Let's Swap for a Change

By Ridiculousn3ss

93.2K 3.8K 1.4K

Sam and Dean wake up to find that they have been put into each other's bodies. Little do they know, Cas and G... More

A Sudden Change of Height
Not the Hair!
Author's Note
Another Author's Note
I Hate Your Wings
Don't Forget the Pie
Driver Picks the Music, Shotgun Shuts His Cakehole
I Would Love to Have the Sex With You
Not an Update, but read this
Getting the Gang Back Together
The Car Ride Back
I Can't Live on Rabbit Food
Carla Jones
The One in Which Dean Worries A Lot
The Final Battle
The End.
Other Stories


3.2K 148 80
By Ridiculousn3ss

I'm sorry that I suck at updating. This update is a result of me not being able to sleep on a Sunday night.

Sam PoV

After getting everything settled, Sam grabbed his handgun and tucked it into his belt. There was no telling what would happen on this hunt, or if anything would even happen at all. Double checking his supplies, Sam heard someone coming up behind him.

"Sammy, I need to talk to you," Dean muttered. Sam raised his brow, wondering why Dean would mutter when the angels could hear. "Don't worry, they're already waiting for us at the cars."

"Alright. What's up, Dean?" Sam asked, turning to face his brother.

"The thing is, you need to be careful on this," Dean told him.

"What? It's just a stakeout, as long as everything goes to plan, we'll be fine," Sam told him.

"Come on, man. When do things ever go according to plan?" Dean asked, an eyebrow raised. "You do realize how many times we've died, right?"

"Okay, I'll cave. We don't have the best track record with staying alive, but we always get brought back," Sam shrugged.

"Don't tempt Death, Sammy. He's always wanted to reap a Winchester," Dean warned. "But still, stay safe, bitch."

"Trust me Dean, I will. What about you? You've died more times than I can count, jerk," Sam replied as he grabbed the duffle bag with the supplies.

"I'm a big boy, Sammy. I can handle myself," Dean scoffed before clapping Sam on the shoulder. "Let's go finish this."

The Winchesters walked out of the motel to meet the angels at the cars. "Come on, Sammy. I'm not getting any younger here," Gabe called out when they approached. Dean shot Sam a pained look before going over to Gabe.

"Remember, call if you guys see anything," Sam said as the others got in the Impala. "And take care of Baby."

"Yeah, yeah, we know, Dean," Dean called back. Sam watched as they drove away in the Impala before turning to Cas.

"So, we go back to the house then?" Cas asked as Sam got into the car. He pulled out of the lot before Sam answered.

"Yeah, make sure she doesn't make any odd moves. Then again, if she uses that teleportation spell we'll have to worry about Sam and Gabe getting more than they bargained for," Sam told him. Cas simply nodded before turning his head back to watch the road.

'Is this how it always is with these two? Do they just not talk when they go off on their own? Jesus, at least Gabe keeps up the conversation. Admittedly, he does talk my ear off. Oh god, I hope Dean is okay,' Sam thought, wincing a bit at the thought. He looked over at the road signs, seeing that they were almost there. "Hey, Cas, stop the car a little down the road from her house," Sam instructed.

"Got it," Cas said as he pulled onto the road. Stopping the car two houses down from Carla Jones' place. "What do we do now?"

"Well, we wait until we see some freaky shit go down," Sam told him. "I gotta admit, it's not the most exciting part of hunting."

"This 'fear toxin' that you and Sam were talking about, how does it work?" Cas asked.

"Basically, exposure to it through touch or ingestion causes the person exposed to it to suffer hallucinations and kinda makes them go crazy. If it stays like Scarecrow's fear toxin, it basically ups the fear factor," Sam explained. Cas nodded before looking back to the house, which had just turned on one of the lights. "Where's that light coming from?"

"I'm guessing either the living room or dining room, based on what we saw when we interrogated her," Cas commented. "Should we go investigate?"

"Not just yet, we don't know what she's actually doing," Sam told him.

"I could just pop in there quickly and then report back," Cas retorted. "It'll take a few seconds."

"Yeah, do that. But come right back!" Sam said as Cas disappeared. He waited for the angel in silence, keeping an eye on the house.

"She's working with a spell, we should go in there," Cas said. Sam jumped a bit, startled by his sudden appearance.

"Yeah, right. You got your angel blade?" Sam asked, checking to make sure his gun was loaded.

"Of course, Dean," Cas told him. The two got out of the car, running over to the house. They reached the back entrance, Sam crouching down to pick the lock. Within a few seconds, the lock was open and Sam motioned for Cas to go in before him. They entered the house quietly, weapons at the ready. Sam could hear the Brit saying something, most likely reciting the spell. 'Latin or something else?' Sam thought. 'Nope, can't do this right now.'

"Cas, you go around and I'll go straight. Block her exits," Sam whispered hurriedly. Cas nodded, going off into one of the adjoining rooms. Sam slowly crept through the kitchen and into the empty dining room, the only light being a sliver coming from the ajar door to the living room.

"...et potestates tenebrarum, quae dederis mihi perficere coeperunt," Carla chanted.

'Let's finish this,' Sam thought before bursting in the room.

"Oh, come on! You really felt the need to break my door down, Winchester?" Carla groaned. "There was literally a doorknob right there! Doesn't matter anyways, it's almost completed."

"And if I shoot you now, you'll never finish it," Sam threatened.

"Oh, but that's not what you want. You want answers, ones that only I can provide. Have you seen other witches in this town?" She paused for a second, allowing him to answer if he wanted. "Thought not. So, who do you think put that spell on you and your gang? Come now, don't play stupid with me, I can tell when one of my spells is in effect," she continued as Cas crept into the room behind her.

"You can stop now, witch," Cas growled.

"But why? We're just getting to the fun part," she said with a smirk. "Permitte mihi volo ut ubi ego fugio puluere avis alae!" Carla exclaimed as she threw a powder into the bowl she had on the coffee table. "See you losers later."

"Shit, she's going to the others. We gotta warn them, we don't know what she's going to do," Sam said, rushing out to the front door with Cas following closely behind.

"It looked like she didn't have any of the ingredients for the transportation spell on her person so she won't be able to escape," Cas said as they ran to the car. "Call Sam and Gabriel to let them know that trouble is headed their way."

"Got it," Sam replied, already dialing the number as Cas pulled out of the spot with the tires screeching.

"What's up, Dean?" Dean asked as he picked up the phone.

"Trouble's headed your guys' way. We don't know what stuff she's got on her, so be careful. Make sure that kid stays safe," Sam said quickly.

"Gabe, she's headed here," Dean said. "Okay, we're headed in now. How much longer before you guys get here?"

"Five, ten minutes max. Keep her distracted until we get there," Sam ordered.

"Yeah, got it," Dean told him as he hung up. Sam sat in silence as Cas drove quickly to the Smiths' house.

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