13. Never talk to someone in a dark alley!

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Chapter 13:

Cole's POV:

I almost drop the phone when I hear that,"What!" I bark,"What else did you find?"

I hear the shuffling of more papers,"The man I talked to that runs the institute said that his mother'healthy mother' might I add, took him there. He was taken because she was afraid of his well being and his obsession with a girl."

"Girl?" I croak.

"Yes, his mother said that his growing obsession with the girl made him start to go crazy. He said that since he couldn't have her, no one could!" Simon sighs,"Cole... The girl is Lily!"

And with that said the phone drops from my hand.

My god! She had class today....WITH HIM!

Lily's POV:

After I hang up with Cole I'm all happy and excited about tonight. I wonder what he's going to do, ooh I hope he proposes. I've been waiting for him to, I just love him so much and my life will be perfect.

I pull into the college parking lot and walk inside. I sit in my seat and wait for class to start. As more people come and sit I notice Nick isn't here yet, that's odd he's usually here early.

The teacher walks in a few minutes later,"Alright class today we are....."

Class goes by slowly and Nick never came. He usually made class bearable, I wonder where he could be. Last night he texted me saying he would see me in class today.

I try to not let it bother me and I focus on the class work. Lucky me though I have to end up partnering with Robbie, the disgusting, nose picking, red haired guy.

I thought since we're in college we'd be over the whole having partners and such. Well I thought wrong. This sucks.

"Hey, so what do you want to do this project on?" Robbie asks while snorting disgustingly.

I try to hold my breath since he smells so bad,"Um...I don't know, how about things in society or something?" I suggest.

"Ooh how about LARP or about the game Dungeons and Dragons, ooh or, or, how nose picking is good for the brain!" he suggests excitedly.

I stare at him with a da fuck expression on my face,"What's LARP?"

He rolls his eyes,"Live, action, role, play duh!" he snorts like I'm stupid for not knowing that.

"Oh kay..." I mutter and start writing.

Throughout the class Robbie talks about the weirdest things but I just try to block him out and get this project done.

Finally after the longest two hours of my life, class in finally finished.

I literally run out of there for more reasons than one. I want to get home to Cole and I also wanted to get as far away from Robbie as I could before he could start talking about something again.

I walk out to my car and unlock it, just as I open my door I happen to glance at the alley thats at the side of the building and I notice Nick!

I leave my door open and walk over to him, he's standing in the shadow of the building and now that's its dark out its even harder to see him.

"Nick, why weren't you in class today?" I ask.

"Sorry, just had some things to do," he answers. His voice sounds weird somehow, just not normal.

"Oh.." I say,"Um well I'll see you tomarrow," I wave slightly and start to walk back to my car.

"Wait!" Nick stops me, I turn,"Come here I want to tell you something."

I frown,"Um well Cole really wants me home..."

"It'll just be a second."

I sigh, I take a glance around then slowly walk over to him.

"So what you want to tell me?" I ask.

He smiles at me, now that I'm close I notice an odd look in his eyes that unnerves me.

"Oh I just wanted to say...." I feel him grab me and covers my mouth with a rag. I slowly start to go unconscious,"...Goodnight!"


Short chapter but yea school takes up a lot of my time. Hope you all liked it😄




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