Never Look Back

By Cynder15

2K 77 7

Lily Colwells has had anything but a nice and normal childhood. She's been beaten by her own parents since sh... More

Never Look Back
1. Butterflies in my tummy....
2. Excuse Me?!
3. Oh this is your car..... Oops!
4. Help Me!
5. They're Finally Gone!
Authors Note
7. They're back
8. Cole, really!
9. Damn Squrriels and unexpected run ins
10. He's not that bad
11. Fancy dinner
12. New information
13. Never talk to someone in a dark alley!
14. Arguments in Dunkin Donuts
15. Scrabble messages
16. What have I done!
17. Your insane!
18. Memories and almost car crashes
19. He's found me!
20. Leads on Lily and Nick
21. Memory loss?
22. Phone calls
23. A bride to be
24. Bloody wedding?
25. Yes!

6. I really dont know what to call this chapter so....uh poke a turtle!

84 4 1
By Cynder15

Chapter 6:

As the week goes by I'm bored out of my mind, oh and also in a lot of pain of course.

I go through many meetings with police men and so does Cole. Cole he visits me everyday or stays the night, I usually have to kick him out so he can go home and get a goodnights sleep.

I'm going to live with him and his uncle. I can't wait to actually live in a normal house for once, it'll be weird though but at least I won't almost die everyday.

My parents are in jail and should hopefully be their for the rest of their lives since their charges are pretty bad also with all the drugs they do I wouldn't expect them to live for more than five more years.

Cole walks into my hospital room with a huge grin on his face,"Ready to go?"

I smile and nod,"Yup and one thing before we go to your house."

"What is it?"

My stomachs growls super loud,"I need food, my stomach can't take anymore of this nasty hospital food!"

He laughs and grabs my hand and leads me out of that dreadful hospital that I've been in for a week. He helps me to his car since my leg still needs to heal and I have to use crutches.

Once I'm settled in he drives to the most wonderful place I can think of right now.


He goes through the drive through and orders a burger for himself and I ask for two quarter pounders, haha I know but I'm starving and I never ate much since my parents never fed me anyways.

On the drive to his house I finish the first burger in record timing but I pace myself on the last one.

We pull up to his HUGE house. Did I forget to mention that he's RICH yea well he is, I wouldn't really care but its just a bonus that he is. Oh yea I did mention it oh well.....

He helps me out of the car and I use my crutches, which by the way really hurt my arms.

Once inside we go into the living room and sit on the couch, we both sigh and I rest my eyes for a second.

"Finally home?" a voice asks.

I open my eyes to see his Uncle Rick. I smile, he smiles back,"How you doing sweetie?" he asks looking down at my leg.

I smile,"Im doing better," I tell him,"So um you really don't mind me living here?"

He shakes his head quickly,"Your already like family," he looks from Cole to me,"But when I'm home try to keep the house from shaking to much and the moaning to a minimum."

Cole and I both blush at the perverted comment and for the record we've done nothing yet.

"Rickkkk," Cole groans annoyed.

Rick laughs,"Oh and use protection!" Then he leaves the room.

I chuckle, god is he annoying but he's nice and also handsome, I'm surprised he doesn't have a wife or girlfriend yet especially since he's like a millionaire and only 35.

Cole puts on the tv but don't really watch it, I start to fall asleep and I feel Cole pick me up and carry me upstairs. I'm glad he's strong and I'm skinny or else it would be pretty hard for this to happen, also I'm sure it'd be hilarious though seeing him trying to carry my fat ass up stairs.

The next week I go back to school, even though I only have about a week left since I'm a senior. I quickly finish my exams and soon it's graduation.

It's a good thing my parents are in jail because I'm sure they wouldn't have let me go to my graduation. Oh and of course me being on crutches caused a lot of questions for people but me, Cole, and my close friends who knew what really happened created a cover story. I didn't want everyone's sympathy and shit so we just said that I fell down some stairs and one story was that I got mugged, that one actually makes more sense. Anyways my life couldn't be any better now that I'm with Cole. I'm at a healthy weight now, my wounds are healing perfectly, and I'm not around drugs and such on a daily basis, plus I'm around people that really love me.

"Lily Colwells," a voice on the speaker calls.

I take a deep breath and walk forward smiling(well I hobble forward, I don't have to use crutches anymore but I still have to limp slightly). I'm handed my diploma and I shake the principles hand.

"Good job," he smiles at me.

I smile back and pose for my picture then I make it back to my seat.

After all the kids are called the principle makes a short speach,"And now the class of 2013!"

We all scream and yell happily and throw our hats into the air.

After the ceramony I meet Cole and my friends outside to meet up with our families.

"We did it!!" Kayli screeches with her arms around me, Cole, and Taylor,"We graduated!!"

We laugh and Cole hugs me closer.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Kayli and Taylor start chanting.

We laugh but give them what they want, a little smooch which makes them and a bunch others around us go Awww.

Cole's Uncle comes over and congratulates us, we talk to a few of our other friends then decide to go home.

Once home we change into our Pj's and lay in bed.

I turn on my side and look at Cole,"Thank you," I say.

He looks over at me and smiles,"For what?"

I lift my hand and stroke his cheek,"For everything! For saving me, giving me a place to stay, a home."

He pulls me close to him,"I'd do anything for you, I love you!" he then kisses me softly.

When we pull apart I smile and cuddle up to him. I sigh feeling complete, I live in a good home now, have an amazing boyfriend, and never have to see my horrible parents ever again.


Sorry I haven't updated in awhile but I've been working on my other story's, anyways hope you liked this chapter.




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