Invisible Halo (MGK Fanfic)

De J_Latriceee

36.4K 819 34

Monica was a typical Cleveland native, never seen the outside of her neighborhood. She was highly intelligent... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
A/N: Final Note

Chapter 24

737 20 0
De J_Latriceee


I woke up in a random hotel room with no more than ten girls. The night was fun, but it was something I have become immune to. Even when we weren't on tour we were partying at the clubs or even at the crib. I didn't know if it was Monica or what, but I honestly felt like I wanted a girlfriend. A familiar face that I could call mine was better than a new face every night that was just the girl of the hour. Monica made me double and even triple think every and anything.

I got up out of the queen sized hotel bed and quietly walked to a pile of clothes. There I found my pants, shirt, boxers, and socks which at first I was contemplating whether or not I should trust that there was nothing in my clothes. I mean fans were capable of just about anything these days and I had to protect myself ten times more than the next person.

After I put on my clothes I dialed Slim hoping he could come pick me up.

"What's up man, it's mighty early!" Slim said.

"Nothing much, are you guys on the bus or at this jank ass hotel?" I asked.

"We're on the bus, send me the address and we'll be there!" He said as he laughed into the phone.

'We'll be there' I meditated on this sentence, I somehow knew 'we' meant everyone and I was honestly dreading the minutes up to their arrival. Everyone coming meant Monica was going to be on there looking in disgust as she did the other night during body shots. It always seemed as if Monica was constantly judging me with her eyes and when it came to her I wanted a squeaky clean image.

I saw the bus pull up to the hotel entrance and I started walking towards it. The driver parked and let me get on, the first person I noticed was Monica who was shockingly sitting in the seat next to the driver.

"Why way up here?" I asked her.

"I'm admiring my surroundings, it's actually really nice sitting up here." Monica said.

The way she admired every single detail about the world was unrealistic to me. How could anyone just have time to sit and look through a glass window all day? Yes there are sights that need to be seen but how could someone be so optimistic? Not to be a Debby downer but she was the definition of a hippy; free spirited, happy, and chill.

"Oh, well I'll leave you to that then!" I said.

"Okay!" She said as she looked to The driver before the window again.

I walked to the back of the bus to see my homeboys playing 2K14.

"Yo Kells! How was it?" Dub asked.

"Let's just say I think it may be a good thing I don't remember anything." I said shaken up.

"Why? It looked like you had a pretty good time!"

Everyone's face was watching mine like they really wanted to know what had happened but I didn't remember and didn't care to remember. A talk with Monica would be nice but I didn't see that happening. With it being our last day in Canada I already knew everybody wanted to do it big and Monica didn't seem like much of a partier.

"I'm going to go get a drink." I announced before walking back to the front.

I had saw something that I didn't see before and that was the fact that the bus driver was actually talking to Monica. She was giggling as he talked and batting her eyelashes. She never seemed this excited when she was with me and I was fuming with jealousy.

How could she flirt with him when I thought we had a connection? Did she even feel what I felt? I thought to myself.

Once again it was another women in my life that had disappointed me, guess I was wrong about her. One girl in my life that I would always be able to depend on was Casie. At least she didn't drop my heart on top of a twenty story building waiting for it to shatter. Speaking of Casie it would be the perfect time to have some father daughter time before the boys and I hit up the club tonight.

I opened the door revealing an empty room and immediately felt like something was wrong. I went through every single room, there was no sign whatsoever of Casie or Ash and I was starting to freak out.

"Dub, Slim, Rookie! Y'all, have any of you seen Casie or Ash?" I asked as I ran to the backroom.

"No, we haven't seen either of them. Why, what's going on?" Slim said voice filled with concern.

"They're no where on the bus and I have no idea where they could be." I said.

There was only one person I didn't ask but thinking about her made me sick. It was scary to think about, how she could control my actions and moods with a tap of her finger. She was the ringleader and I was just the main act. I couldn't let my emotions get the best of me this was about finding my daughter and my manager and strictly that.

"Hey, Monica?" I asked nervously with sweaty palms and my head down.

"What's wrong Cole?" She said.

It lit me up the way she called me Cole, I was getting so used to being called Colson. Maybe she did have feelings for me and the driver was just plain company.

"Do you mind if I talk to you in private?" I asked.

"Yeah of course!" Monica replied.

As she got up the expression of the driver showed that he was clearly not at ease with Monica talking to me. For the first time I had actually had a glimpse of his name tag, his name was David. David? You see millions of faces and never take the time to even put a name to it.

"Having a good day David?" I asked him.

"Oh yeah, always a good day when I'm exploring." He said.

"That's good, see ya later!"

Monica and I walked to the middle of the bus and sat on the couch.

"What's on your mind?" She asked.

"I have no idea where Casie and Ash are and I'm bugging out!"

"They went to go get pedicures, I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys, it kind of slipped my mind. Ash just texted me a minute ago, they should be back in a little bit."

Without thinking about it I gave her a huge hug and probably didn't let go for five minutes.

"Thank you so much! That was really bothering me, not knowing where they were." I said.

"Seems like that wasn't the only thing on your mind. Are you sure that's all?" She asked.

"No actually, there's this girl I really really like but I'm scared she might be into someone else."

"What makes you feel like her attention isn't on you?"

"I saw her laughing and smiling with this guy and I don't think she's ever been that happy with me."

"If I were you I wouldn't stress it, he's probably a close friend who cracked a few jokes. It's normal for most girls to laugh a lot they say it makes you live longer! Some girls laugh because it keeps them going, keeps them from crying."

"And Majestic Monica saves the day again!"

"That's what I'm here for!" She said giving me a quick wink and grazing my hand with hers before walking to the front of the bus.

Just when I thought I could hate her she turns around and helps me keep my sanity. I am going to need her in my life, she makes it better just by knowing her energy is in the room. Getting to marry her is something I wouldn't mind speaking into the universe.

Just to make sure the guys weren't in the back freaking out I made sure to tell them what Monica had informed me on. They all took breaths of relief and I headed back to my spot on the couch mostly thinking.

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