she's three months pregnant and no matter what, Claire knows she's pregnant. It's impossible not to since the baby should be kicking."

I frowned at her. It had been about three months since we've slept together, but how did I not sense the baby? I mean none of us knew she was pregnant?!

But three months was a long time to be pregnant. If Claire knew she was pregnant why didn't she tell me? Everything would have gone so differently now that I think about it, now that I realize that I hit her when she was pregnant. I could have killed her and the baby. Instead I could have protected her and kept her safe and now it looked like I was doing a great job at that.

Despite everything, I smiled. I was finally going to be a dad. I was finally going to watch my own child grow up and enjoy life.

"I'm really going to be a dad?! That's great news mom. Let's hurry so I can find Claire. She needs me!"

She held me firmly by my shoulder.

"It's not exactly great news, honey. It's just better than the bad news. The bad news is you won't be a dad."

I cocked my head to the side.

"You're not making any sense. You just said-"

Tears begin to pour from my mother's eyes.

"I know what I just said. You can't be a father because Claire has cancer. She's very sick and Dr. Geoff said she only has two months to live. I'm so sorry, sweetie."

My eyes widened in horror as I let salty tears stroll down my cheeks. I sunk to the floor and slammed my fist on the cement floor staining it red from the new cuts I made.

The pain I felt from my hand was the same pain I felt in my heart. Chris was trying to tell me that his daughter had cancer?! I cupped my face in my hands.

"Why? Why don't I get to be happy?! I've been alone for so long and I don't have any children. I have no one and I'm tired of being lonely! It's not fair! Am I really that bad of man, that every woman I fall in love with dies?!"

My mother began to hug me, "I know. Sometimes life isn't fair. Imagine how Claire feels. She ran away knowing she was pregnant and sick. C'mon, you have to stay strong for her. She needs you more than ever. I can feel it. Damien, please help us look for her. If you need-"

I broke away from my mother's grasp and headed for the door. My heart felt like a piece of paper and everyone I knew around me was taking a piece and slowly tugging in a different direction ripping it to pieces as it floated away in the wind.

"Don't fucking touch me! I knew it! What did I tell you?! I got my hopes up of being a dad for no reason! I need some time to think. Please don't look for me."

And with that I ran past my brother, past my father, and left through the front doors. My mate wasn't a mate at all. Claire was a woman who was never made for me in the first place. Her home wouldn't be with me, it would be in heaven.

Perhaps this was best for everyone? Perhaps this was how everything was supposed to go. Fate had been so cruel to me.

And to me, this all felt like a long overdue nightmare and it was one I could never wake up from. The only problem was that this was really happening.


Alright guys nice long chap for you

Did u like this nice sad chap :/

Wat happens next... Aaron PoV coming up in next chap or chap after next....maple and Kyle too....

So Damien found out that Claire is sick...poor guy :"( (I cried when I wrote this) *cough cough*

Well apparently I have a lot to say.

I'm super sorri the updates are slow I'll try to be quicker next time.

I do have a lot of ppl to dedicate this chap to:

~Chocolov3r: for my awesome new cover :)

~IsidoraOpranovic: for dedicating a stori to me and being an awesome fan btw check her work out :)

~Jenna_Pixel: who is an aspiring author so check her stuff out :)

Now if I forgot anyone who asked for a dedication plz inbox me the ppl above is just who I remember off the top of my head nothing personal guys

Also if I can only dedicate 1 person per chap I'll put you (those listed above) on one of my other chaps ok?

Any suggestions comments votes...and most of all new readers are greatly appreciated (old ones 2 xD)

Thx everyone


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