
By ilovewriting201

534K 18K 1.9K

He was filled with hate, unable to control the beast inside of him. He knew nothing except for murder. He hat... More

Bonus Scene: IX:Roman's POV


25.3K 823 83
By ilovewriting201

My shower was long and much needed. It relaxed my tense muscles and allowed me to think. When I get out I return to my room, feeling tired. The thought of my parents being dead still doesn't seem real to me, the fact that I'm alone makes me scared.

I have no one, now. No one missing me, no one worried about me, no one looking for me. No one. The thought brings me to tears and I cry myself to sleep.

When I wake up again, it's to the sound of knocking on the door.

I stare at the wall, unsure if I had dreamed it or not. When it happens again, I answer, "come in."

My voice is scratchy from crying, my eyes feeling swollen and burning.

"I've brought you food."

The sound of his voice gives me chills. I'm not sure if they're good or bad.

"I'm not hungry," I reply, covering my head.

"You need to eat, you'll get weak if you don't."

"Then, I will. I don't care. I'd rather die than be here with you! I'm more alone here than if I were by myself in the woods," I snap.

He growls, slamming the tray down on to the table. He walks over, turning on the light. I wince at the sudden brightness, but nearly gasp when I see him.

His hair is dark, his eyes are like black holes, swirling in anger, ready to suck in anyone willing to get close enough. His skin is tan, not from the sun, but natural. He's tall, his features are strong and sharp. He's handsome. Dangerously handsome.

"You will do as I say," he seethes, obviously not used to being told no.

"You can not force me to eat, Alpha. I do not want your food. I will not take anything from you," I growl back.

Lena, we need to be gentle. Kindness will do more damage than anger.

I close my eyes, taking a deep breath, before looking back at him. His expression had changed. I don't know what it is he is thinking, nor what he is feeling.

"I'll leave the meal here, you can eat it if you want. Do not call me alpha," he says.

"What should I call you, then?"

"Anything but that, you are higher than my pack members, therefore you do not need to call me by my title," he answers.

Surprised, I don't respond. He gives me a lingering look before shaking his head and walking out, shutting the door behind him.

I look over to the food on the plate. My stomach growls longingly at the sight of the steak and mashed potatoes, but I just swallow and walk to my bed.

Crawling under the blankets, I try to get my mind to focus on anything but the food.

I will not take from him.

Instead, my mind wanders to him. I think about if he has any family, or if he ever felt love for someone, or if he had even cared about someone. I even wonder about the most insignificant things, like what his favorite color is, if he has one.

Suddenly, the longing to know him became strong. Though, I push it away. He's a murderer. He kills people for selfish reasons. He wants power and nothing else. He probably doesn't even wonder those things about me. He's cold and heartless.

There has to be a reason, my conscious tells me. A reason why he became like this.

It goes back to the story, I guess. Of his anger and hatred towards the wolves. I guess that just carried on after he was changed. Do his wolf and him fight all of the time? Is that why he's so cruel?

The questions run through my mind late into the night. The clock by the bedside read three o'clock in the morning. That's all I remember before falling asleep.


Aria visits me often, checking on me. Trays have begun to pile up on my desk, uneaten food remaining on them. The three day mark has come, and my nervousness floods me as I sit in bed on the morning of.

I had passed out once from fatigue, but still refused to eat. I'm stubborn, like my mother, and I will not give in, no matter what.

A knock on the door breaks me out of my thoughts, my heart rate quickening.


The door opens and Roman walks in, "I'm here to give you something for your introduction."

"I don't want your gifts," I snap.

He smirks and holds up a blue dress. One to match my eyes. Had he noticed or was it just a coincidence?

I shake the thought away.

"No, thank you," I reply.

He frowns, "you will wear it, Lena. I'll send Aria to help you get dressed, then I will return at five to escort you to the ceremony."

He tosses the dress on the bed before walking out and slamming the door behind him.

I sigh and walk over to the dress, running my fingers over the soft fabric. There's a slight shimmer to it, causing it to be even more beautiful. I wonder how much it cost?

I lift it up gently, worried I might mess it up. It truly is a beautiful gown, one fit for royalty.

A knock echoes in my room, making me drop the dress back on to the bed.

"Come in," I call.

"Lena, I was sent to help you get ready," Aria says.

I smile at her nervously, "I'm scared."

She smiles softly, "I'm sure you will be loved by everyone. You're kind, Lena. The people need someone to trust without worrying. You will be a wonderful Luna."

"Did you know he only is letting me live because he will weaken if I'm not around?" I ask her, as she walks over to stand next to me, looking down at the dress.

"One who only wishes for someone to stay just because of selfish reasons would not buy them such things as this," she says, stroking the fabric of the dress.

"It's just a dress," I reply.

She shakes her head, "no. This dress was crafted only by the best seamstress from the softest silk and the rarest die. Lena, this dress was made by a witch. It was designed for you, and you alone."

I let out a shaky breath as my eyes fall on the object. If it took so much to get it, why would he give it to me? Especially when he basically told me he only wanted me as an object?

"It doesn't make any sense," I say quietly.

"It never does at first, Lena. It will eventually, though. Everything will make sense in the end."

I take the dress and change into it. It cascades over my body perfectly, is gathered in all of the right places, shimmers slightly as I move around.

Aria makes me sit as she does my hair, softly curling the dark locks and letting them fall over my shoulders. She next does my makeup. Blue, to match my dress, and defining the color of my eyes.

I didn't recognize myself when I looked in the mirror a second time.

"You're fit to be Luna. A beautiful girl with a beautiful heart," Aria says.

I turn and hug her, "thank you, for everything."

She leans back, bowing her head slightly just as there's a knock on the door.

"Come in," I yell.

"The ceremony starts in-"

His words die in his throat and he stares at me. I feel my face warm under his hard gaze, and look down.

"Aria, you are dismissed," Roman says.

She bows her head and walks past him, out the door.

"I brought you something that will go with this," he says.

"Aria told me about where you got the dress. I don't understand why you did it," I tell him.

"You're going to be Luna. You deserve to be presented as such, so, only the finest clothes--and jewelry--should be given to you," he answers.

"I don't have any jewelry," I reply.

He pulls a necklace out of his suit pocket, walking towards me.

"Turn around," he instructs.

I do as I'm told, watching him in the long mirror in front of us. He brings the necklace in front of me, lowering it until it touches my chest. I gasp as the cool material touches my skin...and because his fingers brush my neck as he brings my hair to one side. My breath catches in my throat, and my heart lurches at the contact. I don't want to be feeling these things.

Everything he does seems to be in slow motion, and I worry I might pass out if he doesn't hurry.

"There," he breathes out, his breath fanning against the back of my neck, causing goose bumps to rise over my skin. I step away from him quickly, not liking the close proximity between us. I don't know him, and from his reputation, I don't want to. Even though my other half does.

His eyes darken at the motion, and he clears his throat, "we're going to be late."

He grabs my bicep, dragging me after him. He doesn't let go until we reach the back door. Two servants open it, revealing a crowd of people seated in chairs on the grass. Roman steps out first. I take a breath, then take a step after him.

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