3. Oh this is your car..... Oops!

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Chapter 3:

Walking through town with Kayli and Taylor after softball practice. I told them me and Nick broke up and that he's a complete dick but I didn't tell them why of course. Not that they cared much.

"I told you he was a douchebag," Kayli is saying as we walk pass a restaurant,"He always....." she trails off and looks into the window.

I look to and see Nick and a blonde bimbo named Ashley. Wow he moves on fast!

My anger flares, I look around the street and see exactly what I'm looking for. I smirk evily and cross the street to where his baby(his Camaro) is parked.

"Lily...." Taylor says warningly knowing I'm about to do something stupid.

I smirk at her then take out my bat from my softball bag. I walk closer to the car and twirl it,"This is what he gets for leaving me for such a douchebag reason, and also for moving on to that slut so quickly."

I use all my strength and swing the bat down hard onto the hood of his car!

A crowd gathers around me as I beat the shit out of his car. I smash the windows and take out the headlights and sideview mirrors.

Someone runs over to me and I notice its Cole!

I smile at him,"Hey what's up?" I ask nonchalantly.

I dent the car door as he speaks,"What are you doing?" He asks,"It's really bad ass though!" he says smiling.

I smirk,"Just teaching Nick a little lesson," I glance around and see that almost everyone is videotaping me with their phones and cheering me on. I smile and look back at Cole,"Help me onto the hood?"

He nods and lifts me up onto the car. I thank him and raise the bat above my head to smash the windshield.

Someone pushes through the crowd,"Lily what the hell are you doing?!!!" Nick shouts.

I smirk at him,"Just smashing a car, it's pretty fun you should try it sometime."

"Get off MY CAR!!!" He yells.

"Oh this is YOUR car.... Oops!" I say then smile again,"Oh well!"

I use all my might and smash the windshield causing Nick to yell more.

I sigh feeling great, I leap off the car and Nick rushes to me. I point my bat at him making him back away,"Touch me and die!" I hiss then walk to my friends.

"That was fuckng Awsome!!" Kayli shouts.

I smile and we walk away from Nick who is almost crying over his beat up car. Cole gives us a ride in case the cops come.

He drops off Taylor and Kayli first then we drive around.

"That was Awsome," he tells me,"But why did you do it?"

I shrug,"Nick broke up with me over a really stupid douchebaggy reason."

He nods,"So um...... Say if we were to go out, would you reck my car?" he asks.

I'm shocked but answer,"Nah unless I had a good reason and this car is to nice to reck, I might steal it though."

He laughs,"Good to know.... So you want to go out?"

I smile and turn to him,"Yes, I would love to go out with you Cole."

He smiles in relief,"Great, I was waiting since the first day I met you to ask you to be my girlfriend."

I laugh at how cute he is.

*skipping some time*

About a month has gone by since Cole asked me out. He's so nice and funny and just everything about him is great, I sometimes question why would he ever like me but I'm not complaining. I love him! I really do, he's the only person that keeps my mind off of my parents.

I've been to his house alot and met his Uncle Rick, he's nice and likes me but is rarely home. Cole's house is HUGE!! He is rich but I didn't expect his house to be that big, it's like a freaking mansion almost. Anyways I love it there, for more reasons than one. It has a pool, game room, flatscreen tvs, bunch of Awsome stuff, and it also keeps me out of my house. But with me being gone alot we sometimes lose track of time like while watching a movie or something, and my parents get more angry than usual and my beatings are becomeing worse!


Cole drops me off near my house once again, I say goodbye to him and I slowly walk inside to face my parents.

We were watching Iron Man at Cole's house and fell asleep so now it's about 5 pm.

"Where have you been?!" my father yells.

I groan annoyed, it's the same question every single day.

I walk pass him and try to make it up the stairs,"I was at school," I tell him.

He grabs my arm and shakes his head,"School ended three hours ago!" he hisses.

I look at him terrified, he actually remembered I went to school! Oh god he must actually be kinda sober, but that's even worse than him being drunk!

"I.... I had softball practice," I stutter telling half the truth.

He glares at me,"You come home right after school from now on!" he growls,"Now for your punishment!"

He slams me against a wall and kicks me in the stomach. I cry out in pain and curl up into a ball but that makes him even more mad.

"Lisa!" he calls to his wife and my so-called mother,"Get the knife!"

My eyes widen,"No, please no!" I cry out,"Dad PLEASE don't do this! I'm your daughter!"

He chuckles evily and takes the knife from my mother,"You are no daughter of mine," he says,"Just a disgraceful mistake!"

He swings the knife at me,"Noo!!!" I scream.

He cuts up my arms and legs and leaves a deep cut on my cheek. I whimper in pain then scream when he plunges the knife into my thigh.

He laughs evily while doing it then slams my head against the wall. I finally start to fall into blackness, his laughter following me.


Jeez she has some horrible parents, well anyways hope you liked it. The next chapter will be longer.




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