Our Burning Love-A Clato Love...

By Summer___Rain

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Poverty, her mothers hate and being friendless doesn't stop her. He is to arrogant and rich for his own good... More

Prolouge: Backrounds
Chapter 1: looking at the locket
Chapter 2: Meet my crush: Cato Emerson.
Chapter 3: time to confess
Chapter 4: Are you sure you were going to say that?
Chapter 5: sword fighting
Chapter 6: Awkward moment
Chapter 7: Lets talk about the games...
Chapter 8: memories hurt.... I know that
Chapter 9: Ronnie's birthday
Chapter 10: The so called 'Date'
Chapter 11: Bloody Mother
Chapter 12: I was a mistake
Chapter 13: My sweet 16....not really
Chapter 14: The Almost Kiss
Chapter 15: My birthday, The reaping And Shit
Chapter 16: Train Cars and Love Stories
Chapter 17: The Tribute Parade
Chapter 18: Shocker!!
Chapter 19: This is love
Chapter 20: Private Training
Chapter 21: "Straighten your back.."
Chapter 22: The Interviews and Survival of the Fittest
Chapter 23: The Bloodbath
Chapter 24: Beautiful Friendships.
Chapter 25: Tracker Jackers.
Chapter 26: Death
Chapter 27: Explosions
Chapter 28: ''The rule change that changed my life''
Chapter 29: Thinking
Chapter 30: The Feast
Chapter 31: Waiting
Chapter 32: Thresh.
Chapter 33: The Mutts
Chapter 34: The Finale.
Chapter 35: The Crowning
Chapter 36: Home And The District Winner's Ball
Chapter 37: Being Busy.
Chapter 38: Kelly "Chase" Mitchell
Chapter 39: Old and new faces.
Chapter 40: Why she left.
Chapter 41: A better boyfriend.
Chapter 43: More Then Once.
Chapter 44: Drunk.
Chapter 45: Reunion & Rumours.
Chapter 46: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Chapter 47: The Result & Your eyes.
Chapter 48: Don't you remember her?
Chapter 49: Aftershock.
Chapter 50: Taylor Burditt
Chapter 51: If I lose myself.
Chapter 52: Moving On?
Chapter 53: Take Over.
Chapter 54: The Truth.
Chapter 55: I have lost myself
Chapter 56: I'll ruin your life
Chapter 57: The Engagement Party
Chapter 58: Realisation
Chapter 59: Clarisse's Baby
Chapter 60: My kind of day.
Chapter 61: Glowing.
Chapter 62: Calm before the storm.
Chapter 63: Suprise!
Chapter 64: Despair
Chapter 65: Alien
Chapter 66: My life
Chapter 67: Disappointment.
Chapter 68: Blood.
Chapter 69: Execution.
Chapter 70: Tweet Tweet.
Chapter 71: Bridges.
Chapter 72: The beginning.
Chapter 73: Electric.
Chapter 74: The Edge.
Chapter 75: Confusion.
Chapter 76: Final Three.
Chapter 77: Loneliness.
Chapter 78: How I want to end it.
Chapter 79: Smile.
Chapter 80: Home never felt so good.
Chapter 81: Misunderstandings.
Chapter 82: Things are looking up.
Chapter 83: Number Two.
Chapter 84: What else happened.
Chapter 85: Holding Hands.
Author's Note.

Chapter 42: Apologies & Our Date.

3.6K 57 17
By Summer___Rain


Clove's POV


14 September 3113


Reese winces as she burns her finger off the stove. ''I told you, I'm making tea!" I laugh.

Her mouth forms an O shape. I put the pot of water on the stove and get down two cups from the cupboard. I spoon in some sugar and drop in a tea bag.

''So, how's the bipolar book coming along?" Reese asks.

''I'm finished it, I think I have it under control. But I get frustrated pretty easily." She nods, almost approvingly. I smile.

''I'm sorry to be a burden Clover." Reese mumbles.

''No you stay as long as you want, I love the company." I say honestly. I haven't seen Cato that often over the past few days. He's always trying to persuade Carlee to move to District 2. She won't.

But she's going home tomorrow, and I'm almost grateful. I miss my man. I really do.

''Are you sure? But the baby?" Reese starts.

''Is only a month old." I state simply. ''Are you scared?" I ask.

''Yeah, every little cough or sneeze I let out I'm scared that the baby is sick. I scared or when I get bigger, how I have to take tablets, and especially birth." She says wairily.

I nod and pour the boiling water into the mugs. I stir and pull out tne teabag. Reese gets the milk out of the cupboard and pours it into both of our mugs. We sit at the island.

''What will you do when I'm gone, this house is too big for one person!" She laughs, shaking her head. ''I know, poor me!" I reply.

''I think you should ask Cato to move in." She mutters while blowing her tea.

''Move in?" I ask, remembering how Annie was shocked at us not living together.

''If you love someone enough, you should."

''You think it's too early to be thinking about living together?"

''No, ye've been through more then any couple anyone has ever known of. Ye deserve a happy ending." Reese tells me.

''I know." I state almost sadly.


At half twelve, there is a knock at the door. I open it to see Eno and Corden.

''Hey, come in!" I smile. They both step in and I shut the door before I lead them to the sitting room.

''What's up?" I smile. Reese walks in and her eyes go wide.

''Oh My..GOD. Clover it's Enobaria and Corden? Wow, I'm going for a shower." She mumbles, walking out rubbing her temples, almost as if she's seeing things.

''Why's she taking a shower at your place?" Corden asks.

''She's my best friend and her parents kicked her out. She's pregnant and the dad denies it's his." I tell them.

''Lousy!" Eno exclaims. ''Sorry, we called to see how you got on in District 4. We thought Cato would be here, you see Callie and Dalton are sick and Leven is all over the place."

''Who're they?" I ask, confused.

''Oh sorry, Leven is my older sister, Dalton is her son. He's six. And Callie is twelve, she's our cousin. Her parents are dead and her sister dissapered. You must meet them soon." Corden tells me.

''Cato found Carlee in Four. She's married with kids. She came home and Cato is spending a lot of time with her. That's why he's not here."

''Be back soon Clover!" Reese calls.

''Thought you were having a shower?" I yell back.

''Something came up!" She calls and then shuts the front door.

''Ok, The Victory Tour is starting the 19th of December. President Snow will announce the speciality for the Quater Quell on the night of the ball. District 12 down to 1, then the interview with Flickermen, then the ball and rule change. Then home. Got it?" Eno tells me.

I nod slowly taking it all in. ''Got that?"

''Yeah.'' I mumble.

''Any questions or anything you want to talk about?" Eno asks sweetly, smiling at me, unaware that she's baring her golden-tiped teeth to me.

''Yeah, I wanted to ask your advice for-" I start but a knock on the door intrupts me.

''I'll get it!" Eno smiles, already standing.

''District 11" I whisper continuing my sentance.

''You'll be fine, I promise. It's worse to be dead to the world." Corden tells me.

A few minutes later, Eno walks back in.

''Who was it?" I ask.

''Cato, date tonight, be ready for 8pm." I freeze.

''A date? I was never on one! What do I do?" I ask, panicing. Eno and Corden laugh. I glate at them.

''That's our queue to leave. Bye! Have fun. Get Clarice's help! Good luck!" Eno giggles, pulling Corden out the door, slamming it behind them.

And I'm left to panic on my own.


I frown as Reese pushes me into the bathroom, after handing me a new set of under clothes and a robe. I shut the door gingerly.

Yes, Reese -being the amazing friend she is- decided to help me get ready. Which I'm grateful for.

I mean, sure Cato and I have been alone multiple times before, but not under these circumstances. This is a date. I've always feared that word.

But on the bright side, we are already dating so it'll be a whole lot less awkward.

I ease my frail body into the bath of burning liquid and bubbles. A satisfactory sigh slips my mouth as I lower myself into the boiling water.

Why am I nervous? I know why I'm nervous. Its as simple as day light. I'm scared in case we "go all the way" and I end up with a baby in my belly and Cato on the other side of District 2. Like the situation that Clarice is in. Poor Reese.

I want to give myself to Cato, but now is not the time. I'm to vulnerable after the games, maybe in a few weeks or something along those lines.

"C'mon Clover, your not making the bath are you? No? Well hurry up! It's 6:30 already!" Reese shouts, banging her fist on the door. God, if that girl bangs any louder, her fist will break through.

I massage my scalp with my usual vanilla and lilac concoction of a shampoo. I breath in the heavenly smells, savouring it. I quickly condition and wash down my body with my vanilla and lilac body wash.

I pull out the plug and step onto my old t-shirt on the tiled floor. I dry myself off with a fluffy towel and then carefully slip on my black underwear and hook my black bra on before pushing my arms threw the holes of the white fluffy dressing gown.

I open the door with a swift tug of the handle. I drag my feet against the cold floor until I reach the stairs and stump up them.

Reese stands in my room. Hands on her hips and her lips in one straight line. She has a thick coat of mascara that frames her chocolate eyes. Her short, blonde, wavy hair falls loosely around her face. Her skin has gotten slightly darker, leaving it a carmel colour.

"Sit!" She commands pointing to the chair she pulled from my desk. I plop my body down and cross my legs.

She takes a soft blue towel and begins to dry my hair. I sit patiently, drumming my fingers on my leg.

After a few minutes, Reese starts humming softly to her self. Its almost inaudible but is a sweet tune. She pulls back the towel and nods, smiling. She struts to the my en-suite bathroom and then waltzes back out with a hair brush.

She runs the brush threw my mane of hair and I feel my hair getting softer and smoother.

Once she's finished with my hair she takes a bag of make-up -which the Capital has provided for me- and rummages threw it.

"Do I really have to wear make-up?" I ask, glaring at the bag of cosmetics.

"Yes, you do! Just a little though, ok?" Reese mumbles before smearing something on my face.

"Ok." I agree, reluctantly.


Within an hour, I'm finished and beautiful. Well, that's how Reese puts it. I still haven't seen myself and Cato will be here within fifteen minutes.

"And voila, my masterpiece, you look amazing! Cato won't be able to keep himself in his pants!" She giggles.

I feel the blood rush to my cheeks and instantly look away. "Clarice!"

"Oh right, speaking of that, remember that I'm still in the house so be quite and, Clove, try not to get pregnant." Reese says, deadly serious.

"Look at yourself! You're stunning!" Reese exclaims, pointing to the mirror.

I warily walk to the mirror. I gasp trying to take in my image. My hair is flowing with gentle waves running threw it. My make-up is subtle, but beautiful. I have a coat of mascara covering my thick eyelashes. My cheeks are dusted with a light pink powder. My lips look big and glossy due to the pink gloss that Reese ran over my lips, which was followed by a clear coat to make it stay all night.

I'm wearing a emerald colour dress that ends in the middle of my thigh. It's loose fitting until my waist, where it's tighter. It has a round neck and is ever so slightly pleated. I have 5 inch black heels on. My ring and bracelet that Cato got me are on, along with my locket and purity ring.

Reese slipped on a statement piece necklace, which is also gold.

"Hunny, you look priceless, oh and take off your purity ring before ye, you know. It's bad luck." She explains to me.

"Reese, I want to thank you, for everything. I look, just wow!"

She laughs and sprays me with some perfume. "It's alright hunny. You ok? you look really, really nervous!"

"To be honest, I'm really-" I start but the door interrupts me.

Reese beams at me, showing me her perfect teeth before sprinting down the stairs.

"Hey Cato!" Reese laughs. I then hear a few muttered words.

"And beautiful!" She tells him.

"I know right! Ugh, I'm so jealous, come in, come in!" I hear muttered words of their conversation.

"Oh I'm fine. They are beautiful aren't they?"

"Yes, she is. CLOVER!!" Reese hollers.

"I'm coming!" I call back and leave my bedroom. I shakily walk down the stairs, holding onto the rail.

Cato stands by the door, looking incredibly sexy. He sports a pair of dark jeans and a white top, a red flannel shirt covers that but is open. And a leather jacket ties it all together. His hair is gelled in that messy-spiky look, but still looks super soft.

"Hey, you look stunning!" He grins, in a husky tone.

"Aww, thanks. You too." I reply walking over to him and pecking his soft, kiss-able lips.

"I got you these." He informed me. For the first time, I get a good look at the bouquet. A mixture of wild daisies, forget-me-nots and montbretias.

"Oh Cato! There beautiful!" I told him, taking the flowers and giving them to Reese.

"Put them in a jug for me, will ya?" I ask her politely. She nods and then a wicked grin appears across her face.

"Have fun you two! But remember what I said Clover! Don't be too-"

"Bye Clarice!" I moan, pulling Cato out the door. "Bye Reese."

"Bye-bye!" She giggles, shutting the door after us.

"What was she on about?" Cato questions, almost immediately.

"Nothing!" I rush out before he slips his hand into mine. I smile.


"Here we are, I've never been here, but Rosalie recommended it. That ok?" Cato gently asks. I nod my head and let him lead me into the fancy restaurant.

The second we walk in, I'm overcome by intoxicating smells like fish and soup. A young, black-haired waitress struts over to us.

"Emerson, is it?" Cato nods swiftly and gives my hand a tight squeeze. I smile widely up at him. "This way." The waitress informs us and leads us to a table next to a window. "I'll be right back."

Cato pulls out my chair for me, and I sit down. He pushes my chair back in before sitting down on his own chair. I glance out the window and see the river. Its further down from where I'd cross or where Maysilee and I's tree. MAYSILEE!

I forgot about her, and her grave. I sigh, too loudly. "You ok Clo?"

I nod my head, "Yeah, thanks. This is perfect, ain't it?" I speak.

Cato nods and takes my hand, which is lying on the table. My face instantly lights up. His hand is warm and big. Perfect fit for mine.

The waitress returns and takes our starter and drinks order. She returns almost immediately with two glasses of water, each with water.

The legal age to drink is 17 and I'm only 16. It's the only age law within Panem.

"How's Nevaeh?" I question, I haven't seen her in a while.

"Still not talking" Cato sighs. "I just wished she would, I mean, Carlee broke my heart by what she said and now she's going home. I was always closest to Carlee, then Nevaeh. Now it seems like they're completely different people, and I don't even know them. I can forgive them, but I can't forget them. Its like salt on a wound. It stings."

"Why don't you let me talk to her?" I frown, as the waitress places our food on the table. "Thanks" I say. Cato nods.

"If you want, but it'll be futile." I stare down at my salad, decked with chillies. I'm not good with heat. I examine Cato's plate, and honestly, what in God's name is that?

Due to my facial expression, Cato begins to laugh. "I don't know what it is either." Cato chuckles. "So your a salad girl?"

I laugh. "Oh no, I can eat, don't you worry!" I joke. I begin to eat and almost explode with the heat. "OhmyGod that's hot!" I almost scream. Cato burst out laughing. I take a drink to soothe my burning throat.

"What's so funny?" I scold. "You know, you did order a spicy salad!" He laughs.

"I did? Oops!" Cato chortles loudly and I blush. "You must have been distracted by my amazing looks." Cato states with a wink.

"Most definitely." I reply cheekily.

After our starter, we order our main and make endless chit-chat. I ordered rabbit with this super rich mushroom and leek sauce. Cato got fish, and due to it's colour, I thinks it's salmon. Ew.

"So, I was thinking that maybe-" Cato mumbles, he looks nervous. He swallows, causing his adams-apple to bob up and down. "Stop me now if you feel I'm rushing into this, because if you think I'm rushing, I'll slow down, I will-"

"Go on Cato, what's up?" I ask him.

"I was wondering, would you like to move in together?" I drop my fork and my mouth follows in suite.

"It's just what Annie said, and over The Games and I love you and-" Cato mumbles. "Yes, yes I'd love too."

"Really? You're serious?" Cato stutters, face full of shock. I nod swiftly.

"Deadly, maybe into my house?" I question. "Hell yeah! When?"

"As soon as possible. Oh and I love you too."

"Great, I bet living with you will be so cool." He chuckles.

"As long as you don't perv on me when I come out of the shower!" I giggle.

"I don't know if I'll be able to." Cato continues to eat and then it hits me. We're moving in together. We're moving IN together!! Oh my God! This is perfect!

"I know it is Clo." Sugar, I said that out loud.

We finished our main and ordered our dessert and that was shortly finished because it was so yummy! It was a chocolate mousse inside a cup made of chocolate and so was the spoon.

About 11pm, we left the restaurant after Cato paid. Then something popped into my mind.

"Cato, did Reese speak to you about living together?" I ask, I'm still beaming since he asked me and I just can't seem to wipe my nine-mile-smile off my face.

"I do have to admit, she was talking to me about it on the way over. I was calling over to ask you about tonight and she suggested it. I thought it was a brilliant idea, so I kind of adopted it. I hope you don't mind, do you?" He asks sweetly.

"No, I don't. Not at all! I'm so excited to be honest! Living with the best man in the whole world, it's kind of an ego boost." I laugh, shivering.

"You cold?" Cato asks. I nod, almost reluctantly. He takes off his leather jacket and places it on top of my shoulders.

"So cliché!" I giggle while pulling the jacket into me. It smells like him, a warm almost woody scent.

We walk hand-in-hand, enjoying another's company until we reach my, no sorry, our house. He walks me up to the door and smiles at me.

"Do I get a goodnight kiss?" I joke. He nods and stares intently into my eyes, and I feel like I fell in love with him all over again.

He tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear and then caresses my cheek. He ever so slowly brings his lips down to mine and plants a sweet, delicate kiss on my lips.

The kiss shortly turns more passionate, more rough, more needed, more lustful. My hands in tangle themselves in his golden hair. He rubs his hand down my back, resting the other in my mane.

"Come inside?" I pur, he nods, eagerly. I unlock the door and push it open, Cato following in suite. The second I close it, his lips are on mine again.

He arches one of my legs up onto his hip, which is shortly followed by my other leg. He places his hands on my bum and boosts me up. He begins to walk up the stairs, not breaking the kiss once.

Entering my -our, room, he shuts the door with his foot before placing me on the bed. He crawls on top of me, kissing me roughly. Our tongues wrestle for dominance, and, of course, he won.

Cato massages his sweet tongue against mine. My hands fumble until they reach the end of his shirt. I tug on it and pull it over his head.

I fling the shirt across the room and roll on top of him. I drag my nails up his toned chest, feeling his amazing eight-pack.

I moan gently into his mouth. His hands reach my back and zips down the back of my dress. I pur in pleasure. Cato, being Cato, rolls back on to me. He sensually drags his fingers up my thigh.

"How did it go?!" A voice beams. The door slams against the wall. "Oh my, God!" Reese yells. Cato jumps off me and I catch Reese with her back turned.

"Clarice, way to ruin a moment!" I pout.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I thought he wasn't here!" She moans.

"He, is your new house mate!" Cato said with a cheeky wink. I giggle and snuggle into his bare chest.

"Well, I'll talk to you tomorrow! Have fun you two!" Reese sneers, walking out.

I look at Cato and we both start laughing.


15 September 3113


I wake up to feel Cato's arm slung lazily around my waist, him spooning me from behind.

I then realise that a huge grin is plastered on my face. I could most defiantly get use to this. We fell asleep after Clarice left us last night. We went no further, but would I if Clarice didn't come in?

I was the one who pulled off his shirt for goodness sake! I think I wanted it last night.

Cato groans before leaving a trail of kisses down my neck. "Morning." I grin.

"Morning beautiful. What time is it baby girl?" Cato groans, huskily.

I glare at the clock. "Um, half ten. What time is Carlee leaving?" I grunt.

"Half eleven, will you come?" I sigh, I don't want to be the third wheel. "Please?" Cato begs. I reluctantly agree.

"C'mon, I'll make us breakfast." I suggest.

"Let's just stay here." Cato tells me. I laugh and push off the covers, slowly getting up. We fell asleep in our clothes from last night.

"What happened to Mr.-I'm-going-to-decapitate-you-evil-career-guy?"

"Oh, I put him in the closet." Cato jokes.


Cato hugs Carlee tightly. Astrel is hugging Veran tightly and Oakely is kicking the ground. Carlee pulls away and the envelops me in a hug.

"Thank you. For everything." Carlee whispers. "No bother" I reply.

Cato walks over and grips my hand tightly. I rest my head on his shoulder.

Carlee and Veran Jr. hug Astrel, Oakely and Veran Snr. before walking over to the train.

"Come back soon!" Astrel sobs, at this stage, tears are flowing freely down her face, like a waterfall.

"I will! I promise-" she yells before the shutting train doors cut her off. Astrel mutters a few words, so does Cato.

We, being Cato and I, hug Astrel, Oakely and Veran before we all disperse.


"You don't mind, do you?" I ask Cato. He squeezes my hand. "Not at all, I'm kinda honoured to be honest."

I smile weakly, I haven't visited since the day of The Reaping, and that was only for a few minutes.

We walk for a few minutes until we reach The Hill. Its so far out, you can see the DBF -District Border Fence-.

I instantly kneel and bow my head. I place the flowers next to me and look at the three headstones. Each with its own picture and little verse.

I already have tears in my eyes. "Hi Dad, Maysilee, Uncle." I whisper. Cato rubs my back.

"It's been a while, hasn't it? Well this, this is Cato. He's my boyfriend, he's my district partner. 'Member I was telling you about him? Yeah, well we're dating now. We're actually moving in together soon. Oh yeah, um surprise! We won together! Don't ask me how, but we did. You should have seen Roni and Kalen's faces when I stepped off the train. I never thought I'd see them again. But, luckily, Cato was always by my side. I miss ye all, so darn much!" I say wiping away my salted tears. Cato kisses my hand.

"The Victory Tour is on the 19th of December, so we'll be going to that. We just got home from District 4. It was great, amazing actually. Cato found Carlee, she's married with kids! I know right! But they're adorable. And Cato has two other sisters, and a niece. They're lovely! I brought ye flowers, your favourites. Yellow coronations for you, dad." I say, sadness clear in my voice as I place the coronations on his grave.

"White lilies, for you Uncle. And, finally, iris' for you Maysilee." I whisper, laying them down.

"I really do hope you approve of Cato. Especially you and Maysilee, Dad."

Cato chuckles lightly, wiping away my tears.

"Well, I must go. And I swear I'll visit soon, maybe even bring Roni. How bout that eh?" I smile sadly, standing up. Cato grips my hand.

"I love ye all, so very much. Bye." I choke out. As we walk away, Cato stops. "Bye Mr Rambin, Maysilee, Mr Rambin. I'll take care of Clo, don't ye worry!" Cato states.

"Thank you." I whisper, angrily wiping away my tears.


About 3pm, Cato, Reese and I are all in the kitchen, talking about when Cato should move in.

"I think as soon as possible is best!" Reese declares.

"Me two!" Cato chuckles. "If that's ok with you, as long as you don't think we're rushing into things."

"I don't, I'm ready!" I exclaim, burying my face into his neck. Reese let's out an "Aww" sound.

Then the door knocks. "I'll get it!" Reese tells us. We both nod in sync.

A few seconds later we hear Reese roar "What do YOU want?" She bellows.

We share a glance and then rush to the door. There stands Bristle.

I glare at him, he called me a whore and hit my man.

"Honestly? You and the baby. I said I didn't love you, but I do. I said the baby isn't mine, but it is. I love your Clarice. I digged you Cato and said some nasty things about you Clove. I'm so sorry to all of you. I want to be with you again, I want this baby. I love you. I know what I did is wrong, very wrong, but will you forgive me Reese, please?" Bristle begs and I see tears form in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Cato, I'm sorry Clove." He sobs.

"I don't know Bristle. You really hurt me."

"I know Clarice. And I'm as slow as hell. I love you! Please?"

"I forgive you Bristle" I tell him. "Yeah, me too" Cato retorts.

"Ye do?" Reese asks, shocked. We nod.

"Then I forgive you too. I love you too!" She cries before jumping into his arms.



Fan if your happy for the update.

Vote if you liked the date.

Comment if you throught the grave scene was sweet.

The external link is for her date dress. Go to the third one. Ta-da! But without cardigan and heels instead!

Clf xx

Clato forever. Alexbelle will happen!

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