Livin with Tunechi: Sequel to...

By StarCrossed81

48.3K 857 161

Things had changed drastically since Wayne showed up at my door.. It has been six months since Fallon and I... More

Livin with Tunechi: Sequel to Loving Tunechi
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 22

1.3K 34 18
By StarCrossed81

I was in my own little world as we walked to the car. Wayne threw his arm around me pulling me into him. "You hungry lil momma." I leaned into him looking up meeting his lips for a kiss. "Hell yeah, your baby is starved." Wayne laughed, "which one?" I shrugged rubbing my belly. "Both of us." I rolled my eyes at him as he opened my door. "Look at ya trying to be a gentleman." Wayne threw his head up. " I got manners, I was raised in the south ya know." I grinned looking up. "I'm so ready to start shopping for baby clothes." Wayne groaned. "Just send me the bill." I gave him a look, "don't worry I will."

We pulled up to a local steakhouse and I sighed. "I'm so hungry my stomach is cramping." Wayne looked down at me frowning. "If you would eat breakfast and not just drink coffee in the morning." I rolled my eyes opening my door. "Get up and fix me breakfast every morning then." Wayne cut his eyes at me. "Fine I will." I laughed walking up to him leaning up on my tippy toes to kiss him. "We will see, you been sleeping in past me every morning." Wayne grabbed my hand and we started walking toward the entrance. "Cause you be falling asleep on me every night." I laughed. "Wonder why." The hostess sat us at a table in the back and a waitress came and took our drink order. We decided to get cheesy bacon fries as a appetizer. I leaned back drumming my fingers against the table. "Impatient." Wayne asked me. I shook my head."Im starving baby." Wayne put his arm around me and I leaned my head against his shoulder. "It's coming baby." The waitress walked back up with our drinks and appetizer. She was grinning a little to much at Wayne. "Have the two of you made up your mind on what you want to eat." Wayne nodded looking down at me. He chose the surf and turf meal that had shrimp and steak. I ordered the asiago pepper steak. Wayne laughed at me as I started eating on the cheesy bacon fries. "That baby got you starving you eating like Chris." I stopped eating, "don't compare me to him thank you." Wayne rolled his eyes at me. "Well don't act like him." I elbowed him and went back to eating. Our meal arrived shortly and I sat back watching Wayne eat. "Who's eating like Chris now." Wayne looked at me sideways. "I can do that, your sposta be a lady." I made a face at his as I started cutting up my steak. "Whatever I mumbled.

Wednesday I invited Adrianna over for dinner. She showed up around 7 and let Wayne run off to the studio so it was just the girls. I had cooked baked chicken, with corn on the cob, mashed potatoes , and a salad. Adrianna helped me set the table. "So are you excited." I shrugged. "I would have loved a boy, but another girl isn't too bad. I think Wayne is excited." Adrianna rolled her eyes. "Told ya it was going to be a girl." I frowned at her. "Shut up." Fallon came running in the kitchen and I placed her in her seat. "You happy mommy is having a baby sister." Fallon shook her head. "I'm the big sister." I nodded my head at her. "That's right baby your going to be a big sister." Adrianna helped me bring the last of the food to the dinning table. I had just took a bite of my salad when my phone started ringing. I sighed reaching out for it seeing it was from a blocked number. Who the fuck. I hit answer holding the phone to my ear. "Yeah." I could hear breathing on the other side of the line, then a female voice started talking. "I hope you don't think your his only girl, you will never replace me." I opened my mouth. "What?" The girl sighed. "You heard me, you will never be anything to him besides a warm willing body." The click of the phone had me looking down crazy. "What the fuck was that," Adrianna asked. I shook my head dialing Wayne. He surprised me by actually answering his phone. "Hey baby." I don't know exactly what was running through my head but I started going off. "What the fuck Wayne, why is your bitch calling me, I swear to God if your fucking around..." Wayne cut me off. "Maci what the hell are you talking about." I let out a deep breath. "Stop playing fucking games with me!" I hung up the phone glancing at Adrianna. She glanced at me. "Maci what is going on." I told her about what had happened and she shook her head. "No Maci, she just fucking with you because of the engagement news, plus the media is running wild with trying to catch your baby bump." I shrugged. "How did she get my number." Adrianna cut her eyes at me. "Maci that's the same number you've had for freaking ever. She could have gotten it from anywhere." I shook my head not wanting to talk. I went back to eating but mostly played with my food.

I had just let Fallon out of her seat when Wayne came slamming through the door. Fallon was in the living room and looked up crazy. Adrianna glanced at Wayne then walked up to Fallon. "Hey lets go play in your room." Fallon nodded her head excited and ran up stairs. I started grabbing plates off the kitchen table. Wayne stood in the door to the kitchen blocking my path. I pushed passed him and he turned around and grabbed my arm causing the dishes to fall to the floor. A plate hit the marble floor in the kitchen causing it to shatter. I fell to my knees crying trying to pick up the broken glass. Wayne pulled me back up. "Maci, stop!" I shook my head. "I thought it was over Wayne." He threw his arms up. "How many times are you going to let this bitch come between us Maci." I leaned back against the arch of the door. "Why is she calling." Wayne walked closer to me wiping tears from under my eyes. "Baby she is trying to fuck with your head. You already know how she is." I shook my head and let my emotions go. Wayne took a step back in shock as I started sobbing, but quickly pulled me in his arms and held me until I had cried all I could. I laid my head against his chest trying to slow my breathing back down. I glanced up at Wayne then back at the mess in the floor. "Baby go upstairs talk to Adrianna, and I'll deal with this shit ok." I nodded not even looking at Wayne as I started walking away. "Maci." I glanced over my shoulder. Wayne just shook his head. I frowned and felt tears start falling again. Wayne turned and started picking broken pieces of glass off the floor.

Walking in Fallon's room I saw Adrianna was laid in the bed with her reading her a story. Fallon was half asleep so I sat in the doorway of her room just listening to them. As soon as Fallon's head slumped to the side Adrianna scooted her down in the bed tucking her in. "Thanks." I say as she holds her hand out helping me stand up. We walk outside on the balcony. Adrianna sits down in one of the chairs. "You know your wrong right." I glance up at Adrianna kinda shocked. "Excuse me?" Adrianna sighed. "Maci you know damn well Wayne isn't' fucking around on you." I don't know what got into me but the fact she was taking Wayne's side pissed me off. "What do you know about it Adrianna." Adrianna looked up sharply. "I'm just saying, think about it shit." I laughed at her. "Well maybe you need to come to the realization that Chris don't want you." I knew I had went to far when Adrianna started tearing up. "Adrianna I didn't mean it." She shook her head, "fuck you Maci," she said getting up leaving. I sat down putting my head in my hands.

I don't know how long I sat outside before I went looking for Wayne. He wasn't in any of his usual places so I went to the back where he skates and sure enough he was sitting on one of his ramps. "Wayne..." I started to say but he cut me off. "I'm done Maci, you can stay here if you want, but I'm not goign to be here." I opened my mouth to talk but words would not come out. Wayne looked up at me, "I'm done." I shook my head no and felt myself go down. Wayne was by my side in minutes. I crawled in his lap cryiing. "Please don't go." He never said anything just held me. I felt like we sat there in silence forever, before he spoke. "Maci I love you but I cant' fucking do this." I wiped the tear that fell from my eyes. "Wayne please don't go." He shook his head standing up. "I'm here for you always, you and the baby will be taken care of OK." I shook my head. "So this is the end." Wayne shrugged. "I guess so." I looked up at him tears streaming down my face. "Then just fucking leave me alone." I tried to get up but the sudden movement caused a sharp pain and I went right back down gasping. Wayne knelt beside me. "What is it Maci?" I shook my head tryign to shove him off of me. "Just leave me alone that's what you want right?" I started sobbing again and Wayne sunk to the ground beside me. He pulled me into his arms. "No its not what I fucking want, but its best for you. I thought you could handle this, I though if I loved you enough you would finally trust me, but now I see, nothing will ever change the fact you don't'." I laid my head against his chest. "Your all I have, you, Fallon, and this baby." Wayne sighed. "I don't know what to do." I didn't know what to say so I didn't say anything.

We sat outside forever not speaking before Wayne finally spoke. "Come on you need to get int he house." He pulled me up and I followed him in the house. We walked upstairs and I checked in on Fallon before walking in the bedroom to find Wayne. He was sitting on the edge of the bed rolling a blunt. He had kicked his shoes off and had thrown his shirt over a chair. I sunk down beside him. I watched him for a minute before I got the courage up to speak. "Are you going to leave?" Wayne shrugged. "I don't know Maci." I frowned. Wayne stood up putting the magazine he had used to roll on top his dresser. He walked outside lighting up. I was still sitting on the edge of the bed looking lost when he called my name. I slowly walked outside and stood in the doorway. "Come here." I bit my lip walking closer to him. As I approached him he held out his hand and pulled me down in his lap. "Tell me what I have to do Maci, what is it going to take." I frowned. "Your doing everything right baby, its me. I always think the worst of people. She caught me off guard. I cant' help I'm insecure, you know all the bullshit I'be been through. I know that's not an excuse, but I couldn't handle it if you left me too." Wayne took a hit of his blunt turning his head to blow the smoke out. "This life ain't for you." I frowned shaking my head. "Its a little too late for that don't you think?" Wayne looked at me letting out a deep breath. "I don't want to be with you anymore." The pain hit me like a brick. Wayne wouldn't look at me. I could feel my heart breaking. I stood up shocked not even really seeing where I was going.

I walked downstairs and out the front door. I didn't have my purse, keys,phone, or anything. I walked and walked finding myself at Adrianna's doorstep. I walked up her steps ringing the door bell. She came to the door her hair sticking straight up letting me know she had been asleep. She looked at me then behind me. "Where the fuck is your car." I started crying collapsing on her steps. "It's over Adrianna." Adrianna sat down beside me. "Maci, I know you was tripping earlier, we are best friends we will be fine." I shook my head no. "He said he don't want to be with me anymore." I knew she could barley understand me, I was crying so hard I could barley breath. Adrianna sighed turning toward the door. "Chris." I glanced up to see Chris walk out the door. As soon as he saw me he ran down beside me. "What the fuck." Adrianna pulled him up whispering in his ear. He nodded his head running back in the house coming out dressed with his keys. I frowned. "He don't have to go Adrianna, I will." I stood to walk away when she grabbed my arm. "The fuck you are, get your ass in the house. He is going to talk some since into Wayne's ass, I'll be damned if that  bitch is going to break ya'll up again". I walked in sinking down on her couch. "But its not her its me." Adrianna sat down beside me. "Maci chill out OK, its not good for that sweet baby girl. Besides I'm sposta be pissed at you." I looked up at he and knew she was trying to make me feel better but I just ended up crying harder.

Adrianna sat on the couch with me letting me cry on her shoulders. I ended up falling asleep. I awoke to the sound of Chris coming back home shutting the door. Adrianna and him went in the kitchen thinking I was still asleep. "How is he?" Adrianna asked. Chris sighed. "He will be fine, he was fucking pissed off when he found out she had walked here, hell his ass thought she was downstairs ignoring him." I sat as still as possible. "Do you think he is really done." Adrianna asked. "I don't know, I asked him if he could really just let her go and he would never answer me." I heard Adrianna sigh. "If he leaves her it will break her heart Chris, tht girl will never be the same." I felt tears start flowing again. "Just give him time Adrianna, he loves her." I heard them go to her room and I just sat starring off into space. The sun was coming up when I woke up. I ran to the bathroom then left walking back to the house. It seemed to take forever, I didn't remember the walk beign so long last night. I walked to the front door and hit the code unlocking it. Walking in I punched the code in the alarm. I walked straight to Fallon's room seeing she was still knocked out. I walked to the bedroom but Wayne wasn't there. On the bed was his suitcases. He has started filling them with his clothes. I started crying all over again sinking down on the bed.

Wayne walked out of the bathroom a towel wrapped around his waist. He looked like he hadn't slept at all. I'm sure I looked like crap. He stopped walking looking up at me but then started walking back to his dresser slipping some boxers on with some jeans. "You leaving." I whispered. Wayne looked over his shoulder at me. "Yeah." I nodded trying to control my tears but failing miserably. "I love you, always have, I just want you to know that." I stood up to leave the room. As I passed Wayne he grabbed my arm pulling me to him resting his forehead on mine. "Why can't you love me enough." I leaned my head against his chest. "I do Wayne, I would do anything to take away last night." Wayne sighed and I looked up in his eyes and saw the tears that he wouldn't let fall. "Please don't leave Wayne, please." My voice broke and Wayne pulled me into his arms. "Maci I..." I stood up on my tiptoes silencing him with a kiss. I shocked him enough to make him lose his train of though. I leaned my head down running kisses over his chest. He grabbed my hair pulling it back so I would look up at him. His lips crushed mine. I threw my arms around his neck as he leaned down picking me up. He sat down on the side of the bed shoving his bags out of the way . Wayne kissed the tears that spilled from my eyes. I clung to him afraid if I let go he would disappear. We both took our frustration out on each other not giving in.

When I woke up stretching out not feeling Wayne I immediately jerked up looking at the floor. His bags were gone...


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