By MaryEden08

1.2M 42.8K 2.2K

Prowess (ˈpraʊɪs) 1. Outstanding or superior skill or ability. 2. Bravery or fearlessness, esp in battle. Th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
PLEASE READ - Author's Note
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Author's Note
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Author's Note
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Author's Note - What Happens Next

Chapter 47

9K 394 33
By MaryEden08

Kellen POV;

The letters, the phone calls, the constant buzz of my phone were incessant, why couldn't she just leave me alone?! Jennifer's persistent harassment was relentless, at night I'd lay awake still hearing the ring of the phone in my ears; I'd changed my number twice and still she somehow got hold of the number. My only peace of mind came from making the Alpha visits and not taking a phone with me. Although even then, on one occasion, on a visit to Alpha Callan I could've sworn I saw her as I got out of the car! The woman now haunted every aspect of my daily life; my work, my home life and even my relationship with Ana! Since my first argument with Ana over a week ago, my mood only darkened with each passing day. My desperation to keep Ana out of this mess and well away from Jennifer's clutches had only caused us to argue – I'd tried shielding her and look where that had got me?

To make matters worse, the day after the argument, I'd received an envelope full of photos all dated recently and all of Ana and Alpha Chad Riggs together, some of them dressed smartly on pack business, some of Ana arriving and leaving his territory at different times of the day, and a couple showing she'd stayed the night on at least two occasions...a note attached read, 'Awfully close, aren't they? Did you know they've had a relationship outside of pack business?;)' This was a low blow, even for Jennifer, and having avoided all her attempts to make me paranoid, I struggled to not give her exactly the reaction she wanted for this one. The internal conflict tore at me; on the one hand, I knew Ana was right that I wasn't being honest with her and yet, on the other hand, here was an example of one of her own omissions!

Much to my own annoyance, this particular seed Jennifer had planted succeeded in starting to grow. My attempts to try and sort things out with Ana following our argument had not gone well, every time we tried to contact each other, one or the other of us were been busy – since the pictures, I had also begun wondering just how much time Ana spent visiting Alpha Riggs. A niggling urge to clear Ana in Jennifer's photo attack on her had me rounding up the dates on the photos and putting them together, but this is only proved that Ana had been spending more time with him than any of the policy changes really required. Surely Ana wouldn't become closer to the Alpha to spite me, would she? Were there still feelings between them? The photos suggested he might definitely still have some, but with Ana – in all the photos –she wore the unreadable expression, which I'd begun to recognize as one she wore for pack business...but if that was all it was then why would she stay the night more than once? Was it just for show?

For the last week and three days exactly, my new worries about Ana, as well as Jennifer's harassment had kept me awake every night. My irritability stuck out like a sore thumb; I'd started snapping at everyone, especially my family – Brody remained the only one to whom I could confide my concerns. I spent that afternoon with him, once again ranting out my frustrations and worries as I pace his office like a caged animal. "Kellen..." Began Brody with the tone of patience acquired through our close, long term friendship. I wasn't listening, I continued my growling. "Kellen!" He snarls.

I turn to him fiercely, "What!"

"Would you just listen to yourself?" He sighs, leaning back into his office chair exasperated. "You're not  thinking straight, or fairly. So what if Ana had a relationship with another Alpha? You say it looks like he's still got feelings right, well if that's true then it should tell you she was probably the one who ended it.  For Pete sake Kel, you're so paranoid; what's it gonna take for you to just be honest with her? You haven't exactly given her a reason to trust you, have you?"

"I don't want her involved in all this! Hell, if I can't resolve this and it gets out, it'll ruin me! I don't want that for her as well, I can't, I won't do that to her!" Brody obviously didn't agree with me but shrugged rather than call me out on it. "Besides, it's not like I haven't tried talking to her! Every time I try, she's busy or when she tries calling back, I'm busy." I huff, annoyed.

"Just tell me that you'll keep it together tomorrow and not have a full scale domestic at the meeting?" Asks Brody wearily.

"What meeting?" Brody rolls his eyes.

"The meeting that your Dad told everyone about on Monday. All the leaders are going to be there so please don't do anything stupid; you need to keep your relationship out of the meeting."

"What's the meeting about again?" I frown, rubbing the bristle on my chin thoughtfully.

"The ball at the end of the month and arrangements for initiation dates."I nod, already thinking about how I could try and catch Ana before or after the meeting. "Kellen.." warns Brody, reading the intent inmy expression, "didn't Ana ask you to keep your relationship out of pack business?"

"Yeah and?"

"So she won't be too impressed if you try talking out your differences at a leader meeting, will she?"

I snort, "I won't, don't get your knickers in a twist mate." I wink at him as I leave his office, deliberately taking away his chance at a reply. Ana and I would sort out our for sure. 

*                                   *                                      *

The next morning, I'm more optimistic; I'd see Ana. I take extra care with my appearance to calm my insecurity; I wanted Ana to notice – be more attracted to me, maybe then she'd see I'm her guy and forget about anything she had with Riggs. The thought boosted my confidence, I'd show her I was confident about us then she could have no qualms. The meeting wasn't until 11am so for the rest of the morning I throw myself into helping Dad sort out the paperwork for the meeting, my intention being that if it was done quickly, we'd get to the meeting quicker. It's a vain hope, time doesn't speed up.

Eventually, the whole family heads over to a conference room specifically located in a central point between all the pack territories; on the outside, it looked like an old wooden house with the interior being mostly wood, except for the furnishings. All the packs had one similar in their own territory but for meetings requiring all the leaders coming together, it caused less conflict if there was one central and neutral point.

Once there, we wait at the head of the room – I start to tap my foot impatiently. Brody nudges me, a sign telling me to pack it in, I scowl at him. What the hell is taking so long? I demand of him mentally.

They're just arriving. His response keeps my eyes trained on the wooden doors at the other end of the room. I clasp my hands behind my back to hide their shaking; moments later the doors open and in pairs the Alphas walk in, splitting off to file either side of the long oval table. Ana and Alpha Riggs are the last to enter; I look away, annoyed by how close they seemed but trying to keep it from showing it on my face.

"Thank you all, for your attendance today. We appreciate that this is a busy time so we'll try not to keep you too long..." Ana doesn't look my way, her expression is intent on what Dad is saying; we pass out the folders containing all the information with the initiation dates and arrangement in – she reads her with a scrutinizing expression. After doing the same, and as Dad speaks to one of the other Alphas, Alpha Riggs starts what looks like an intense, serious conversation with Ana – my wolf bristles at his proximity to her and how he has Ana's full attention yet she hadn't even looked at me. I can't help myself, "Is there a problem, Alpha Riggs?" I call out, keeping my voice even and devoid of emotion. Brody nudges me warningly while other conversations in the room quieten to listen .

He looks up frowning, "Not at all, your Majesty. I was just wondering, how much security is there to be at these events? Especially given the increase in rogue activity." Ana's gaze meets mine momentarily before they fall back onto Dad as he answers.

"There will be full security to ensure the safety of all attending, the same as for the ball..." Again conversation begins around the room about the ball, and while Riggs joins in – I watch as one of the members of staff approaches Ana, whispering quietly to her. After momentarily frowning, Ana nods – tapping Riggs on the shoulder as the waiter talks to him also. My eyes narrow suspiciously,

Standing abruptly, "Excuse me, your Majesty. Please, forgive my impertinence but is that all? I have an urgent pack matter I must attend to," begins Ana, concern woven subtly into her voice.

"I, too, must go Your Highness," begins Riggs apologetically. My eyes narrow suspiciously and I'm growling before I can stop myself. Surprise rouses around the room as everyone looks between Riggs, Ana and myself. Ana's annoyance is blatant.

"Something between you two we should know about?" Jokes Alpha Callan, waving his hand lazily between Riggs and Ana. Ana rolls her eyes as Riggs growls at Callan.

"Enough!" Affirms Dad, mentally warning me to keep my place. "Prowess Wolfe, Alpha Riggs, for now that is everything important. You may leave, but I request that any serious issues are made acquainted with a member of the royal family." They both bow and take leave; my reckless, jealous side has me following after a muttered 'excuse me'. My father protests but it's not an order and since he'd been silently in the back of my mind during the meeting – I'd been too focused on Ana to notice his presence before now - he knew how I currently felt.

"Ana!" I call down the corridor – she and Riggs stop at the end of it, she nods for him to go on before turning back to me rather stiffly.

"Your Majesty," she bows respectfully as I reach her. I frown – her eyes slide over my shoulder as if to answer my confusion. I catch the hint, tipping my head to the side I see the door to the conference room still open and everybody within watching us. There is nowhere for us to move to that would take us out of their line of sight...

Sighing and running my hand through my hair in annoyance, I step closer and lower my voice "Ana, please."

"Ana?" Interrupts Riggs, having stopped on the steps waiting for her.

"Give us a minute," I snarl at him – my jealous doubts about his and Ana's relationship making my tone harsher than intended. Backing up a few more steps with his hands up in surrender, Riggs turns away – beside me Ana huffs, scowling at me. "Are we gonna talk? Or are we going to continue dancing around each other?" I demand, my frustration at the situation showing in my tone.

"It's not like we haven't tried, Kellen. Perhaps we have nothing to talk about." Ouch.

"We have plenty to talk about – we're still getting to know each other and we're mates so how can we not? Look, this is stupid. I feel like we're arguing and I don't even know what about." Ana's expression becomes unreadable as she stares off out the door, I try hard to convince myself she's not looking at Riggs and doubting our relationship in comparison to whatever she had with him. "Ana!" I wait until her eyes are back at me, "I'm trying here and it doesn't seem like you are. I don't want there to be issues between us – I actually want to be able to talk to you-"

"And you can talk, just not here." She cuts in, "As for trying, perhaps if you try a little harder, you might actually be honest with me, then I'd be tempted to reciprocate. Now, your Majesty, if you'll please excuse me – my pack comes first and I have urgent pack business to attend to."

"Sure, pack business. Have fun." I mutter bitterly, walking back to the conference room without a second glance. I couldn't focus for the rest of the meeting, my mind remained on Ana and Riggs.

*                               *                                   * 

For the next three weeks, my duties to the packs – the visits, the paperwork, the deadlines – become all time-consuming, so much so that I barely had time to sleep, yet alone talk to Ana. The few times we did talk, we argued; I try to see the arguing as resulting from our stress, but part of me couldn't help thinking it wasn't. I couldn't see a way around our issues; her closeness to Riggs, my apparent dishonesty with her and the fact that neither of us had seen each other, except pack events resulted in some heated arguments. None of this helped my doubts about our relationship, especially since Jennifer's continued persistence had yet to lapse. Every week a new envelope of photos arrived of time Ana spending more time with Riggs, along side Jennifer's added threats to do something more drastic if I didnt start taking her calls or talking to her. I ignored it all.

In a daze did the month pass and in what seemed like no time at all, I stood in front of my mirror once again preparing myself for this evening's ball. It wasn't an inviting prospect; my only enjoyment for tonight centred around Ana and I's plans for a private talk at the end of the night to discuss our issues and if all went well, she'd stay the night...

Taking a deep breath, I head to stand in front of the Oak doors – unlike the last time, our family would be the last to make an entrance. I feel strangely numb as I stand in front of the doors and listen to the attendant on the other side announce us; as the doors open, bright lights and flashing cameras greet us. Whilst standing for press photos, I look for Ana amongst the sea of faces. I don't find her but to my surprise I do see the faces of her family, her younger siblings included. Once released from my duties, I start making my way over to them only to be intercepted by Jennifer.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I demand, angry and panicked. How on earth did she get in? I quickly look around to make sure Ana isn't nearby and that nobody can hear our conversation. Brody, get your ass and some royal gaurds over here now. Jennifer's here, I send him the image of her standing in front of me. And find out how the heck she got in.

On it. Be there in a few. 

"What the hell do you think? You won't answer my letters, my phone calls or allow me to see you. I had to do something. How can you ignore this?" She demands, pushing me back as I try to move around her.

"Because you're a liar and a blackmailer, I don't owe you anything." I seethe, adamantly looking around again for Brody.

"It's not me we're talking about and you damn well know it. You wont listen to me in order to hear my proof!" She snarls, her voice rising, drawing the attention of those nearby. Behind her, Brody arrives with two royals guards and my family in tow.

"You're tresspassing by being here Jennifer, you need to leave." I gesture to Brody and the royal gaurds as they step up beside her.

"Ma'am, I must ask you to come with me." Speaks Brody seriously.

"I'm not leaving until we've actually spoken about this. You can't ignore this Kellen! How could you do this?" She begins shouting as the gaurds seize her by the arms, "This isn't about either of us! THIS IS ABOUT YOUR CHILD. THE ONE YOU REFUSE TO ACKNOWLEDGE!" She screams, struggling against the guards.mEveryone freezes. I glance around quickly in internal panic, all eyes are on me - I don't see them, however through the crowd, I catch what looks like the back of Ana's dark hair and stiff posture on the other side of the room - the only person not looking at me.

"These are nothing but false allegations," I say loudly in the calmest possible tone I could manage. I didn't know what else to do, this is my living nightmare.

"It's time you left." Intervenes  Dad, stepping up behind me. His order carries through the room in its power. My heart sticks in my throat.

"Get your hands off me," Jennifer snarls at the guards, worming her way out their grip, "I'm not leaving until we talk this out."

"Enough." Begins the voice I most wanted and dreaded hearing. Heads turn as Ana steps out of the crowd and into our circle. Between her tone and her appearance, my heart drops along with background sounds as the silence becomes all encasing. The dark grey dress, her long, dark hair let down her back and the way her eyes have been darkened with the smoky make-up applied have my breath hitching out of major attraction and guilt. "You'll accompany me outside."

Kellen, please tell me you told her...? Queries Mom mentally.

No. I reply, followed by a wave of regret – I should have told her.


Hello my beloved readers! Oh how I've missed you all :3

I'm sorry I've been absent for so long and that I didn't upload when I said I would. Basically, I got a new job and I've been working from 6.00am till 10.30pm for the last three months and my breaks just don't give me enough time to write.  However, I've been trying to piece together chapters in some of the time I do get, it just means that my uploads will not be frequent and they will take me longer so please just be as awesome as you have been in being patient. Thank you again, for all being amazing - you guys are my rock and my motivation, I've come close to giving up but you guyskeep me going so thank you always! <3

Anyway! What are you guys thinking? I'm eager to know! COMMENTS & VOTES please!

You're welcome to message me, cause seriously my work hours have me missing a social life! So please do feel free too!

Much love <3

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