21. Memory loss?

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Chapter 21:

Nick's POV:

I gave her chances and she just blew all of them. If she's going to be difficult than I'm going to have to turn to my last resort.

Lily's muffled yells come from the room where I tied her up and gagged her, I'm not in the mood to be hearing her screaming and cursing at 3 in the morning.

I'm currently in the kitchen looking through the cabinets for something. I got it about a year ago just in case I ever did kidnap Lily and she decided to be uncooperative.

Ma Huang! Perfect, just what I was looking for.

I smile and set it on the counter than walk to the otherside of the kitchen and start boiling a pot of water.

Ma Huang is a herb that causes memory loss. It looks just like an odd leaf but once it's crumbled up and brewed in hot water it becomes a powerful short term memory loss drink. I will give it to Lily once a week so the effects don't ware off.

Once the water is done, I crumble the leaf into it then stir the mixture to make sure it discinerates.

My smile grows as I stare at the tea looking brew. Lily will forget her friends, her life, Cole! All she will remember is what I want her to remember.

I pour some into a cup then walk to the room that holds lily. I push open the door and see her trying to get out of her binds, it's no use though, I've tested the strength of them myself and I'm an expert at tying knots from when I was a Boy Scout.

I set the cup on the nightstand and crouch next to the chair that she's tied to. I stare her in the eyes,"Don't scream." I command.

She stares at me silently. I take that as a go ahead and take off her gag.

"Fucking Dick!" she shouts as soon as its off.

I grit my teeth and glare at her,"I said Shut. Up!" my hand comes down hard across her left cheek.

Her expression turns to shock. She didn't think I'd actually hit her. I didn't want to but I'm sick of her not listening to me.

I grab the cup of special tea and hold it to her lips,"Now drink!" I command. She stares at it uncertainly."I will hit you harder if you don't drink!" I threaten.

She slowly opens her mouth and I pour the contents down her throat. Once she finishes it I stand and set the empty cup on the nightstand and wait.

Not even two minutes later I notice her eyes start to droop then her head falls forward unconscious.

I smile, stuff works fast.

I untie her then wrap some gauze around her head and set her on the bed and tuck her in. I kiss her forehead then climb in next to her. By morning she will be mine!


I wake the next morning to something struggling in my arms. I frown and open my eyes to see Lily freaking out and trying to get out of my hold on her.

"Who are you? Where am I?!" she questions frantically.

I try to calm her down,"Shhh calm down," I tell her softly,"Your name is Lily Colwells, and I'm your boyfriend Nick Withers."

She frowns confused,"Why can't I remember anything?"

"You were in an accident and hit your head pretty hard," I explain,"The doctor said you might suffer some memory loss."

She reaches up and touches the gauze around her head, her eyes widen,"What! Well how long will it last?!"

I shake my head,"I don't know but the doctor said some of your memories may come back in time," I tell her.

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