The Slave of a Vampire (PLZ W...

By bnstorymaker

586K 9.3K 1.8K

Claire's life had been lonely, but at least she was alive and safe from the most demonic person out there, th... More

The Slave of a Vampire
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 9 Part 2
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16: Part One
Chapter 16: Part Two
Chapter 16: Part Three
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21: Part 2
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Author's note
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Yet Another Author's Note *sigh* IMPORT.

Chapter 21: Part 1

12.4K 341 123
By bnstorymaker

This story is copyright to bnstorymaker 2013 (me)

all rights reserved enjoy :)

*Damien's PoV*

I arrived to her parent's prison in no time and when I walked through the front doors, the guards gave me a confused look, but still bowed their heads in respect. I walked down the dark corridor silently until my eyes flickered on a man and woman. I looked at them as they sat on the ground, unaware of my presence. Their clothes were torn and the smell was unspeakably awful. It were times like these when I wished I didn't have such a strong sense of smell.

I cleared my throat so Claire's parents could know that someone was there.

"Who's there? Is it time for lunch?" A gentle voice asked.

I signaled for a nearby guard to turn the lights on so they could see me. When a dim yellow light flooded into the room, they waited until their eyes adjusted to it before their eyes fell on me. Claire's dad, a short stocky man with dark hair approached the cast iron bars.

"King Damien?! Is Claire alright?! We are so sorry for hiding her! We had no choice! And-"

I held my hand up silencing him.

"Save your breathe Mr. Ferranti. I am not going to hurt you or your wife. Instead, I came to let you free. I just have to tell you something before I let you go."

Claire's mother quickly exploded into tears crying hysterically. She cupped her face in her hands as her mid-length blonde hair cascaded around her shoulders.

"Claire is dead isn't she?! Is that why you are letting us go?!"

Damn...everywhere I went just seemed to make situations worse. All I could say was that so much has happened over the past five months since I met Claire.

I told them everything. How I hurt Claire and how I later started to love her. I told them about the pain I caused her and how she ended up in the hospital because of it.

Telling them everything that happened ended in me pouring my heart out and reopening every wound I felt, although, it did ease a bit of my pain.

I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders when I confessed everything. I was finally enabling myself move on and live. I could finally forget about Crystal and put her in the distant past where she belonged...for good.

After I finished my lengthy explanation I glanced at their faces. They held so many emotions that I could not even read them all. I blew out one more audible breathe. There was just one more thing that had been flowing through my head since I fell in love with Claire.

"There just one more thing, Mr. and Mrs. Ferranti."

Both of her parents cocked their heads to the side. I clasped my hands together nervously.

"When Claire wakes up in the hospital I couldn't ask for anything more, but to marry her," I paused for a short moment, " I want to marry Claire. May I have your permission?"

"Are you serious?! Do you really think she'll marry you?! I don't give a shit if you are king. You'll never have my daughter, I won't let you!" Her mother yelled bitterly.

I didn't expect Claire to forgive me immediately, but the thought of losing her to another man made me cringe. She was my mate, my love, my life, and no one deserved her except for me.

On the other hand, I knew Claire's parents would never give me permission no matter how much I begged let alone, Claire accepting my proposal. I lowered my head in defeat accepting my harsh reality. I was destined to be alone.

Her father quickly ran his fingers through his dark hair revealing small patches of gray as he shook his head.

"Look...if you want to marry my daughter you have my permission. I don't ever want you to lay a finger on her again. Understood?"

"Chris?!" Claire's mother shouted.

Chris just waved his hand as if he was swatting a fly.

"Emma, give it a rest. Damien wants to marry Claire, so why not? Besides this is her only chance. It's not like she has much time so if she decides she wants to marry King Damien let her." Chris turned his head to me, "I will honor whatever choices the both of you make."

"Freaking unbelievable..."Emma trailed off storming towards the back of the cell.

I stared at them in shock. Chris was going to let me marry Claire if she said yes?! I didn't know whay to say. I was ecstatic, but the feeling quickly washed away and I frowned.

"What do you mean by she doesn't have much time?"

Chris frowned, "Claire didn't tell you?"

I shook my head slightly befuddled.

"Oh I you have no idea? Well, Claire is very different from most girls and we hid her from you because she isn't strong. She's a very fragile child and we knew slavery would really drain her body. She may be smiling on the outside, but she's hurting more than you can even imagine. She's very sick. She has-"

My phone began to ring loudly causing Chris to come to a halt. I quickly looked at the screen as it flashed "Mom" on the white screen.

*Susanna PoV*

Damien wanted to release his slaves? I smiled warmly at the thought, although, I was completely shocked. I didn't believe that he changed until now and he did it for Claire. I was finally getting my son back! When I looked at Damien I wanted to cry with joy, but I held my tears back when he ran toward our house.

As we were walking through the front doors of the hospital, I sensed that something was not right.

"Matt, do you feel that?" I said, referring to the uneasiness in the air.

"Yeah, I can smell it too. Something's wrong."

We walked into Claire's room and I gasped loudly. Claire was gone and Mitri was just sitting down reading a book as if nothing happened.

"Where's Claire, Mitri?" Matt asked.

Mitri slowly looked up from his book nonchalantly.

"Gone. I let her go. Damien doesn't love her. He never will, he can't so I told her to escape just like that." He snapped his fingers, "Now she doesn't have to put up with Damien. He would've killed her sooner or later like he's done some of his previous slaves when he got bored."

Mitri placed the book up to his nose and continued to read like this was a casual conversation. He grinned maliciously until I slapped the book out of his hand.

"Tell us where she is right now!"

He shrugged, "I dunno."

Matt grabbed him by the collar of his shirt slamming him into the wall. Mitri's feet were hanging off the ground.

"What have you done you idiot?! There are things that could kill Claire out there and yet you let her go alone into danger?! Despite all of that, Damien loves her and yet you just let her go?!" Matt roared.

I sighed. This was going to be another thing that Matt and I was going to have to fix.

"The thing is...Claire doesn't love Damien."

Matt instantly pulled his fist back and slammed it into Mitri's face. After he punched Mitri a few times he threw him into a wall and it crumbled beneath him. I shook my head disapprovingly. This was such a waste of time. We needed to find her quickly instead of crying over freshly spelt milk.

"This is not good." I stated to whoever was listening at this point.

"No, it's not." Dr. Geoff said through the door which instantly caught all of us off guard. Mitri and Matt froze when they heard Dr. Geoff's voice.

"We have to find Claire quickly, not for anyone's benefit, but for her own. I think she's pregnant...but I..." He bit his lip slowly nibbling on it, "I-I think she has cancer too."

Shock filled my face and I instantly went to my phone to call Damien. What the hell was I supposed to tell him.

'Your brother let Claire go and it turns out she's pregnant and possibly has cancer?!'

I couldn't tell him that when he was trying to become a better person. He was trying to move on, but Mitri could possibly change him back to becoming the hallow man he was if he finds out what happened to Claire. I shook my head. No matter how bad this was going to hurt him or his family, I had to tell him.

*Damien's PoV*

"Gone?! What do you mean gone?!"

I ran my hands through my hair as I paced down the hallway. Why would she leave me when she knew I loved her?!

I then remembered the smile that Mitri gave me when we were sitting in the lobby. That menacing smirk was saying it all now. He had been planning something and I had a feeling that he had something to do with this.

I turned to face Claire's parents who wore worried expressions.

"What's wrong?" Chris asked.

"Claire ran away from the hospital and no one knows where she is."

"Claire would never run away from anything. She always faces her fears head on. She's not scared of anything, but she's scared of you. I know it! What have you done to my baby, you bastard?! What have you done, monster?! I swear on my damn grave that you'll never have her. Ever!"

Emma cried as she tried to punch me through the bars.

I lowered my head once again disappointed in myself.

"Please wait a little longer in here. I'm going to find Claire and bring her back safely, I promise. I'm sorry for everything."

"Sorry?! Sorry doesn't cut it, asshole!" Emma screamed at the top of her lungs.

Chris pulled her into his arms while she continued to cry.

"Just bring her back safe and sound Damien."

As I ran out of the prison to the hospital, the only thing that lingered in my mind and heart were Emma's hurtful words.


Okay guys short sad right


So Damien..wants to marry Claire

And Claire is pregnant, but she has cancer oHNo D:

Congrats to those who guessed correctly u r awesome ;)

Anyways...what is Mitri thinking now and what do his parents think about this newly found info

Wat about Damien?! What happens when he finds out... :o

Aaron PoV coming up characters too

Please leave comments or questions I will answer them thx guys

~ Britt

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