24. Bloody wedding?

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Chapter 24:

Lily's POV:

I had managed to clean up my dress and also myself, and now I'm standing at the alter next to my beloved Nick.

"Do you, Nick Withers, take, Lily Colwells, as your wife?"

The doors of the chapel slam open,"No! Stop the wedding!"

I gasp in shock,"Cole?!"

He runs up to us, Nick steps in front of me protectivly,"Take another step, and this will turn into a bloody wedding!" Nick growls and puts his hand in his pocket, pulling out something. A gun!!

Cole raises his hands,"Nick, you need to calm down and stop all of this," Cole tries to calm my fiancé down.

I step around Nick and glare at Cole,"How dare you come here and ruin my wedding!" I snarl,"You already got my two best friends to be part of your craziness. Just leave me alone!!"

Cole looks at me pleadingly,"Lily, please you've got to remember. Nick abducted you and messed with your mind. Lily..." he gets down on one knee, "The night you were abducted, I was planning and asking you this," he pulls out tiny little box and opens it. The most beautiful ring lays inside,"Will you marry me?"

I stare at him in utter shock, he can't be serious? After everything he's done, he thinks that I'm going to believe his lie and go with him? I don't think so!

But a little nagging feeling in the back of my head is telling me that he is telling the truth. I can see such sincerity in his eyes.

Shaking my head,"Of course not!" I spit,"All you say are lies!"

Nick smirks and wraps his arm around my waist,"She loves me, Cole. Now run off so we can finally get married and live happily ever after."

Cold stands slowly, glaring at Nick,"You won't get away with this!" he snarls.

"I already have," Nick says with a huge smile.

I'm still confused as to why Nick has a gun. Well, I am sure he will explain later.

The doors to the room suddenly burst open. I jump back in fright as twenty armed policemen charge into the room, guns raised at Nick and I.

"MPD! Put your hands in the air and drop your gun!" one of them shouts.

MPD- means Minnesota police department.

My hands shoot into the air terrified. Nick drops his gun and raises his hands with a disgruntled sigh.

Cole just smiles and walks over to one of the policemen.

"Simon! Perfect timing," he says and pats the cop's back.

Simon smiles back at him,"Thought we would need some back up just in case," gesturing to the dozen of policemen around him.

Cole nods and is about to say something but he is cut off by a tough, dark skinned man, storming into the room.

"What the hell is going on here?!" he shouts,"I find half of my men gone, coming here from someone else's orders."

Simon walks over to him and tries to explain while a man comes over and starts hand cuffing Nick.

My eyes widen,"No! Stop, he didn't do anything!" I shout, trying to get to him. But another cop grabs me from behind and slaps a pair of cold cuffs on my wrists as well.

Cole sees this and starts to run to me,"Hey! Take those off her, she wasn't part of any of this-"

"Whatever this is," the dark skinned man says and walks over to us. I realize he is the chief. "It's a mess if you ask me. We are all going back to the station to sort this shit out."

A cops puts a pair of cuffs on Cole as well.

I continue to shout and try to break from the cop holding me, as Nick is taken away.

"Let me go! Let me go!"


Sooooo sorry for the long wait! I have been dealing with school and my other books. I know I have no real excuse but here is the newest chapter. I have finished the book, so I will be uploading probably today the last few chapters. Comment if you would like a sequel!




Never Look Back Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora