Finding the Missing Piece: Bo...

By cogdill

204K 9.4K 6.2K

Parenthood has finally found Katniss and Peeta Mellark. In this story they are going to be learning to live l... More

Prologue/Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Chapter Seventy-Six
Chapter Seventy-Seven
Chapter Seventy-Eight
Chapter Seventy-Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty-One
Chapter Eighty-Two
Chapter Eighty-Three
Chapter Eighty-Four
Chapter Eighty-Five
Chapter Eighty-Six
Chapter Eighty-Seven
Chapter Eighty-Eight
Chapter Eighty-Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety-One
Chapter Ninety-Two
Chapter Ninety-Three
Chapter Ninety-Four
Chapter Ninety-Five
Chapter Ninety-Six
Chapter Ninety-Seven
Chapter Ninety-Eight
Chapter Ninety-Nine
Chapter One-Hundred
Chapter One Hundred-One/Sequel info.

Chapter Forty-Nine

1.7K 85 34
By cogdill

Katniss POV (The next afternoon)

"I really hope we get pregnant soon, Peeta."

"I know you do and so do I."

I sigh, "Do you think we should call? What if something's wrong?"

"I don't think anything is wrong but if you want we could call now?" Peeta says.

I nod and I grab his phone, and dial the number.

(On the phone with the obstetrician's office)

"Dr. Coles." She says addressing herself.

"This is Katniss." I say nervously.

"Oh, Katniss! I was going to call you tomorrow morning, I need to talk to you and Peeta about what's going on."

I frown, "I'm not pregnant?"

She sighs hesitantly, "No."

My heart sinks, "Okay. Um, is there anything wrong?"

"Well, not really. That is what I need to talk to you about tomorrow if you could."

I frown, "Are you busy now or can't you just tell us over the phone? We've been worried sick." I beg her.

"I am not busy. We are closed on Thursdays, remember? I'm here working, so that's why I answered the phone. You can certainly come by if you'd like to discuss it now."

I turn to Peeta and ask him and he of course, agrees. We call Johanna and she agrees to watch Willow until we get back, no questions asked and we head over there.

When we get there, the door is locked but Dr. Coles is at the front desk. When she sees us she comes over and let's us in.

"Hello. Katniss, Peeta." She says.

I smile nervously and Peeta does too. Then she leads us over to the waiting area.

"We will just talk right here, there's really no need to go back there. I have your results for everything we tested for recently." She says pulling a piece of paper off the counter, it has a bunch of information and numbers on it.

Peeta and I nervously sit down and he takes my hand.

Dr. Coles sits down too, "Well, you're not showing any signs of pregnancy yet, well, as of last week. Have you guys tried anymore since?"

"No." Peeta says.

"The results are negative."

"What is wrong then?" I ask.

She sighs, "You have a history of kidney infections, correct?"


"You have another one right now. That could be a cause, that's what I am guessing is the cause. But besides that, everything else came back perfectly fine."

"Besides the fact that I am not pregnant?" I say kind of rudely, but disappointed.

"Yes. But if we can rid you of those infections and make sure you don't get anymore, then Mellark Baby #2 should be on their way soon."

"Well, how do we do that? I've had them forever. They're always happening obviously, I don't even notice them much anymore then. I even had them when I was pregnant with Willow, why is it now that I can't get pregnant?" I ask her.

"I'm not sure. It's been five years, Katniss. You know things can change and your body's way of working could've too. You're very prone to them for some reason but we are gonna start you up on some medicine to help that for now and I want you drinking nothing but water. Peeta, you need to be sure she's drinking at least 8 or more cups of water daily." She says.

I want to roll my eyes-she's always getting onto me for not drinking enough water or whatever but it's not like I drink anything else. And I might not drink that much water but I don't see what the big deal is.

"I will."

"You don't drink alcohol or smoke do you?" She asks me.


"Peeta?" She asks.

"No." He says.

"Okay, I didn't think so, but sometimes that can affect conception. If it's not the kidney infection thing, then I'm afraid we have a deeper problem than what we aren't finding."

"Like what?" Peeta asks worriedly.

"Maybe a possibility that one of you are infertile or something is going on inside one of you that is affecting your reproduction system."

Peeta sighs, "And what if that is the case?"

"If that is the case we will treat you for whatever it is and hope it helps."

Peeta frowns, looking so discouraged and scared.

I squeeze his hand.

"What are the odds that we won't have another baby?" Peeta asks.

"Peeta, I am not trying to scare you guys at all and this isn't honestly that big of a deal, I just want you to know the possibilities."

"Answer the question, please?" He says quietly.

"The odds of you guys not ever conceiving at this age are honestly less than 1%, especially since you have both already had a child together. You are both perfectly healthy, and you're still pretty young. I know it's been a few years since you were pregnant but you'll get there again. I will stop for nothing to get you guys there." Dr. Coles assures us.

All I can keep thinking is what if we are that 1%?

"So, what else do we need to do to make sure it happens as soon as possible?" Peeta ask her.

"We could have you tested, Peeta. For everything we tested Katniss for. To see if there's anything on your part too that could cause it. Then maybe by the time those results come back, Katniss here can be rid of her kidney issues." Dr. Coles suggests.

"Alright, I'll do it." Peeta says, ready for needles to be sticked in his arm repeatedly, right then and there.

She laughs, "I can't do it now. We are technically closed and I would need my nurses to assist me. I have a spot open next Monday." She's quick to say.

"That's like 5 days away from today. What good would that do by then?"

"It could possibly let us know what we need to do in order to let you two have another baby." Dr. Coles shoots back sternly.

I sigh, "Peeta, it's fine. We agreed to listen to her so just deal with it." I say to him, kind of annoyed.

He sighs and nods his head.

"Sorry." He says.

"I understand that you are both nervous but I know what I am doing and I got you through one pregnancy, Katniss."

"I know that. I'm sorry, we are just really freaked out about this all." I apologize for myself and Peeta.

"I understand but we are gonna get you through another one."

I sigh and Dr. Coles nods, "The pills that rid you of infection are available at the grocery store, I'm sure. If not, our pharmacy has them. Peeta, I'll see you Monday and Katniss I'm going to schedule you a checkup for two weeks from today. Don't try more than three times between now and then but continually take tests. I suggest taking one every other day."

"And if it's positive?"

"Let me know." She smiles.

I nod.

"Thank you for meeting with us, even though you aren't actually open today." I tell her, gratefully.

"Not a problem. You guys are some of my favorites. By the way, happy late birthday, Katniss." She says.

"Thank you." I say smiling sadly.

And we go.

In the car Peeta seems kind of down.

"What?" I ask him.

"Nothing. Just thinking about what I'm going to do with you." He teases me.

If I knew myself what to do, I would do it but I don't. I'm stubborn and difficult and he knows that all too well.

I smile sadly, glad he's trying to bring me a little humor.

"I'm sorry but we will get it figured out." I assure him.

"I hate to be this way, but we could ask Johanna to take Willow for the night. She's been asking when she could keep her anyways, right? So we may as well."

"I know, Johanna has bugged me a lot about it so maybe we could ask. Then try once tonight?"

"If that's what you want to do."

"I'll call Johanna." I say.

(On the phone with Jo)

"Would you do Peeta and I a huge favor?"

She sighs like it's a definite 'no.'

"What is it?"

"Could you please watch Willow over night while we have a night to ourselves?" I ask her.

"What? Why? So you guys can fuck?"

I scoff, "No." I lie.

"Yeah, sure. Hey, I love this kid, she can stay with me as long as she wants to." She says sounding serious.

Willow has always liked Johanna and vice versa.

I smile, "I can bring her stuff she will need for tonight. Probably just some clothes and her lamb." I tell her.


I look at Peeta and nod.

"Thank you so much, Johanna. We will be there soon to bring you the stuff."

"Alright, bye." She says bored and hangs up.

Peeta and I go home and gather Willow's things up. Peeta takes her lamb and her favorite blanket and I shove some pajamas in a bag for her and we go over to Johanna's apartment.

"Momma!" Willow says excitedly as Johanna lets Peeta and I in.

She hugs me and then Peeta.

"Look what we brought you." I say handing her the bag.

"My lamb?" Willow asks me confused, going through the contents of her bag.

"Yep. You are gonna stay with Johanna tonight." I tell her.

She starts cheering, "Yay!"

Johanna smiles somewhat proud and laughs, "How does she like me?"

Peeta scoffs, "I'm not quite sure." He teases her.

Jo laughs, "Willow may look like you but acts just like your wife, you know. Maybe that's why I like her so well." She says winking.

Peeta chuckles, "Probably why I like her so well too. She acts just like her Momma."

Willow smiles at me as I smile back at her.

She's basically my mini-me, just a lot sweeter and more outgoing than I ever thought about being, but defiantly looks like Peeta, except for having my hair.

"Mommy, I'll miss you tonight." She frowns.

I frown and pout my lip, "Aw, I'll miss you too, sweetheart. But Mommy will come get you first thing in the morning." I assure her.

"It's okay. I'll miss you but I like being with Johanna. She's so nice to me."

I look at Johanna and laugh and she smirks.

"Never thought I would see the day when a kid loves you that much, Johanna." I tease her.

"Especially your kid." She confirms.

We laugh, "Well, Willow, I'll see you in the morning. You be good. If you want to come home then tell Johanna to call us." I tell Willow and she kisses me.

"I'll be okay, Momma. I love you." She hugs me.

I kiss her cheek, "I love you too." I say.

Peeta tells her goodbye and we go.

When we get home Peeta and I try to get in the mood, but are having major difficulties.

It's not that we can't do it but it's just that there's not much of a spark at the moment.

So we decide to wait until it's later at night before we do, so it gives us both some time to relax together.

Having a kid is amazing but having time to relax occasionally, is almost better.

We watch lots of movies and take a really long nap. We make dinner and after we watch more movies together.

After the movie, he clicks the television off and it leaves us in near complete darkness, except for the lamp light that illuminates our faces.

"You're so beautiful, Katniss." Peeta tells me out of the clear blue and pushes some hair out of my eyes.

I yawn, "Thank you." I say softly, almost flattered.

He smiles a little, "I hope that if we have another baby, they look like you."

"Why?" I laugh, shaking my head.

"Because Willow looks like me and I want us to have a kid that looks like you."

"So thoughtful." I chuckle and roll my eyes.

Peeta grins, "I try to be."

"You're an idiot." I giggle.

He smiles widely and presses a kiss to my lips, "But I'm your idiot."

I smirk, "Yes. And I love you very much."

"I love you very much too." He says sweetly.

I lay my head back down on his shoulder and stare at the black screen of the television, then I look up, "Peeta?"

"Mmhm?" He asks looking at me.

"Let's go do some baby-making." I say to him.

Peeta lets out a snort and we go.

***Dont even ask where I am going with this story because I have no idea. I honestly swear that after I saw part two, I have no inspiration to do anything, no matter what it is. :( some ideas would really help right now.

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