18. Memories and almost car crashes

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Chapter 18:

Finally decided to write Nick's POV, hope you all like it

Nick's POV!!!:

Lily, my beautiful, sweet Lily. I finally have her now, and I'm never letting her go!

It's all my mothers fault. After I left Lily, which was the dumbest thing I've ever done, I then realized I still loved her, even if I thought she was cheating on me with Cole. But She was in the hospital for weeks and her fucking friends wouldn't let me even get close to her. I fell into a, well I guess most would call it depression. And by the time I heard Lily was out of the hospital, she was in the care of someone and I had no idea where she now lived. My mother thought that my need to find Lily and take her back was an obsession. So she took me back to that godforsaken institute that took most of my childhood from me.

I got my revenge on her though, she won't ever take me there again!

I walk into Lily's room. Since our fight yesterday I decided to give her some space so I've been sleeping in the guest room. She's been in here all day and I haven't been able to get her to come out.

"Lily, please come out," I plead from the doorway.

She has her face pressed into the bed,"No!" her voice is muffled by the blanket.

I sigh,"Well I'm going to go into town to get some provisions. Do you need anything?" I ask.

She stays silent then mutters,"Chocolate."

I smile pleased then turn to the door, I stop and glance back at her still figure,"Oh and don't try escaping. It will only anger me," I send her smile which she cannot see then leave the room.

I walk out the front door and make sure its locked up tight, then I walk to the car I had stolen awhile ago. It's nothing fancy, I wouldn't want to draw attention to myself. I am sad about having to leave my Camaro though.

My mind wanders as I drive. Driving was always calming for me, sometimes my mind wanders to dark places though.


"Let me go!" I shriek.

"I told you that you are not aloud to talk to anyone, not even your mother!" my father yells at me. He yanks me by my arm and throws me down the dark, dank, basement stairs.

I hit my head several times and my wrist twists painfully. I land at the bottom of the stairs finally, the relief is short lived though when I see my father stomp down the steps.

I lay there cradling my wrist to my chest and holding my head, it keeps pounding over and over like it does sometimes and it just gets worse when it gets hit again.

'Kill,' a voice hisses inside my head.

Sometimes I hear voices, they tell me to hurt my father and other people. I try not to listen to them, but there becoming unbearable and almost a good idea at times like this.

"Make the voices stop!" I whimper.


My father chuckles darkly,"You are a little freak aren't you. I knew it from the day you were born," he tells me,"You are nothing! You will never be anything!"


'Kill!' the voices get louder.

I squint my eyes shut and claw at my face.


My hand grabs the first thing I can next to me and I launch at my father. He falls backwards, surprised at my sudden attack. His face stays shocked as I raise a jagged piece of metal that I grabbed then thrust it into his chest.

I keep stabbing and slit his throat, I feel his blood spray over me like a sprinkler. Some of it gets in my mouth and surprisingly it doesn't taste half bad.

I stand panting and drop the jagged weapon to the floor. I hear a gasp, I turn and see my mother staring at the scene with horror filled eyes. She walks over to me hesitantly.

I stare up at her innocently,"The voices told me to do it mommy."

I blink and try to stay focused on the road but more bad memories come flooding back.

A little girl with blonde pigtails raises her hand, so do I. The teacher picks her though, as always.

I glare at the teachers pet and clench my hands together, it's always her! Always! I raise my hand everyday but I never get picked to answer!

'Kill them!' the voices say,'Kill them and the rest will know you are superior to them.'

I stand and everyone stares at me. I calmly walk over to the teacher.

She looks down at me,"Is there something you need Nick?"

I quickly pull out a knife from my hoodie pocket and slash her stomach open.

Her face blanches, she gasps and looks down slowly to see her entrails falling from the gaping hole in her stomach.

The class is in a shocked silence then a terrified scream rings out, causing a chorus of others as they back away from me.

A smile creeps onto my face, I slowly walk toward Maddy, the little blonde girl with pigtails. She backs up into a corner, her wide eyes stare at me horrified with tears pouring out of them.

Just as my knife stabs into her throat, the classroom door flies open and a bunch of policemen enter the room. They spot me and easily overpower me, seeing as I'm only eight years old.

They grab me and take me away.

I shake my head and blink, I notice a tree quickly getting closer. I swerve back onto the road just missing the tree by inches, but the car goes out of control and finally stops in a ditch on the other side of the road.

My head bangs onto the steering wheel quite hard from the sudden stop. I groan and rub my head softly, it's bleeding a little but not too bad.

I sigh and lean my head back on the head rest. The silence doesn't last long, my phone starts going crazy.

I dig it out of my pocket and let of a stream of curses once I see that it's the alarm for my house.

I throw my phone on the passenger seat and quickly put the car in gear and speed out of the ditch and back to the house.

I literally jump out of the car and undo the many locks on the front door then slam it opens an run inside.

"Lily!" I shout. I look around then run through out the house searching for her.

I get to my room and see the wall is actually dented beside the window and the window is smashed open.

"Shit!" I say then rush down the stairs and out the front door.

She must have ran into the woods. I take off running after her, she won't get away from me this time.


Ughhh my thanksgiving vacation is over!!! This sucksss!!! Anyways sorry for not updating sooner but with family, yummy food, playing Skyrim everyday, and sleeping in, I didn't find time to and also I had writers block. Any who you know the deal comment! vote! and fan!

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