You're My Injustice

By RileyMizfit

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Kayla Marie Montgomery is one of the biggest face Divas of the WWE. Despite all the chaos that's been going o... More

Raw After WrestleMania
Main Event, SMS & SmackDown Tapings
Girls Day
Injustice Solved
Tapings Before Tour
Double Shows
SmackDown Taping in London
Raw: April 29, 2013
SmackDown Taping for May 3, 2013
Raw: May 6, 2013
SmackDown Taping For May 10, 2013
Raw: May 13, 2013
Main Event, SmackDown Taping for May 17, 2013
Extreme Rules 2013
Raw: May 20, 2013
SmackDown Taping for May 24, 2013

Glasgow, Scotland

411 10 0
By RileyMizfit

It's Thursday here overseas. Our first stop on the SmackDown tour was Glasgow, Scotland. We had left early Wednesday morning. And I mean early. Try like 5am. I was so jet lagged yesterday, I wanted to sleep all day. I did manage to sleep most of the day before Dean had called me and wanted to hang out for a bit. Despite my lingering jet lag I had agreed. But now I'm sleeping in the best I can, getting rested up for the first show of the tour tonight. I didn't have a match tonight, but Nattie asked me to be there for her in her match against Alicia tonight. Being her best friend, of course I accepted. So there I was, planning on getting as much rest as I could, when there's a knock on the door. I groan and try to hide my head under the pillow, and that's when the knocking got louder. 

"Ugh, coming!" I call, dragging myself out of bed and heading over to the door. 

I open it to reveal Dean leaning against the door frame.


"Cute PJs." He chuckles, just letting himself in, kissing me quick. 

"Thanks. I guess. So what are you doing up this early? I figured you'd be sleeping."

"Early? Kayla, do you even know what time it is?"

"No not really."

"It's almost noon."

"What? I slept that long?"

"Afraid so." He chuckles. 

"Must've been really tired then."

"It seems so. I called you earlier but you didn't answer, so I figured you were sleeping. So, now that you're awake, would you like to go for lunch? I was planning on breakfast this morning, but were clearly sleeping."

"Right. Sure lunch sounds good. Just let me get changed."

"Great. Seth and Roman are coming too."

I nod. "Well you can make yourself at home here in my room, I shouldn't be too long."

"Already planned on staying."

"Kind of figured with how you waltzed right in here." I laugh, going over to my things and searching for some clothes to wear. 

"Figured you'd let me in regardless." He chuckles, sitting on the edge of the bed. 

"Uh huh." I add, grabbing the clothes and heading into the bathroom to change. 

I had left the door open a crack just in case he wanted to keep talking to me while he waited. 

"You know, we should get our own room together at some point." He states. 

"You would like that wouldn't you?" I poke my head out of the door. 


"What about Seth and Roman? Don't you share a room with them?"

"Yeah, but I think they're starting to get annoyed by my constant talking about you."

"Oh, so you talk about me all the time huh?"

"Well I wouldn't say all the time."

"We'll see after this tour, can you live with that?" I ask with a giggle. 

"I can try. So what do you have planned for today other than lunch with me?"

"Oh I don't know. Probably go sight seeing for a few hours before the show."

"With the girls?"

"I don't know yet."

I soon come out of the bathroom, ready to go for the day. I grab a hoodie from my things, along with slipping on some sneakers. 

"I'm ready to go." I declare.

He nods, getting to his feet. "You know, I heard that there was some laser tag in town. Seth, Roman and myself were thinking of doing that. A lot of the Superstars are thinking about going too."

"Really? Well, sounds like it could be fun. I can so kick your ass at that. So I think I'll be on the opposing team." I smirk. 

"Ohhh sure I see how it is." He chuckles. "Bring it on."

"Let's just go to lunch." I laugh. 

He nods and holds his hand out for me to take and I take it of course and we head out of the room. As we're heading to the elevator, we happen to bump into Alex. 

"Alex? You're on the SmackDown tour?"

"Oh hey Kayla, and yeah I am."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I smack him on the arm playfully.

"Sorry." He chuckles. "Must've slipped my mind."

"It's okay. So are you doing laser tag later?"

"Why, are you?"


"Well then, I'll be there. But only if you're on my team."

"Of course I'll be on your team. Friends gotta stick together right?"

"Exactly. Where are you heading now?"

"Lunch. With Dean, Seth and Roman."

"Ah, do you have a match tonight?"

"No, but I'm gonna be out there with Nattie to support her in her match against Alicia. At least I'm doing something right?"


"Well we've got to get going, but I'll see you later?"

"Yeah, of course. Laser tag."

"Yes, Laser Tag." I laugh, as Dean and I head the rest of the way to the elevators.

"Hey, I know you're friends with him. I just hope there's no hard feelings all the times I beat him up in our dark matches while I was still a part of the NXT roster." Dean mentions. 

"That was months ago. Don't worry. And I know recently you've attacked him at live events. You, Seth and Roman to be exact. Not happy about that, but nothing I can be too angry at you for. So yeah, don't worry."

Once we reach the lobby, Seth and Roman were waiting for us. They greet us as we reach them and then we head out to the parking lot and we end up getting into their rental car. Seth and Roman being the nice ones, let me sit in the front with Dean as he chose to drive. Using the GPS, we find a nearby restaurant, finding a place to park before heading in. Of course we started off with drinks as we waited for our food. 

"So word is you two went on a little date Tuesday night." Seth remarks. 

"Yeah, we did."

"Where'd you go?" Roman asks. 

"The club. And before you say anything, he thought we should do something fun before coming on this tour."

"Understandable, because it's going to be a busy two weeks."

"Exactly. Different city each week, won't really have time to really have too much fun."

"Well we're just glad you two finally got together. The looks he was giving you before, the way he was watching your matches, how he would talk about you nonstop. It was crazy."

"Oh trust me, he told me. I told him we'll see about getting our own room after this tour. Sorry guys, you're gonna have to deal with him with the next week or so." I laugh. 

"We'll deal." Roman chuckles. 

It isn't long before the food gets to the table, being placed down in front of us. 

"So, Laser Tag after this huh?" I ask. 

"Oh yeah. Not gonna be just about work on this tour. Gonna try to have some fun."

"Well I hate to say this, but I'll be on the opposing team."

"Oh darn, such a shame."

"Sorry." I laugh. "But I can't wait though."

The rest of lunch was filled with talk of things in general. When we got the bill for the lunch, of course all three of them paid it and then we all headed back out to the car to head to the local Laser Tag. When we get there and head inside, we see most of the people we work with. That's when I spot Alex. 

"See you guys in there. I think I'm gonna go hang out with Alex for a bit. It's been a while." I remark, kissing Dean quick before heading over to Alex. 

"Heyy." Alex greets me with a hug, when I walk up to him.

"Ready to kick some butt?" I laugh. 

"You know I am. and Dean huh?" He asks. 

"Yeah. He's not a bad guy really. But don't tell anyone, don't want his reputation ruined."

"Secret is safe with me. Not siding with your boyfriend for this?" Alex chuckles. 

"Nah, I told Dean I could kick his ass in laser tag. This is gonna be fun."

"We can get all three of them if you and I stick together."

"I like your thinking. I've got your back."

"And I've got yours."

It wasn't long until we were let in and shown an intro video before being able to put the gear on. Once we all had our gear on we just waited for the room to be clear to head in. We all gather at our team stations, and wait for the okay to go. 

"Ready for this?"

"Ready as I ever am. Remember....our three main targets are Dean, Seth and Roman. And I'm sure we're their main targets. Me especially to Dean."

"Right." He nods, as we get the signal to go.

Everyone pans out in their own direction, but Alex and I stick together. 

"Think we'll be able to sneak up on them?"

"We can try. Once we find them."

When we see people coming towards us, who aren't on our team, we duck behind a wall and wait for them to pass. When they do we secretly get them and then make our way to find Dean, Seth and Roman. 

"Aha, there they are." I declare as we look down at them from above.

"Aim....shoot." Alex adds and we shoot at them from above.

They of course fell the gear vibrate under the fire from the lasers. Alex and I can't help but laugh as they look around and then up to see us laughing and dashing away. That of course causes them to pan out and try to get us from both sides. When we think we're able to get away, we see Seth down the other end of the upper level where we are.

"Other way." I declare, and when we turn around we see Roman.

"Uh oh."

And then coming up behind Roman was Dean, we were boxed in. 

"We're trapped."

"I second that statement."

"Nowhere to run now is there?" Dean smirks as all three of them have the lasers pointed at us to shoot at us.

"No, but Dean come you really want to get me like that?" I ask, giving him the eyes.

"Dean, don't fall for that. She's trying to get you to lose focus so they can get away." Seth snaps Dean out of his daze, seeing as it was looking like he was going to let me and Alex go. 

"Sorry babe. Should've thought about that before you snuck up on us." He chuckles, and then an all out war broke out between us. And before we knew it, the first round was over and we all returned to our stations. 

The next round was pretty much the same, but Dean, Seth and Roman were on top of things and when the round had begun, they panned out to find me and Alex first, unlike the first round. Thanks to them however, in the end, their team had the most points and won. Since that ended up being most of our afternoon, we all decided that heading to the arena would be best. 

"That was fun. See you at the arena?" I ask Alex. 

"Yeah sure." He nods. 

We hug each other before I go off with the other three, so we we can head back to the hotel to get our things before heading to the arena. 

"So it looks like we kicked your ass in laser tag." Dean chuckles. 

"This time. You guys had a three on two advantage. That's so not fair."

"Should've thought about that before ambushing us."

"I'll get you next time, you'll see."


We reach the hotel and head inside, going up to our rooms, grabbing our things. 

"I'll just get ready at the arena. I'm only dressing to look good during Nattie's match." I remark as I make sure I have everything in my case. "I'll come find you and the others after I'm ready." I add. 

He nods, making sure he has all of his things too, before we head back out to the car, where Seth and Roman are already waiting for us. We put our things in the trunk as well and climb into the backseat since Seth was driving and Roman was in the passenger seat. It didn't take a long time to get there, and of course when we pulled in, people were already waiting to get in, also hoping to get a glimpse of us showing up, which they did. While we were getting our things out of the trunk, they were of course all excited and screaming for our attention. When we finally had our things, we heading over in their direction, since the door was near them obviously. Didn't really have time to stop and sign autographs, which is something I would do.  But as we pass them, we wave before disappearing into the building. 

"Just wait until the fangirls find out about us." I laugh, talking to Dean. 

"They probably thought something was up when they saw us all walk in together."

"Probably thinking I'm part of The Shield. But that's definitely not going to happen."

"Right,'s not a bad thought."

"No it's really not. I mean, you'd be contributing a lot to the group. With your skills and attitude." Seth remarks. 

"Yes I know, but like you guys said at WrestleMania Axxess, why mess with what you already have because no one can defeat the three of you as a group as it is."

"Undefeated. Yup."

We reach the Divas locker room first, and that's where I leave the group, getting a quick but lingering kiss from Dean to hold us both over for the time being. They head off and I head into the Divas locker room so I can change for the show. I didn't get ready right away since the show wasn't for a couple more hours or so. So once I dropped my stuff off, I wandered around the backstage area. As I'm walking around, I bump into Ted. 

"Ted!" I exclaim, practically jumping on him in a hug. 

"Great to see you too Kayla." He chuckles. 

"I don't see enough of you lately. You got a match tonight?"

"Yup, against Fandango."

"Really? Good luck."

"Thanks. What about you?"

"No match tonight. But I am going to be out there with Nattie for her match against Alicia. I'm hoping to have at least a few matches on this tour."

"Right, of course. You always put on the best matches."

"Why thank you. So do you. I can't wait to see your match. You always have fun, and that's what people love. But you know, I'm glad I got booked on the SmackDown tour. You're here, Alex is here, it couldn't get anymore better than this."

"Justin's here too."

"Even better. I think I'll go find him. See you later?"

"Of course." He nods, hugging me before I head off to find Justin. 

After walking for a while, I find him and his back is turned to me for the time being. So I decide to sneak up on him. When I do, I jump on his back. Because I'm the only one he lets do that, and he knows it me by that. 

"Justin!" I exclaim. "My favorite resident werewolf."

"Nice to see you too Kayla." He chuckles. 

I hop down from his back and he turns around to face me. 

"Ted told me you were on the SmackDown tour so I had to come find you."

"Of course. So what are you doing for the show?"

"No match, just ringside support."


"Yup. You?"

"Title match...against Wade."

"That's awesome. You deserve it definitely." I nod. 

"It's been a long time coming, yeah."

"You know this tour is gonna be awesome. Me, you, Ted, Alex. I couldn't ask for a better time. I don't see quite enough of Ted and Alex as of late."

"Right. But you get to see them on this tour at least."

"Definitely. Should've been at the laser tag today. Now that was fun. Alex and I got our asses kicked, but it was fun nonetheless."

"Of course."

The rest of that time, I decided to spend talking with Justin. Before we knew it, it was getting close to show time. 

"Oh, well look at the time. I should be getting ready for the show."

"Yeah, me too. See you later then."

"Yup." I nod, hugging him and then heading back in the direction of the Divas locker room. 

When I walk in, Nattie is already there getting ready herself and so was Alicia. 

"Hey girls." I greet, going over to my things to get my outfit out for the show. 

"Hey Kayla." Nattie greets. 

"So Nattie tells me you had a date with a certain Dean Ambrose the other night." Alicia remarks. 

"Yeah, I did." I nod, as I sit, taking my shoes off so I can get changed. 

"What happened? Where'd he take you?" Alicia asks, excited. 

"Well he wanted to do something fun before we came on the tour, so we went to the club. And it was fun. I'm sure a more romantic date will be coming soon. He's unpredictable, so who knows. So, I can't wait for your match tonight you two. I always love being there for you in your matches Nattie."

"I love having you there too. Always great to have friends as backup."

"Right. And Alicia don't think I'll hold back from getting involved, you know I will get involved somehow."

"Oh I know. Bring it on girl."

I laugh and then start to get ready for the show myself. I get dressed into a red dress with heels to match. I leave the jewelry I had on today on. I stick to mostly what I wore today since it went with the dress. I finished off everything with the matching makeup and I just put waves in my hair instead of leaving it straight.

"You look amazing. As always."

"Thanks. Now I'll see you two out there. I told Dean I would come find him once I was ready for the show. He must be going crazy without me." I laugh, before heading out of the room in search of Dean. 

As I walk down the hallways, I ask a backstage attendant if they know where Dean is and they tell me. I thank them and head down that way. When I reach where they are, I wave to Seth and Roman. They could see me, but Dean's back was to me as he was getting ready for the show still, but only wrapping his hands. I motion to Seth and Roman to be quiet as I walk up behind Dean.

"Kayla, you really think you can sneak up behind me wearing heels?" He chuckles. 

"Darn. I tried."

"The heels and the perfume is what gave you away. You wore the same perfume today." He says, turning around.

"I tried." I shrug, walking up as he turns around and wrap and arm around his waist as he finishes wrapping his hands.

"You two are really going to be all lovey dovey in front of us?"

"No I have respect. Don't worry." I shake my head. 

"I'll try my very best." Dean adds. 

"Tell me something, did he go crazy without me all afternoon?" I ask. 

"Just a bit." Seth chuckles. 

"Poor you."

"Yeah yeah." He leans down and kisses me quick to make up for it for now. 

"So, hanging out with us the whole night?"

"Definitely. For tonight anyway." I nod. 

It isn't long until the show had started. Now with this being a live event, there really weren't any TVs to watch the matches so we just stood there and listened to the matches while talking amongst each other, of course with Dean being occasionally touchy, and playing with my hair. The first match was announced as an eight-man tag team match and we heard Alex's music go off first, followed by 3MB's and then Santino. Their opponents, Darren, Titus, Primo & Epico. It was kind of weird knowing that Drew and Jinder were playing the faces since they're usually heels, but whatever changes things up a bit I suppose. In the end it was Alex's team getting the victory. I smiled, knowing that even though it was in a tag team match, he still won a match. But then the guys headed out quickly and ended up attacking Drew, Dean grabbing a mic after the attack. 

"At long last, there will be justice in Glasgow, Scotland. Tonight there are three criminals in this building. And they will be put on trial and sentenced by your judge, your jury, your law, The Shield." Dean beings. 

"We are infiltrating this entire continent one country, one city at a time! And it starts tonight with Sheamus....and the legendary New Age Outlaws." Seth adds. 

"And we got four words for you. The Shield!" Roman finishes and they all head to the back.

"You know, I'm just glad you chose against attacking Alex. I so would not be happy with you guys." I remark as they come back to where I was left standing as they had gone out for that attack and statement. 

"Doesn't mean it won't happen though. We do what we have to, to make a statement and send a message."

"As long as you don't injure him I think I'll be fine."

The 2nd match of the night, which I could tell was Ted's because Fandango had gone out first. I roll my eyes, knowing that he went out there with Summer Rae, one of the newest Divas I can't stand. Ted came out next and all I could picture was him mocking Fandango with dancing, which he's done before. Ted ended up losing that match, which I was so upset about when I heard Fandango's music go off as the winner. 

"Ugh. Ted deserved to win that." I roll my eyes. 

Just then, that's when my phone went off. 

Match is up next, head to the curtain - Natalya

"Well, looks like I'm needed. Can you hold this for me?" I ask Dean to hold onto my phone. "I'd bring it with me, but I don't want it to get ruined and I can't exactly hold onto it if I'm getting involved in the match."

"Yeah sure, no problem. " He say, taking my phone and putting it into one of the many pockets of his vest.

"You're the best....when you need to be." I kiss him quick, before heading off to the curtain to meet Nattie and Alicia. When I get there, Alicia is heading out first. 

"So was he going crazy without you?" Nattie laughs. 

"He was, just a bit."

Once Alicia's music faded, they hit Nattie's. 

"And her opponent, from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Accompanied by Kayla, Natalya!"

She and I hug before she gets into the ring to do her thing. Once both were ready, the bell run. 

"Come on Natalya!" I cheer.

They circle each other before locking up and they get into the ropes, Alicia having to back up. After she does, she shoves Nattie back into the ropes. She knees her in the gut and the twists her arm and wrist, starting the trash talk. Nattie ends up countering it and holds her to the apron with her arm locked around one of hers. 

"There you go."

Alicia gets out of it and counters the hold herself, locking her legs around her neck. Nattie kicks up and out of it, trash talking herself, but Alicia grabs her head and Nattie gets out of it, sending Alicia across the ring. She backs up into one of the corners and Nattie runs at her, only for Alicia to hop up to the top rope and Nattie goes shoulder first into the turnbuckle. Alicia goes for a rollup, but Nattie rolls out of it and grabs her legs going for the Sharpshooter, but Alicia struggles, grabbing the bottom rope, and Nattie has to let go. The ref is distracted, so I take the chance and slap Alicia across the face as she's leaning against the ropes, facing me. I then walk away like nothing happened. Nattie ends up hitting Alicia with a Monkey Flip, but Alicia lands on her feet and counters that as well. Alicia leap frog jumps over Nattie and then she locks her ankles around her neck as she's in a handstand position. Nattie counters and slams Alicia down on her knees. She goes for the Sharpshooter again, but Alicia gets to the ropes. Alicia ends up tripping Nattie too. She starts the trash talk again, but Nattie kicks her in the face as she reaches down to grab her. She then sends Alicia across the ring. Alicia tries for a timeout and goes for a handshake. 

"Psh, you don't get timeouts." I roll my eyes. 

Alicia pouts and goes for the handshake, but Nattie isn't having that. She goes for a roll through, but Alicia powers out. Alicia rolls out of the ring and since the ref is paying attention I can't do anything. Nattie gets out of the ring and starts to chase her, getting back into the ring and she kicks and slaps Alicia hard. But as Nattie comes off the ropes, she gets caught and hit with a vicious backbreaker from Alicia. She goes for the cover, but Nattie kicks out. 

"Come on Natalya!"

Alicia helps her up, throwing her into the corner a few times before slapping her herself. She then gets her in a crossface submission before wrapping her legs around her waist in a body scissors. I then start clapping and that gets the crowd going and she uses her strength, but loses her balance and Alicia takes advantage, after another two count. It wasn't too long after that where Nattie came back and got Alicia in the Sharpshooter and Alicia tapped out. 

"Yes!" I cheer as Nattie gets her hand raised in victory.

After she's done doing what she was doing to celebrate, I enter the ring and hug her, raising her hand in victory myself. She then hugs me and we leave the ring, heading to the back.

"That was a great match Nattie. I gave Alicia a slap of my own while the ref was distracted with you."

"Thanks, and I heard it. I suppose you're off to your boyfriend now?"

"Well he does have my phone so...yeah." I laugh. "See you later?"

"Of course." She nods, hugging me before we go off in different directions. 

I get back to the guys and I ask Dean for my phone back. 

"Oh, I think you'll have to find it yourself." He smirks. 

"Well that shouldn't be too hard considering only a certain size pocket can hold my phone. Plus I think I saw which one it was, so phone please. Maybe next time." I laugh. 

"You're no fun." He says, going into the pocket and pulling out my phone, handing it to me. 

"I don't think Seth and Roman would want to see me feel you up to find my phone. Am I right?"

"Well we could've turned around...." Roman starts. 

", you're right." Seth interjects. 

"I thought so."

I then find a chair and sit, since standing in my heels were killing me. The rest of the night went as followed. Mark Henry beat Khali, Randy beat Big Show, Wade unfortunately beat Justin in the title match. Del Rio beat Swagger in a no DQ match. And it was time for the guys' match. I decided to follow them so I could watch the match from the crowd entrance. It's better than sitting where I was listening. Out first as their opponents were The New Age Outlaws. They did the usual promo they always do, before Sheamus comes out as their partner. It isn't long until their theme goes off and I give Dean a quick kiss before they walk through the blocked off entrance into the crowd where we were. I stayed there so I could watch the match instead of just hearing it. The match was definitely worth the main event, and it seemed like the guys were going to win, but they ended up DQ.

"Well DQ is better than nothing." I mumble to myself, and then decided to head to the backstage area because that's where they'd be heading. I also wanted to get out of the dress and back into my casual wear. I'm sure Dean would be waiting for me outside of the locker room when I was finished anyway. So I went right to the locker room to change out of the dress and into what I wore when I came here. After I'm changed, I make sure I have everything in my bag and then make my way out.

"Enjoy the match?" Dean asks me and I look to my left to see him leaning against the wall, just waiting for me.

"Yes, I enjoy all your matches. The whole thing ending in a DQ doesn't really sit right with me, but you do what you have to do. So, Seth and Roman?"

"Already at the car. I stayed back to wait for you."

"Aw, how sweet."

"Like I said, I can be sweet when I want to."

"Yes, I know." I lean up and kiss his cheek. "I'm ready to get out of here if you are."

"After you."

"Of course." I roll my eyes with an amused look, and I head down the hall first with him trailing behind for a while before coming up to walk beside me. We reach the parking lot and get to the car, being the last ones to put our things in the trunk, Seth and Roman already being in the front of the car, just waiting for us. Once our things are all set, the trunk is closed and we get into the backseat. 

"Took you long enough."

"Shush Seth. He was just waiting for me to exit the locker room. I went back there at the end of your match, once it was over. That's my fault really."


He then starts the car and we head off back to the hotel, splitting up once we get to our floor, going to our rooms.

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