16. What have I done!

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Chapter 16:

Cole's POV:

The cops got the footage of Lily being taken and driven away in Nick's car. Daniels said that they will put out a state wide watch for his car and license plate.

"If they're still in the state we will find them," Daniels promises.

I just nod and ask what I can do in the meantime.

He shakes his head,"Not much," he puts a hand on my shoulder,"Just let us take care of this son."

I walk out of the police station fuming in anger. How can I just sit back and not doing anything while that maniac has my Lily pad?!

I climb into my car and slam the door shut, I close my eyes and try to calm down. Me being angry won't help anything.

I try to think about anything I know about Nick that can help. All I know is that he's crazy, kidnapped my girlfriend, and supposedly has a sick mother.....

WAIT! His mother!

I quickly call up the team of men I hired to search Nick's personal files.


"Simon, I need you and the guys to find out where Nick Withers was living while here, and where his mother is living," I tell him.

"Ok, and did you tell Lily of the information we found?" he asks.

I sigh,"No," I say softly,"He got her before I could. That's why I need any information of where he might be headed."

There's silence on the other end of the line,"I'm sorry we couldn't find out his school records earlier," he finally says.

I shake my head and sigh,"It's not your guys fault, Nick would have taken her some other way if we knew."

He sighs,"Well we will do whatever we can to help."

I nod even though he can't see me,"Good, I need all the places he's been lately, any recent purchases, everything. We need to go into way more detail than before," I tell him.

"We will get right to it," then the phone cuts off.

I throw my phone in the passenger seat and drive.

I drive with no real purpose or direction for awhile. I just try to calm myself down so I can focus on finding Lily.

About a half an hour later my phone starts ringing, I grab it and press answer,"Simon what did you find?"

The other side of the line is quiet then faint crying comes to my ears, a chilling voice then sounds,"Hello Cole!"

I immediately slam on my breaks, ignoring the honking horns and yelling people behind me,"Nick! I swear to god if you don't tell me where Lily is-"

"You'll what?" he taunts,"Kill me? You'll have to find me first."

"Why? Why did you take her?" I have to ask.

He chuckles,"Why? Because I love her! And you stole her from me!" he hisses menacingly,"NOW YOU WILL KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO HAVE THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE TAKEN FROM YOU!" he shouts, he takes a deep breath and calms himself,"No matter, you will not find us, she will fall back in love with me, and you will get on will your sorry excuse of a life. Now say your last goodbye to your sweet Lily pad."

I hear the phone being moved around then I hear my Lily. The cries were coming from her."Cole!" she screams.

"Lily!" I shout,"Are you ok? Has he hurt you?!"

She sniffles,"I...I'm fine. He hasn't done anything to me.... yet."

"Listen, I will find you," I promise,"I will, no matter how long it takes just don't give up! I'll come for you, I promise."

"Cole I'm so scared!" she sobs.

"I know, just do what he says," I tell her,"I don't know what he wants from you but it can't be good. Just do what he wants, I don't want him hurting you because of your defiance. Just pretend and I will try to hurry and find you. I have a bunch of police men on the lookout for Nick and his car-"

"He ditched his car awhile back Cole," she tells me.

I run a hand through my hair,"Do you have any idea where you might be?"

"No, he either kept me knocked out or blindfolding when he drove."

"Lily I will find you. I love you," I tell her.

"I love you to-"

"Now that's enough heartfelt love shit," Nicks voice suddenly cuts off my angels."You won't find us, so stop trying. I know you have a team of cops, but what you didn't know was that the last two years I've been planning this. I've thought of every possible outcome, all the safety precautions, extra cash, place to live, even studied what cops do in this situation. You can't beat me, just give up Andrews-"

"Is this down kind of game to you!" I bark,"She's a living person! This isn't a game of hide the girl and I seek her out. You had your chance with her and you blew it. She fell in love with me, so get over it!"

"I wouldn't be saying those things to me if I was you, with all these knives lying around....who knows what could happen," then the phone cuts off.

I slowly lower my phone with wide eyes, what have I done!

Short chapter but making up for not updating for a month. Enjoy.




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