What the Fuck is an Arzaylea

By MyCliffordLove

275K 8.4K 4.6K

My boyfriend or should I say ex-boyfriend Luke Hemmings was on tour when one morning I woke up to see "Luke a... More

Bestfriends and Brothers
Shop Till we Drop
Authors Note
What Happened?
Authors Note
Wait what
Authors Note what people look like
Looks can Kill
I will update soon
Pure Evil
Flying Fists
This is what happened
Crash and Burn
Wake Up
Are You Okay?
About the Author
Wide Awake
Fuck you bitch
Call for Help
New Cover
Low key Insane
I can help
Shopping Spree?
Welcome to New York
Settle In
Snow Day
Just Stop
Central Park Disaster
Almost Over
The End
She's so dramatic

Not a day of Peace

3.6K 126 20
By MyCliffordLove

Luke's POV

Mya and I fall asleep on the couch while Gwen and Michael are in his room. I roll off the couch trying not to wake Mya her hair is all over her face and it doesn't look comfortable, but I am not gonna touch her.

It's almost 10 am, but we were out so late yesterday everyone is still sleeping. No one has come banging down the door so I am assuming we aren't getting arrested for kidnapping.

I rummage through Michaels cabinets for some type of breakfast food but he has nothing. I sigh and walk back into the living room where Mya is sitting on the couch rubbing her eyes.

"Goodmorning princess." I walk towards her.

She smiles. "Princess I like that."

"Good me too." I kiss her head. "Can we go out to breakfast?" I say and sit next to her.

As I sit she jumps up. "Yeah I am so hungry let's go!"

We all have clothes at each other's houses because we always end up staying over so we both go change into regular clothes and head out while Michael and Gwen are still sound asleep.

"Where do you want to go?" Mya says as she buckles her seat belt.

"I have no idea, how about we just drive till we find some where." I back out of the driveway.

"Well okay." She turns the radio on.

"So is Luke a cheater or not?" I assume the stations dj or host says. I nearly choke on air and go to turn it off.

"Wait wait I wanna listen." Mya hits my arm away.

"Well I guess not, but that girl is still here. Rumor has it he was at the hospital with her last night." I guess there is another person on this station that talks.

"Oh my god they make up such shit news." Mya groans.

"I heard that! Well I guess we will have to talk to the person who would know what's really happening." This is so not going to be good oh my god.

I look at Mya who's eyes are huge. "It can't be." I say.

"I swear I am going to explode if she--." She is cut off by Arzaylea's voice coming through the radio station.

"Hi everyone I am Arzaylea." I thought this was over. 

"Tell us the truth what is going on?" Radio lady number 1 I believe says to her.

"Well when he was on tour I met him and I honestly didn't even know he had a girlfriend.  He came over and we just really hit it off one thing led to another next thing I know the entire world is after me I didn't even know.  Then he asked me to come out here and he made a fool of me.  Then yesterday when I ended up in the hospital." She pauses and sounds like she is going to cry. "I'm sorry-- I had food poisoning and he came rushing to make sure I am okay I don't know where that leaves us."

"I AM GOING TO KILL HER." Mya screams and I flinch.

"Okay so this is bad, but we can't kill her." I try to remain calm.


"Well he has been seen with his long time girlfriend Mya.  And I believe she was in the hospital not to long and he went for her too." What kind of fucking radio station is this? Do they not play music.

"Yeah I know I just I am so stupid, this is all my fault." She breaks down in fake tears.

"I. AM. GOING. TO. KILL. HER." Steam is coming out of Mya's ears at this point.

"Oh sweety it isn't your fault he sounds like he is taking advantage of you." This is so bad, she is ruining me.

"Well that's all for today maybe we will hear new information tomorrow? Join us at 10:00 every morning to talk about what's big in entertainment." I slam the off button and pull into a parking lot that has a breakfast place I've never been to.

"Okay so that was interesting." I park and sit back in my seat looking at Mya.

"Interesting?  Interesting? SHE IS PSYCHOTIC SHE IS WHAT HAPPENED TO LAST NIGHT? WHEN DID SHE GET THAT INTERVIEW?" Mya grips arms Ayre flailing and she is screaming people outside the car can hear and are staring.

"Okay I know, but we can fix it. Let's just eat for now." I get out of the car and she does too.

"You look like and awful person, I look like a fucking idiot and she looks like the victim it's bullshit." She continues the conversation.

"No one probably even heard that interview." I grab her hand.

We walk into the restaurant and eveyone turns to look at us. They immediately start whispering and I get a feeling it's about us.

"You're still with him? After everything he's done?" The hostess looks at Mya.

"Yeah that bitch on the radio lied I was with him last night." She crosses her arms ready to attack the next person who questions her.

"All night? How do you know he did sneak--."

Mya interrupts her. "All night I was at the hospital with him. I drove her there she is at liar." She moves closer to the hostess and I worry she is gonna attack her.

"Maybe we should go somewhere else?" I say to break the tension.

"No I wanna eat here." Mya walks passed the hostess and finds herself a table.

Oh my god someone help me she is so angry she is going to explode. I sit across from her and another women hands us menus. I realize Mya sat in front of a window and before I can finish my thought a man with a camera is looking in the windows for us.

"Showtime babe." Mya winks at me and moves to sit next to me.

"What are you--?" She presses her lips into mine and I stop talking. I hear the cameras click all around us.

She moves back and smiles at me. "Good idea?"

"Amazing these will be everywhere in an hour." I can't believe I didn't think of it.

"Thanks I try." She looks around at the people looking at us with all different expressions. "You are so lucky I love you." She says when she looks back at me.

"I am the luckiest person alive." Put my arm around her and look back the menu.

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