
By ilovewriting201

534K 18K 1.9K

He was filled with hate, unable to control the beast inside of him. He knew nothing except for murder. He hat... More

Bonus Scene: IX:Roman's POV


21.8K 756 107
By ilovewriting201

The next couple of days, Roman's been putting up more guards, training more. He'll be out from dawn to after dark, coming home sweaty and exhausted. He'll greet me with a kiss on my forehead before going upstairs and going to bed. I don't blame him, he's been working more than any of us.

Tonight is a little different though. As always, I wait with Aria in the living room, talking about mindless things. When Roman walks through the front door he's covered in blood, barely able to keep himself upright.

"Roman, what happened?" I ask frantically, hurrying to him.

"Rogue-he was alone, but he was stronger. I barely beat him," he tells me as I help him to the couch.

"Where are you hurt?" I question, looking him over.

"I'm okay, Lena, I'll be healed by morning, I just-need to lie here," he replies.

"Roman, where are you hurt?" I demand.

"Just my ribs, he got a good bite out of my shoulder," he tells me.

"Aria, get me some warm water and a wash cloth," I say.

She nods, hurrying off.

He chuckles, "I'm fine, Lena, calm down."

I shake my head, "let me see."

He sighs, sitting carefully, pulling his shirt over his head, wincing when he lifts his arms.

"My gosh, Roman, he couldn't have been a normal rogue," I state, looking at his black and blue ribs. His shoulder isn't bleeding bad, but it had been.

Aria returns with the items, and I wet the cloth before pressing it on his shoulder.

He winces, growling a little, "careful."

"Sorry," I apologize.

He nods, laying his head back down. I clean his shoulder gently, then wipe the blood off of his arm where it bled down.

"Are your ribs broken?" I ask him, reaching to touch them.

He grabs my wrist gently, "don't touch, but no."

I sigh, placing the bowl on the table, noticing the absence of Aria.

"Lena, stop worrying, I'm fine," he says softly. I turn back and face him, sitting on the ground next to the couch.

"You could've died, you know?" I ask.

"But I didn't-"

"But you could've!" I interrupt. "If he would've gotten higher than your shoulder, you would've been dead, so, yes, I'm going to worry. If one can almost take you down, what would a pack of them do?"

He takes my hand in his, "I don't want you to worry, okay? I'm handling it, and you're always going to be safe for as long as I'm alive."

I take my hand out of his and he frowns, "I wish you wouldn't say things like that."

"Why?" He asks.

"Because you don't really mean it, it's your wolf talking," I tell him.

"And what if it isn't? What would you do?" He replies sincerely.

I shrug, "I don't know."

He sighs, running a hand through his hair, making my fingers itch to do so.

"I wish-I wish I wasn't so confused, so backwards. I wish I were the type of mate Simon is to Aria. I wish I could give you that," he tells me.

I lean me head on his good shoulder, "you are, you just don't know it yet."

He turns his head, pressing a kiss on my forehead, "go to bed, I'll be okay."

"I'll stay here," I reply.

"Lena," he warns.

"I'm staying here, Roman," I respond.

He sighs, closing his eyes, "you better be in bed by the time morning comes."

"Or what, Alpha?" I joke.

"I'm going to make you sleep in my bed for a month," he replies tiredly.

"Your threats are empty," I state, closing my eyes.

He chuckles, half asleep, "think what you want, amica mea."

I fall asleep with a smile on my face that night.

When I wake up, I'm on the couch and Roman isn't anywhere to be seen. I yawn, catching the smell of breakfast.

I get up and walk into the kitchen, wondering who's cooking, as the normal cook is in the pack hospital.

When I walk in, I'm surprised to see Roman there. He hasn't noticed me yet, so I lean against the doorframe and watch him work.

I smile as he starts making pancakes and giggle when one of them burns and he growls in frustration.

This catches his attention, and he turns around, frowning, "you didn't see that did you?"

I shrug, walking over to the stove, taking the spatula from him, "would it make you feel better if I say no?"

He growls playfully at me, and I roll my eyes, turning to the pancakes. Arms wrap around me from behind and Roman puts his chin on my shoulder.

"You do it better than I do," he states as I put a pancake on the paper plate.

I shrug, "what can I say? I'm the master chef."

His fingers pinch my waist, and I squeak, moving away from him, and laugh when he finds my tickle spot.

"Ah, Lena's ticklish," he teases.

"Don't, or I'll forbid you from touching me all together," I threaten.

"You couldn't be away from me for a whole day," he replies.

"I could," I state.

"Whatever you say. By the way, you have to sleep in my bed for a month. You didn't go to bed," he says.

I flip a pancake, and his arms wrap around my waist again. It feels so normal.

"I'm not going to," I tell him.

"You are, I warned you," He grins.

"Whatever, Alpha," I respond.

"Mmh, what's cooking?"

We turn and see Simon and Aria walk in the kitchen. Aria smiles at me when she sees Roman and I, and I roll my eyes at her.

"I'm cooking pancakes, well, Roman was, but he kept burning them, so I took over," I tell him.

"Sounds like something he would do," Simon says amused.

"Shut up, Simon," Roman growls. Simon just laughs.

"Well-" I put the last pancake on the plate,"-Bon appetite."

I put two on each plate and we sit at the table.

"Where is everyone today?" I ask.

"They're out with their families. I guess Rogue attacks do some good," Simon answers.

I then look at Roman, "how're your ribs and shoulder?"

He shrugs, "my shoulder's healed, my ribs are a little sore still."

"You should go see Doctor Micah," I tell him.

He shakes his head, "I'm fine."

I roll my eyes, "and stubborn."

He winks at me, taking a bite of his pancakes.

"Aria, would you want to do something today? Maybe watch a movie?" I ask her.

"I was wanting to do something with you today," Roman pouts.

Aria chuckles, "it's fine, Alpha. Simon and I were planning on doing stuff together today anyways. She's all yours."

"Yay," I say sarcastically, joking.

He places his hand on his chest, "you wound me, Lena."

I pat his arm, "you'll survive, you're a big boy."

Simon chuckles, "I don't know what you did, Lena, but this is not the same Roman I know."

Roman flicks a piece of pancake at him, "shut up, Simon."

"Well, I'm done, and going upstairs," I state, walking and putting my plate in the sink.

I go upstairs to my room, turning on the TV.

My door opens and Roman walks in, coming to the bed and lying next to me. He winces a little from his ribs, but is okay otherwise.

"What are we watching?" He asks.

"I never said you could watch anything with me," I state.

He steals the remote from me, "I am now."

I huff, "fine. Turn on Hallmark channel."

He nods, putting it on. I lie down further, wrapping my arm around his waist and putting my head on his chest. He wraps his arm around me, twirling my hair around his finger.

I listen to his heart beat in his chest, steady and soothing. I yawn, closing my eyes.

"Good night, my Luna," he says. "I'm thankful you are my mate, I hope to become better for you."

With that, I fall into a comfortable sleep.

When I wake up, I'm in the same position I fell asleep in. I look up at Roman to see that he fell asleep also. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps, he doesn't look stressed or worried. Just peaceful.

"Like what you see?"

His voice startles me and I jump, making him chuckle.

"You can look at me as long as you want," he states, his eyes still closed.

"Well, I'm going to go get food, so you can stay here if you'd like," I tell him.

He tightens his hold on me, his eyes finally opening, "stay for a little longer."

I sigh, snuggling back down, "you're going to end up hurting me, you know?"

"Why would I do that?" He asks.

"You do things like this, say things like you did last night. You're going to change your mind, I'm going to get old to you, you'll get tired of me," I state.


"Yes, you will. You and I both know. So, let's just stay away from each other before we get to into what we think are our true feelings," I interrupt, climbing off the bed and walking out of the room. I can't let him hurt me. I can't deal with that pain.

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