A Railgun In Fairy Tail, The...

By MisakaLovesYou

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It's been a year since Natsu and Happy went off on a one year training journey. Mikoto, now married to Touma... More

The Accelerator And The Desert King
And Once More We Meet.
Diablo's Audience
Espers V.S. Ninjas
Operation, Infiltrate Alvarez
Dragon Lord and Flame God.
The Eldest Mages.
Two Separate Paths
Girl of Light
Glacis Fullbuster
A Hero's Return.
Three Dragon Lords
It's time to DUEL!!!
V.S. Diablo, Part 1
VS Diablo Part 2: The Emperor's Rage
Clash of Lords.
Four Diablos
Epilogue: Diablo Ezra

Silver Lightning

713 38 14
By MisakaLovesYou

"RRRAAHHHH!!" Mikoto was sent hurling through a massive set of cliffs. her body drawing gouges around the canyon rivers that ran down the waterfalls.

How long now? How long had she and Grandix been training nonstop?

2 entire months... equal to 2 days out there... in the rest of the Universe.

"YOUR GUARD IS DOWN!!!" Grandix roared shooting down from the sky, launching a lightning embued elbow down at Mikoto.

Mikoto closed her wings together over herself, blocking the powerful assault.

A shockwave exploded throughout the cliffs, causing powerful earthquakes, and the cliffs to crumble.. the rivers flooded over parts of the forest.

"You're doing well Mikoto!" Grandix exclaimed as he pried the lightning wings apart. "You are only a step away.. your physical battle prowess at last matches mine! And your ability to think and strategize during a battle of quick wits, has grown! BUT!!! I WILL NOT LET UP!!!"

Grandix opened his mouth. "ROAR OF THE THUNDER DRAGON!!!"

Mikoto gritted her teeth as the powerful yellow lightning blast exploded at close range. She opened her mouth, and as the energy exploded around her, she sucked in the electric energy like a cyclone.. devouring the lightning before ramming Grandix back with a lightning fist.

The two leapt off the crumbling terrain and landed in the water, using electromagnetism to propel their feet a few centimeters off the water, allowing them to walk on the water.

Mikoto's hair had grown long, down to her shoulders, from weeks of not maintaining it. Her clothes were in shreds, and bruises and wounds covered her entire form.

And still, thanks to the nature of this world.. she had not run out of stamina..

"Very very good. " said Grandix . "Last time, my lightning was so volatile, that when you attempted to swallow it, you vomited in terrible sickness.. but. now.. your body has toughened beyond what any normal Dragon Born has ever achieved, save a select few."

"And yet.." Mikoto said, wiping some blood from her cheek with the back of her hand. "I've still not been able to achieve Dragon Lord, and two thirds of our time limit has already passed."

"Says the girl who has grown so much over 2 months, that she now bears the appearance of a Warrior Princess." said Grandix with a chuckle.

Mikoto blinked with surprise. "A what!?"

She hadn't had an opportunity to look at herself for 2 months.

Mikoto looked at her reflection in the now calm water.  If Mikoto had to describe her appearance right now, she'd call herself a Junior Erza with different colored hair.

"Wow.." said Mikoto. "I'm.. er.. wild?"

"You're close." said Grandix. "If you... in the next few hours, manage to unlock a sliver of Dragon Lord form.. or a hint of it's power.. I will allow you 2 days of rest before we resume training.. "

Mikoto perked up. 2 days rest!? Seriously!?

Despite the fact that the nature of this planet consistently restored your stamina. It didn't take away the feeling of fatigue, or injuries. Muscles after all, became stronger by becoming injured then healing back stronger naturally. That is how exercise and improving worked, if wounds couldn't be received, then it would be impossible for training to make any headway in that world.

Instead, what happened, was energy seeped in from the environment, into the body, revitalizing the Nervous System. This meant that food and sleep wasn't absolutely required, and one could keep fighting for months on end.. however, that was it. It didn't change the feelings of fatigue, or strain, nor the fact that sleeping would actually be nice despite it not being needed.

And Mikoto, she had developed over 60 days of fatigue and strain.. 2 days of sleeping in.. freshening one's self.. she WANTED that so bad!!!

Mikoto grinned at Grandix. "You're ON!!!" I'm going to kick you around till I beat Dragon Lord into my very bones!!!!"

Mikoto launched herself at Grandix, who let out a small smile, and came to meet his apprentice.

The two combatants shot into the air, leaping from cliff to cliff, letting their lightning blast apart the terrain.. creating new lakes and rivers in seconds. Blue electricity and Yellow Electricity colliding with each other in a display more impressive then nature itself.

Mikoto suddenly sent an Iron Fist of the Thunder Dragon hurling at Grandix, which he blocked with a hand.

Mikoto made to wrench away her fist from Grandix's hand.. but couldn't.. what?

Mikoto gritted her teeth with incredible frustration. Why.. couldn't.. she.. RRRRRGGGHHHH!!

As the frustration built inside Mikoto, she felt an incredible power form, then condense in her body.. immediately, her lightning wings disappeared.. and suddenly, golden scales formed on her forearms.. like armor.. Her hands turned scaly with black silver tipped claws

On the sides of her face, around her eyes, long golden scales protruded, emanating a deadly powerful electricomagnetic field that caused the entire lake around to begin evaporating and ionizing.

Her feet and legs also turned gold, scaly, and clawed, and a large majestic golden dragon's tail with silver spines protruded from her backside, phasing out of her clothes without damaging the fabric, phantomlike, yet completely solid.

Mikoto's teeth turned to dragon's fangs.. and finally, two silver horns, zig zag shaped like lightning bolts protruded from her head and curved elegantly to the back of her head.

"She's.. done it.." Grandix whispered.

"RRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRR!!!" Mikoto let out the roar of a dragon as lightning exploded from her body.

But it was the lightning that surprised Grandix the most.

The color wasn't yellow like that of a normal Dragon Born.. it wasn't even blue like Mikoto's usual electricity...

This lightning was a pure bright, shining, metallic.... Silver..

"Silver lightning!!?" Grandix stammered. right before Mikoto thrust out a scaly hand at him.


Immediately, a powerful radiant silver lightning blast exploded out, and formed into a massive serpentine Asian Dragon made of silver lightning.

The dragon wrapped Grandix in it's immense coils, before exploding in a brilliant silver charged light.

The entire planet shook as if somebody had just hit it with a Universal Spirit Bomb... and when the blast cleared.. a 60 mile wide crater  was filling up with massive amounts of water.

Grandix emerged on a small island in the center of the crater, carrying a shivering and panting Mikoto on his back.

Grandix grinned at the tired Mikoto on his back. "Do not worry.. Dragon Lord form takes more energy quicker on it's first unlocking with this method then this planet can restore. It'll only take a few hours before you're once more filled with the stamina of this place.."

"Ugghh.. gguhh.. wow.." Mikoto groaned. "So.. that.. was Dragon Lord? I.. actually did it?"

"Yes." said Grandix, immense pride evident in his voice. "However, there was something unexpected.."

"Un.. expected?"

"Your power.. your lightning.. usually the color of a Thunder Dragon Born's power is the same as it always is.. but.. your lightning took on the color of Silver."


"I cannot say.. But, I do know this... do you know of the two Subspecies of Dragons?"

Mikoto blinked with confusion. "No.. not.. really?"

"I shall explain once we get to a more suitable location.." said Grandix. "Namely.. my house.."

As it turned out Grandix's house was just a simple cabin in the woods.  It took several hours to  get there.. but as soon as they made it, Mikoto suddenly felt exhaustion course through her body.

"Don't worry, it's normal.." Grandix said, helping Mikoto into a simple bed. "Only 20 percent of this planet is divided into the zones that automatically restore stamina to your body.. Those are the training zones.. however.. continued stamina restoration without rest can be bad for your body.. so now that you have achieved Dragon Lord.. we will resume your training with a more passive approach.. so we can afford to pause to eat and sleep.."

"That's.. a relief actually." said Mikoto.

"Now.. on to the explanation of my theory regarding Silver Lightning." said Grandix. "The Subspecies of Dragons.. as you know Elanis was the Mother of all Dragons. She herself molded the Dragons as well as Dravis. The Mother and Father.

However, Elanis created two subspecies. The Winged Drakes and the Sky Serpents. The Sky Serpents were what became known as Asian Dragons, or Chinese Dragons. Dragons over a mile long in length, powerful, yet nonaggressive.. while their more aggressive, and smaller counterparts, the Winged Drakes, became what are known as Western Dragons."

Mikoto turned her head on her pillow in interest. "Then.. why haven't I ever seen an actual Sky Serpent? I mean.. I lived in Japan.. so.. I've seen them everywhere of course.. but I mean.. like.. an actual physical one."

"They went extinct during the human dragon civil wars." said Grandix. "Though they were just as powerful as their western counterparts, they were primarily nonaggressive.. so they couldn't defend themselves aptly..  though.. I think Thundaarix's line might contradict the theory of extinction.."


"Thundaarix was always rather unique in appearance compared to Igneel, or Grandeeney." said Grandix. "Her scales were longer.. her horns were antler like.. I believe that our mother.. might have been born with partial Sky Serpent genes.. It makes sense.. if Elanis is the mother of both subspecies, then what's to say that Thundaarix couldn't be a fusion of the two subspecies?"

"This is interesting and all." said Mikoto. "But's what's this got to do with my lightning color?"

"Sky Serpents, had incredibly developed mental capabilities.. their minds allowed them to become extremely peaceful philosophical creatures." said Grandix. "It is believed they had the capability to become Gemstone Espers."

Mikoto gave Grandix an amazed look. "That.. is significant."

"I believe that by becoming Dragon Lord, you temporarily awaken all your hidden genes.. asserting all control over your hidden potential.. therefore, your Esper Powers boosted as well.. making you stronger.. Silver, Platinum, or Gold colored lightning is vastly characteristic of Esper Sky Serpents.. or so the tales say.."

"So.. as a Dragon lord I can control.. my FULL potential?" Mikoto asked. "Could.. that include other powers I have as well? Like maybe my Hollow Form?"

"I would discourage you from trying to experiment with it.. you're a very unique Dragon Born Mikoto." said Grandix. "Much of what you are is still unknown to even the greatest experts in magic, reitsu, and Espers.. you must be careful.."

"Right.." said Mikoto. "I get it.."

"Now rest.. these 2 days are yours.. We will resume your training afterwards.." Grandix left the cabin.

As he walked into the forest,  in preparation to gather food, Grandix looked down at his chest. There was a massive smoking scar

"She's the first to ever actually be able to injure me in a hundred thousand ears." said Grandix. "She just might.. have more potential then anybody I've ever trained.."


Mikoto sat in the bed, running her fingers to through the very long hair which she was not accustomed to..

"Hmmm.. should I keep this look?" Mikoto muttered. "nah.. I like having a breeze through my neck."

Mikoto then smiled to herself. "Or.. maybe.."

She got out of the bed, and opened one of the closets in the cabin. "Let's see, if Grandix has ever had a girl over.. he can't be alone forever right?"

Lets face it.. Mikoto was curious about her mentor. Who wouldn't be?

Mikoto stared into the closet and frowned. "The same outfit, over.. and over.. I feel like I'm looking at my old dorm closet in Tokwadai, nothing but the same uniform over and over.

Mikoto then noticed it.. a white blouse top.. with black shorts.. and they were about her size.

Mikoto handled the outfit delicately. She looked left and right, trying to ascertain she wasn't being watched, she then, stripped off her smoking and burned up clothing, setting her Guild Master's coat on the bed as she changed into the clothes.

She didn't know why she did it.. it just felt right.

She looked at herself in the nearby mirror. It looked natural. And though it wasn't exactly her style.. she liked it.

Mikoto smiled a bit, "would Touma like this look? hmmm.."

"You look just like her.."

Mikoto yelped with a start, whirling around to see Grandix standing there, with a dead large bear slung over his shoulder.

"G-Grandix, I'm sorry I-" Mikoto began.

"It's fine.." said Grandix. "You look just like her.. it's fitting.."

"My daughter." said Grandix in response to Mikoto's questioning gaze. "She was a Dragon Born as well.. born of my powers. This.. is her.."

Grandix showed Mikoto a small painting over the fireplace. It was of a girl with shoulder length hair who looked almost exactly like Mikoto, except her hair was black.

"All girls who are born of Thundaarix and the House of Maiden's lines possess the same eyes." said Grandix. "The House of Maidens were an ancient family among the Numensapiens whom used magic rituals to become blood sisters with Thundaarix's family.. as a result.. many of their descendants bore similar features to Thundaarix's Dragon Born children.. one of which was Thundaarix.."

"I.. didn't know that my Numensapien Family had that kind of connection with my Dragon one.." Mikoto said. "Wow.. guess I was related to Thundaarix before I reincarnated.. so.. what happened to your daughter? Where is she?"

"She died.. long ago.. My power.. my curse, simply outlived her normal human lifespan. Her descendants eventually became Hope Ellendiel's line.." said Grandix.

"I'm sorry to hear that.." said Mikoto.

"It's okay.." said Grandix. "Training you.. was not just for your benefit. Prankster knew that I needed something to give me solace, and having you here, is almost like having my daughter back.. "

"What was her name?" Mikoto asked.

Grandix chuckled. "Mikoto..."

"No way.. really?!" said Mikoto.

"Hmmm.. it was a common name back then, don't fret too much.." said Grandix serenely.

"I know how you feel though." said Mikoto. "I.. lost my parents not too long ago.. but.. I guess I was lucky.. I still had a family to take care of me... whenever I picture Lucy, Gray, Natsu, and a lot of the others, I figured that they were my siblings.. and..Mirajane and Erzas's always been like a mother too."

"Family does not necessarily have to be from a bloodline." said Grandix. "Family and home is where the heart is.. and Fairy Tail is your family."

MIkoto grinned cheerfully.  "You bet they are.. "


"So wait.. you guys got an entire 2 days break too?" Mikoto said, blinking with slight astonishment from where she sat on a large boulder in the forest, looking at Lucy and Nicole, whom had just come down to Grandix's cabin to check on Mikoto.

Nicole nodded. "Yep, it's been an exhausting 2 months of nothing but training 24/7, but we've earned our break."

Nicole looked different after her long time training under Ishgar. While her face, and black hair remained the same as ever, she now wore a black school uniform-like top and skirt. And her muscles. If one looked closely, whenever Nicole flexed or stretched, you could see how toned and fit she had become. In fact, Mikoto was astounded that Nicole had become so physically fit and yet somehow kept her delicate, beautiful girlish figure.

Lucy on the other hand.. well.. she wore a different dress.. a blue dress.. with black feathers in her hair.. but otherwise she looked entirely the same.

"I think my master gave me a different training method then you guys." said Lucy. "I spent my entire time learning to summon my Celestial magic with intense concentration and focus... you two however.. you guys look like you've gotten pretty fit.."

"Really?" said Mikoto.

On a nearby cliff above Mikoto, suddenly, a large giant boulder the size of a refrigerator fell.

"Mikoto look out!!" Lucy exclaimed.

The boulder fell right on Mikoto's head, and shattered into pieces. Mikoto on the other hand, looked around with confusion, having not noticed what happened. "What!? What happened Lucy!?"

Nicole and Lucy stared at the pieces of the shattered boulder with jaws partially hanging open.

"That.. didn't even tickle?" Nicole asked.

"What didn't even tickle?" Mikoto asked.

"Whew!" said Nicole, smiling slightly. "Something tells me this training is REALLY paying off.."

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