You're Different From Everyon...

By dylan_o-kay

78.7K 1.2K 783

"You like him, don't you, Syd?" "There's just - something different about him," (I don't NOT own any of the... More

Hey There Greenie
The Bonfire
A Picnic
Can't Sleep Either?
They're Not Back Yet
Keeper Meetings
It's a ... Girl
Good Morning, Beautiful
I Want To Talk To You About Something
It's The Doors. They Aren't Closing...
Where's the Actual Leader Anyway?
Why'd You Leave Me?
Everyone Shut Up!
The Makeover
Leaving the Maze
Part Two!
AN - Edits

The Pit

2.9K 45 18
By dylan_o-kay

Tom places a kiss on my head before pulling away.

"No," I say, pulling him back. He laughs.

"We'll have plenty of time to cuddle in the pit. Let's go do something," he says. We go and get Posey back from Newt. We take him on a walk around the glade.

"What do you think we should rename him?" I ask.

"I don't know. I like Chucks idea of tying it to the glade,"

"Yeah but you want to name our dog after hell?" He laughs.

"The glades not so bad. And who knows what's out there,"

"True. But the box hasn't gone back down. How long do we survive with out the supplies?"

"Hey. I think we've got a good system. We let the animals we have in pairs breed and get more meat - we use the seeds from the fruits and vegetables to grow more-"

"And what about things we can't grow?" I ask.

"Like what?"

"Like birth control, condoms, tampons, toilet paper, paper, pencil,-"

"Well we can survive without paper and pencil. Well act like cavemen and use leafs for toilet paper, and condoms and birth control aren't going to be needed. I mean we want to continue the human race, right. You'll have to give birth to some kids. So will Teresa. So like, the human race here doesn't die out,"

"And tampons?"

"No guys gonna make fun of you have a blood stain,"

"Really? I leaked once. I was made fun of for over a week until I punched one and they shut up,"

"Then they're all uneducated douche bags,"

"But. When you were talking about reproducing... and me getting pregnant. Does that mean you would want to have a kid with me one day?"

"Well yeah. Not right now. But one day," I smile and kiss his cheek.

"How did we get from naming a dog to talk about children?" I say, with a small laugh.

"I don't know, but I want to talk about the dog again,"

"So his name. What if we named him after a glader?"

"Which one?"

"Well. Alby's the leader. What about Alby?"

"Eh. I don't like it,"

"Hm. What abou-" the lunch bell rings. We go and get our food and start eating. Newt runs up to me. Two syringes in his hand.

"Is that what I think it is?" I ask. Griever medicine. We ran out before Alby was stung.

"Yeah. Griever medicine. It came up with Teresa!" I grab one and sprint to the medstand. Newt and Thomas close behind. Thomas goes over to Alby as I grab some disinfectant. He watches over him until Alby jerks awake.

"It's your fault, Thomas, it's your fault!" He screams, pulling on Thomas' shirt. I stab the syringe into his chest. He calms down and falls into a deep sleep everyone went through after the medicine. Tom backs up, pretty surprised.

"Someone get Clint. He's on Alby duty until I get out of the pit," I say. Newt nods and runs to get him. I pull the sheet up under Alby's shoulders. I felt bad for him. Seeing the guy I always called on for help at his weakest state. I walk over to Thomas and grab his hand. He tangles our fingers together and kisses the side of my head. Clint shows up and we go to finish our lunch. Then Gally shows up and tells us it's time. We turn in our trays and Thomas jumps down when Gally opens the door. I move to sit down before jumping in, but Gally just shoves me. I hit my head against the wall. He doesn't say anything, just locks the door and walks away.

"Shit..." I say, rubbing my head.

"Baby, are you alright?" Tom asks, kneeling down next to me. I nod. He lays down, and opens his arms, wanting me to come. I lay down next to him, using his chest as a pillow. It slowly rises and falls with every breath he takes. I listen to his steady heartbeat and I decide to just take a quick nap.

*Thomas' POV*

Syd falls asleep on top of me. I kiss her a couple times before drifting off myself. The sound of twigs snapping wakes me up. I slowly slide myself out from under Syd and shuffle to the door.

"Who's there?" I call.

"It's just me," Chuck calls. He was carrying a lantern and a bag of stuff.

"Here. Might be better in there on a full stomach," he says. He hands two tinfoil wrapped packages down and two water bottles. I set Syd's aside. And open mine. Pita bread. I rip a piece off and take a bite.

"Thanks Chuck," I say with a full mouth. I notice something in his hands.

"What's that?" I ask. He hold a small carving he did next to the door.

"That came out pretty damn good. What's that for?"

"My parents,"

"You remember your parents?"

"No. But I know I must have them. And wherever they are should they miss me," he hands it to me.

"Why're you giving me this?"

"Because if anyone's getting out of this place it's you,"

"Hey if I'm getting out, so are you,"

"Yeah. But if I don't. I want you to give it to them,"

"Chuck. I'm getting you out of here. You can give it to them yourself," I say handing it back. He smiles.

"And nice job. I knew you two were up to something," he says, nodding to Syd.

"You heard..?"

"The entire glade heard. Uh. Faster Thomas," he says, mimicking Syd's voice before cracking up and laughing, "I can go on. I heard everything. You know like how you couldn't-"

"I get it Chuck," I say. He keeps laughing. Syd makes a small noise and gets up. She comes over next to me and watches as Chuck cracks up.

"You good Chuck?" She asks.

"Oh yeah. J-" he breaks back into laughter.

"He heard last night," I explain.

"Oh," she says.

"T-Thomas," Chuck mocks again. "Or how about 'oh god I'm hurting you!' Your guys sex was a shucking disaster," he says, cracking up more.

"Oh really? Cause it was the best sex I've ever had," She says, raising an eyebrow.

"It's the only sex you've ever had!" Chuck says.

"Now how do you know, Chuck?"

"Well you've only had one boyfriend before him and-"

"Now hold up- who's your ex?" I ask.

"Oh. It's kind of embarrassing, Tom,"


"Minho. It was Minho,"

"You dated him?"


"For how long?"

"About 8 months,"

"Did you two...?" She takes me to the opposite corner of the pit.

"No of course not. I told you I wanted you to take my virginity. Him wanting to take it broke us up. I got him to wait until marriage. He wanted to change it. We got into a huge fight and broke up. We're just friends now and will always be just friends,"

"Wait you wanted to wait until marriage with him but 3 days after we meet we have sex?"

"See how much I love you?" I smile and kiss her forehead.

"I just heard all of that," Chuck says.

"Chuck. You're like 12. As much as I don't want to talk about sex with you, you keep bringing it up. So, the 'oh god I'm hurting you' was because it was my first time. Everyone's first time hurts," she says.

"Not everyone cries which is why I got worried," I say.

"It was fine. And this was his first time too - he wouldn't know how to put on a condom. Do you, Chuck?"

"I wasn't talking about the condom. I was talking about your bra,"

"And you know how to take one off?" I ask.

"Yeah, Thomas. Everyone does,"

"It's not easy when your horny!"

"Tom!" She scolds.

"Fine. I'm still gonna laugh at you guys," he says, getting up and walking away.

"He brought some food," I say, handing Syd hers. She eats and I eat mine before we lay down and cuddle up to each other.

"You really love me that much?" I whisper.

"Of course, Tom. I love you too much to describe. Who shucking cares if our sex was a disaster. I did it with the person I love," she says, placing a hand on my cheek. I smile at her and kiss her. Her other hand goes to my other cheek, and I place mine hands on her cheeks, too. We pull our lips closer together.

"You think if we have sex down here anyone will notice?" I ask, jokingly. She laughs and wraps her arms around me.

"Goodnight, Tom," she mumbles.

"Goodnight, baby girl,"

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